Name |
Comments |
895) |
Carmela Del Carmen |
Location: chicago |
 Thursday, 16. December 2010 18:51
Carol, I will support you and your project in the memory of Melanie.
god is always GREAT and will never leave us alone.
God bless!
894) |
Ronda |
Location: Nashville |
 Saturday, 11. December 2010 01:48
Thank you for unselfishly posting your heart and experience. I too an trying to raise awareness through my school english class and project. I'm a 31 year old new mom who dealt with severe PPD and have made it to the other side. Mom's need to stand together not judge.
893) |
Karla Linehan |
Location: Boston, MA |
 Tuesday, 16. November 2010 18:18
God bless you and this website for bringing Postpartum Psychosis out of the dark. In 2008 ten weeks after I had my son, I attempted to end my life. Thanks to swift medical intervention and the support of my husban, mother, brother and friends I found my way back to the joy and happiness of my life. It was not an easy road but so well worth it in the end. Karla Linehan
892) |
leimo |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 14. November 2010 07:23
Hello melanie. I support your battle :-)
891) |
Maureen |
Location: Glendale CA |
 Saturday, 13. November 2010 00:36
Wow I just had a baby 5 months ago and I think I'm suffering from PPD but a milder version of it. I'm very sorry for your loss
890) |
Keri |
Location: California |
 Wednesday, 20. October 2010 18:50
My name is Keri,and i too suffered from the nightmare called post partum phycosis.I was put in the hospital twice and it took a year (at least)to recover.Woman need to be made aware of this illness,i didn't know what was happening to me.I'am so verry sorry for your loss.Keep up the good work. :-)
889) |
ketaschi Hall |
Location: Chicago, Il |
 Saturday, 9. October 2010 14:40
This is a great thing you have done for your daughter. I hope that through her memory others may become aware of this unfortunate disorder. :-)
 Friday, 8. October 2010 06:23
I remember suffering from PPD a few years ago. It took me a long time to recognize it. I think there was this hidden fear of my life never being the same again if I came to terms with it. Truth is I will never will be the same. Though I will always have regrets of those dark thoughts and moments I am grateful for getting through it and having a stronger understanding. It has brought me to a point where I can try to help raise awareness to friends and family. For them to simply recognize that there is a potential for this debilitating condition and to recognize any signs can help greatly. I am also thankful for those who are pushing policymakers to do more to treat mothers suffering from postpartum depression and psychosis.
 Sunday, 3. October 2010 13:32
I suffered PPD 3 years ago. My heart goes out to your family.
886) |
Theresa Lemek |
Location: North Liberty, IA |
 Wednesday, 29. September 2010 22:21
I recently lost my sister-in-law to postpartum phychosis. She committed suicide and left behind a wonderful husband and two beautiful children;a 9 month old daughter and a 3 year old son. I am heartbroken beyond belief. I want to thank-you for your strength. I hope to understand more about this terrible disease. Keep fighting the fight!
885) |
Gail Cameron |
Location: Eastford,Ct |
 Wednesday, 29. September 2010 09:55
My condolences to you on the loss of your precious daughter...I am searching for help for our daughter,and have been unable to get help...I think she is very ill and has been since the baby was a couple of weeks old..I will call you...Thank-you for all of your work..
884) |
Trace Lawrence |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 21. September 2010 23:52
Congratulations Mrs. Blocker of your success with the precedent setting legislation in Melanie's name. It is a triumph well worthy of your efforts!
As well, every good wish for you and your loved ones of this day and always!
Happy Birthday! And joy filled returns of this special time!
Very Sincerely,
Trace Lawrence
883) |
hoo R. |
Location: U.S |
 Saturday, 11. September 2010 06:17
I am so sorry for your loss and sm happy that your grandaughter is fine. Too often these things end with the family feeling the loss of both the mother and the child. Melanie is with God now and may he watch over your family in this trying time.
882) |
tim |
Location: J.P |
 Saturday, 11. September 2010 06:16
After hearing Melonies Mom speak this morning at Christ Hospital, it has moved me to help others. I work for OB/GYN's and hope to come up with better strategies to help our Mothers in the fight against Post-Partum Depression and Psychosis. Thank you for your story and GOD BLESS.
881) |
pauline edra |
Location: quezon city, philippines |
 Sunday, 5. September 2010 20:18
thanks for sharing your daughters story and for letting us know that this is a battle that can be won.
880) |
Samantha |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Sunday, 29. August 2010 00:21
Hi Carol, this is Samantha, your waitress from the Medici on 57th this afternoon! After you left this afternoon, the whole staff of women at the Medici and I talked about PPD and the story you shared with me today. I want to thank you for everything you have done and are continuing to do for women everywhere. I really hope that you are proud of yourself and your wonderful journey. I am sorry that you had to live through what happened with your daughter but always, always remember that you have changed the lives, prolonged the lives of eventually millions of women and children. You have saved an unlimited amount of women children and families. It is a wonderful thing you have done for us. You lost a wonderful life, but your daughter is proud of you for what you have done. Thank you so much.
879) |
Amanda Cunningham |
Location: Hampton Roads, Virginia |
 Thursday, 26. August 2010 21:04
May the Lord send his angels to women around the world. May these angels aid in delivery and care of children and their mother's who need unmatched strength to raise a new soul. Stay strong ladies and get help when you know you need it!
878) |
Janna |
Location: Nashville |
 Saturday, 21. August 2010 16:44
This story brought me to tears, I had severy PPD/A after the birth of my 2nd daughter in July 2009 and still feel the side effects... Please keep this going..This needs to known that it is not all bliss..There needs to be more awareness and education. Thank you
877) |
Godhasaplan |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 12. August 2010 00:19
I would like to start by saying that I am very sorry to hear of your loss. And I am very sorry for everything I have ever said about anyone who has done something out of their control while affected by a mental disorder. My sister had her 3rd child 7 weeks ago and has since been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. It is by far the worst thing I have ever been through. I am trying my best to be there for her and to make sure that she is not given the chance to harm herself or her children. I absolutely hate watching this unfold but more than that I hate that I ever had a bad thought when I heard of famous cases such as melanie's. I now truly know that it is a sickness that the world needs to be educated on.
 Sunday, 1. August 2010 01:36
I am very sorry for your loss. I commend you on your efforts.
875) |
Vikki Thomas |
Location: Crete,IL |
 Wednesday, 28. July 2010 14:50
After hearing Melonies Mom speak this morning at Christ Hospital, it has moved me to help others. I work for OB/GYN's and hope to come up with better strategies to help our Mothers in the fight against Post-Partum Depression and Psychosis. Thank you for your story and GOD BLESS.
874) |
Christopher |
Location: Florida |
 Saturday, 17. July 2010 13:50
Thank you for raising awareness about this devastating illness. My wife developed PPP after the birth of our 2nd child and it almost destroyed our family. Thank God for having given me the strenght and for surrounding our family with so much support.
873) |
Erica Lehman |
Location: Wheaton, IL |
 Friday, 16. July 2010 02:23
Thank you for sharing Melanie's story and helping to make it more okay for all of us to talk about this...and for helping push for change in health care.
872) |
Holly Opie |
Location: Bethel Park, PA |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 06:11
I'm so sorry for all that you and your family has endured. I think the work you are doing in your daughter's memory is truly wonderful. I never experienced PPD myself, but I have two young boys and suffer from depresion and anxiety, and that can make some days very difficult. God bless you for trying to help others b/c of what you have faced in your own life experiences. Your daughter is surely smiling down from heaven. :-)
871) |
J. Mack |
Location: St. Louis, MO |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 03:45
I'm not sure why I was led to your site, but Melanie's story touched me. I am about to become a grandmother for the first time in a couple of months. Afer reading about Melanie, I will be vigilant after my daughter- in- law gives birth to support her if she seems to be in trouble. (Just as you were.)
May God bless you and your grand-daughter.
870) |
molly heise |
Location: hugo, Minnesota |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 03:01
I remember reading your story a while ago after I was reading and researching post partum depression and psychosis. I suffered horrible psychosis after my second daughter was born. It is so real and so scary. People don't understand how aweful it is and will not understand until people like you push to make it real. Even doctors don't know how to handle it and ER doctors are the worst!!! They have no idea and are not trained to handle these delicate situations. I almost killed myself on the way home from the ER after being treated like I was a freak and there was nothing they could do for me :-( Anyway, thank you for the awareness that you are bringing to this subject!
869) |
octavia |
Location: cleveland, oh |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 02:45
My deep condolences goes out to you and i think it is great that you are doing this.
868) |
Toni Mayhue |
Location: Dallas, Texas |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 02:20
I am so sorry for your loss and sm happy that your grandaughter is fine. Too often these things end with the family feeling the loss of both the mother and the child. Melanie is with God now and may he watch over your family in this trying time.
867) |
Michele |
Location: Northwest Indiana |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 02:07
Hello. I was at the Oprah show to see you and your family, the show was cancelled, that date was September 11, a day America will never forget. I also will never forget when I was invited back at another time to see the show. I had suffered from Post Partum depression, and knew what it felt like to be in the gripes of this awful disease. I am so sorry about your daughter. Words cannot express~~~~
God Bless you~~~~
866) |
Allison |
Location: Virginia |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 01:52
What a heart breaking article about your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss, but I am glad that her child and widowed husband has such a wonderful support system. You have done a great job and this website is touching, and very informative. I've learned a lot I never knew.
865) |
Darcy |
Location: Maine |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 01:49
:-) Your daughter, Melanie, was so lovely in the pictures - now, she is a beautiful angel, watching over her little baby girl from Heaven.
You are a wonderful Mommy, Carol.
God Bless. xoxo
864) |
Katie Flynn |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 13. July 2010 01:07
It is wonderful that you are doing this for your daughter. It is so hard to lose loved ones. Thank you for making people aware. I am an expecting mother myself and i will now know when to get help. You are a wonderful women.
863) |
Victoria Dozier |
Location: Chicago IL |
 Friday, 2. July 2010 02:48
What a wonderful mother you are... your daughter did not lose her life in vain. So many people suffer from depression (myself included).... thanks for being a voice for the people that do not have a voice because of their illness.
862) |
stephanie blackwell |
Location: jackson ms |
 Tuesday, 22. June 2010 01:30
God bless you and all you do my sister-in-law is in hopital with postpartum psychosis it came on very quickly i pray the baby will be safe when she gets out i am so worried about my 3 mo old niece thanks for all the information your granddaughter is beautiful stephanie
861) |
Karen Massey |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 17. June 2010 14:35
Mrs. Blocker,
Thank you so much for all of your work to educate others about this illness! You and Melanie have provided great life models for all. Though it's not the same as having her 'here on earth', I hope it is comforting to see Melanie in Sommer's eyes.
God bless you :-)
860) |
Wendy Bates Summers |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 17. June 2010 14:34
May our Almighty God bless your family for all that you do in the name of Melanie. I knew her when she was a young teenager; such a beautiful girl, especially from the her heart. God had a perfect plan for Melanie and He has a perfect plan for all of us. You will always be in my prayers.
859) |
Joop van Splunder |
Location: Netherlands |
 Thursday, 17. June 2010 00:54
Terrible tragedy. The thing I don't quite understand is this: is it either a good thing or a bad thing to be a pharmaceutical sales manager? :confused:
858) |
Karen A. Chachere |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Thursday, 17. June 2010 00:16
I was blessed to have both Carol and Melanie Blocker in my life as a pre-teen. I have never forgotten the great kindness and warmth that they showed me during a particularly difficult time in my life. Melanie and Mrs. Blocker were a godsend to me. Although I lost contact with them both, through the years, my admiration for both of them will never ever end. Mrs. Blocker, thank you for introducing Melanie to me, and Melanie thank you for sharing your mom with me. Mrs. Blocker you still rock! You taught me to always push through adversity--I have and will with you in mind always.
Karen A. Chachere, Ph.D.
857) |
Fred Bates |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 16. June 2010 23:21
BTW: The AOL article was well done. OUTSTANDING WORK CAROL!
856) |
Fredrick H. Bates |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 16. June 2010 23:19
I will always love the Blocker family as my own. Melanie I miss your smile. I miss your friendship. I miss YOU! Love you forever! Fred Bates
 Monday, 7. June 2010 20:03
My husband Carlos and I met you in Borders Bookstore on Memorial Day. I went on your website that week. I just want you to know that the work you have done is so needed and shows such great honor and dedication to your beautiful daughter Melanie.
The Lord is truely divine in the way he works in that I would be going to an event at my friend's house who is an OB/GYN just minutes after I met you. I gave my friend your cards. I also got to speak to a midwife at the event.
I promise to pass this resource on to anyone that can use it. I am also so glad that my husband got a chance be reminded of Melanie's story as he sees many post-partum patients.
God bless you and your beautiful grandaughter Sommer and may the Lord continue to use both of your lives to do great works.
With Love,
Samara and Carlos Crudup + (Carly 3 yrs. and Caden 1 yr.)
 Sunday, 6. June 2010 02:23
 Saturday, 5. June 2010 05:38
852) |
shannon hanson |
Location: - |
 Friday, 4. June 2010 02:25
Hi my name is Shannon and I just read the article in the paper today about your family's struggle and the law being passed. First I just want to say I am so sorry for your loss , but thank you for doing your part for this cause. My son just turned a year and about 3 months after he was born post-partum hit me like a freight train I was in a out of the hospital 3 times and took a overdose of ambien because I could not sleep and was having dellusions. I am healthy now and am loving every moment with my child. I have a hard time with grieving the moments I lost when in the hospital. I actually got a apoligy from my doctors for not giving me the best care. But where is the awarness in this profession. I am very passionate about this cause and actually would like to get involved in work or volunteer if you know of any organizations please let me know. Thanks again for your fight Sincerely, Shannon and her son
851) |
Monica |
Location: Kansas City, MO |
 Wednesday, 2. June 2010 18:26
Ms. Carol, I was truly moved by Melanie's story. I, too, can relate to some of what your family has gone through, and I must say that it takes a tremendous heart to be able to not only share your baby's story, but also to become that VOICE-- that advocate for others who, unfortunately can not speak for themselves and, more often than not, have no one to walk that journey with them. You are truly a GOD SEND! Little Ms.Summer is a very special & lucky child to have someone who will keep her mom's legacy alive, bring her illnes to the forfront, and ensure that that baby, and so many others, know that IN NO WAY are they to blame!!! Many blessings to you!
850) |
Location: Chicago, ILL |
 Monday, 31. May 2010 23:00
Thinking of Melananie on this Memorial Day !
849) |
Ann Marie Soto |
Location: Brooklyn, NY |
 Monday, 31. May 2010 05:07
Hi Carol,
God bless you in all your wonderful efforts. My sincere sympathy for losing your daughter. I just hope your story truly opens eyes to this issue. Good luck with everything.....
848) |
Phill Aranda |
Location: California |
 Monday, 31. May 2010 02:44
Carol - I'm so sorry to read Melanie's story. I knew Melanie briefly when she was a child. I believe you and I knew each other when we both attended attended Jr College in Chicago.
Peace to you...Phill
847) |
Judith Rivera |
Location: Greer, SC |
 Monday, 31. May 2010 00:10
God Bless You and your Family and I hope the best for your effort. I would like to know how I can help anyone. In my country we believe that after postpartum , you have to take care of yourself for 40 days , or you risk your mental health. I had a aunt that suffer from postartum pshycosis for more than 40 years, she never recovery :-) .
846) |
Jody Baumann |
Location: Pharr, tx 78577 |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 23:58
I am glad you told your story, I also had this with my first son not as bad but being angry,sad,and the feeling of not knowing what was wrong with me,my mom took my son alot,I was scared. It took so long to get my mental state back. I so sorry for your loss. I am so glad you are doing what you are doing. I wish I would have knowen and could have been helped. My son is now is going to be 22 and love him and we are very close.
845) |
harison |
Location: new yorok |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 23:36
:-( aww i felso sorry for he lost my god bless you i hope yuh sil find he srengh to conutued your jerney
844) |
Donna |
Location: Baltimore MD |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 23:18
I went to Spelman with Melanie and I remember her being beautiful, friendly and lots of fun. I was saddenend to hear about her losing her battle to this terrible disease. Thank you so much for keeping Melanie's story and now Melanie's Law in forefront and fighting for those who have no voice and suffer in silence with this disease. May GOD bless you your granddaughter, son in law and your whole family. Keeping you in prayer.
843) |
Danette |
Location: Alpharetta, GA |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 23:03
May God bless this tremendous work...although birthed in tragedy, may you experience joy through the many lives that will be saved as a result of your unselfishness and compassion.
842) |
Donna |
Location: Baltimore, Maryland |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 23:00
Just finished reading you daughters story it was very touching.God Bless you for being there for your grandbaby. May God give you the strength to continue on your journey.
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:52
Thank you for the work that you have done. I unfortunately suffered from Postpartum Psychosis in 2002 after the birth of my daughter. I really wished I knew about Melanie’s story then. I desperately looked for people who had my experience so I could know what to do. I was fortunate enough to have a team of OBs who recognized my illness and helped me get temporary disability and an extended maternity leave from my job. They also prescribed medication, followed up, suggested support groups and alternative treatments. I was lucky and with their help, my daughter and I survived that first year which was very lonely since I was a 41 y.o. single mother with little to no emotional support from family, except for my mother, due to my father's illness, Alzheimer's. I guess my silly baby blues seemed really silly to the rest of my family, if they only knew and understood? It was terrifying. Even now I tear up thinking about those dark times. I still thank god every day that someone understood my illness and knew what to do. Thank you for helping us all. I will do anything I can to help you.
840) |
Karen |
Location: Southern California |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:27
Dearest Carol, I was so deeply touched and very saddened by your story. I just wanted to say, although I have not experienced this type of situation personally (I have three boys 24, 21 and 17) my heart goes out to you and your family. Carol I praise you and the great work you are doing in honor of your daughter Melanie, Son-in-law Sam and granddaughter Sommer. Carol, please know that your voice and message is being heard and the ripple effect of the awareness to such things that can happen, is astronomical. Thank you Carol for standing on the mountain top and sharing your heart wrenching story about this unfortunate life struggle that one can experience in life. God bless you and your beloved family Carol.
839) |
julie |
Location: Tampa |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:22
May God Bless you, you are a gift as your daughter and her daughter are as well.
838) |
stephanie |
Location: apopka,florida |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:19
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. It's sad that things like this have to happen before we really understand whats going on with people.
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:15
May God continue to bless your family. I pray that Melanie's Law continues to shed light on postpartum mental illness and causes the medical community to wake up, become more informed and better prepared to diagnose and treat this disease.
836) |
Cheryl |
Location: Plano,TX |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:11
I thank God for giving me my daughters', they are his gift to me, they have become beautiful, smart and loving young ladies, we all have a blessful relationship together, and we all send our love and prayers to you and your famiy once again.
835) |
Maggie |
Location: Brooklyn, ny |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:10
I am so sorry for your loss, wow may God Bless you and your family always...
I am a mother myself i have a son who will be 8 this year, and a husband who is a soldier, when I gave birth and our son was 4 months old my husband was deployed to Iraq to War, and I was raising our son for a year and a half, and i did also have postpartum depression, as well as chronic depression being a first time mom, and husband at war, nervous not knowing if my husband was ok or not, and in the mean time raising my son all alone, it was very hard, but i did go for help and till this day i am still seeing my psychiatrist and therapist once a week, and yes my husband came back safe, but hurt, but it's ok not bad, as long as we still have him, is what matters the most... Thank God,... I am very sorry.... Good Luck
834) |
Shari Hopkins |
Location: Arizona |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:09
Thank you for sharing your daughter's story and being so diligent in your efforts to get Melanies Law passed. May God Bless you, your family and Sommer all the days of your life, and may Melanie be in His arms and resting in peace.
833) |
Cheryl |
Location: Plano,Tx |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 22:03
Hi, I heard about your daughters' tragedy a few years after it happen, and I would like to say that it hurt my heart, I know what postpardum depression can do, because I went through it myself after my oldest daughter was born, now my oldest is 18 and I have a 16 yr.old who will be 17 in June of this year, and they are beautiful, and I love them both dearly from the bottom of my heart, they are my blessed gifts from God, and I thank him for having them, and giving me the striength to pull through, and I did pull through it, and I give all thanks again to the Lord God and my mother for seeing me through it all, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. May God continue to Bless you and your family.
832) |
Mercy |
Location: Jersey |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 21:57
May God Bless You & Your Family..... Thanks for sharing your story and for helping other women.
831) |
JCarter |
Location: Valdosta GA |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 21:55
Congratulations on a fight well fought! I am so happy that your time, effort, pain and devotion has finally paid off. Melanie was so beautiful, and I'm sure your grand-daughter will grow up to be just as beautiful and smart. Stay strong for her, and remind her each day how wonderful her mom really was!
830) |
Bill Bolinger |
Location: Daytona Beach |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 21:26
After reading the story, looks like the black man took off like they always do. Hell, he didn't want anything to do with a half honky baby.
So much for interracial marriage.
829) |
LoveMyGarden |
Location: North Carolina |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 21:11
Thank you for telling your story and for your courageous action. In 1963 I had an episode of postpartum psychosis, which at that time was completely unheard-of. Only God's grace and a miracle prevented me from doing dreadful harm to my infant. I an now 68 and still can barely think about it. Thank you so much for your courage in speaking out for all of us.
828) |
Pattie |
Location: New York |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:44
Dearest Carol, God bless you and your endeavor to help new mothers with postpartum depression. I remember with my first child was born and how depressed I was and how I couldn't understand why I felt the way I did. Like it was very dark outside all the time and life was blah. I cannot imagine the pain you suffered losing a child and I will pray for you, your beautiful Sommer Skyy and for perpetual peace for your precious Melanie. I hope and pray that new mothers will be able to find the help they need when they are feeling so despondent and that Melanie's death wasn't in vain. When the time comes for my two girls to give birth to their children, I will be sure to look for signs of depression and give the help and support they need.
God Bless
827) |
Renita |
Location: Birmingham, AL |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:43
I am so touched by the story of your daughter. I think the work that you are doing is wonderful, in the memory of your daughter. Your granddaughter is blessed to be raised by you, and is a blessing for you.
I never new how serious this was until I read your daughter's story. I am glad you are a crusader for your daughter and the daughters of others. Keep up the fight.
826) |
Ruby |
Location: Homewood, IL |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:40
I was so touched when I first read about your story. Having read this I feel that I need to help all people with mental disabilities, because there is such a stigma. I have know people who have committed suicide and the families are left so hurt. Wish you the best of lick on your endeavors!!
825) |
Michelle |
Location: Birmingham, Alabama |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:36
I pray that for your strength and I hope that her daughter will eventually know her mom was a beautiful woman. How tragic this happened and we all thank you for fighting for this bill to help one woman keep fighting her way back.
824) |
Annette |
Location: California |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:16
The work you have undertaken in your daughter's memory is awesome. On behalf of the many who have suffered major postpartum depression and psychotic disorders, those of us who managed by the grace of God to survive, those of us who would pray to never see this disorder strike at another woman in our lifetimes, and those - like you - whose families have given everything to save or attempt to save a woman so suffering, I thank you.
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:12
I was very touched by your story. I admire your strength in taken care of your granddaughter and being the guidance she needed. May God bless you.
822) |
Trina Rawson |
Location: New Jersey |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 20:01
Carol, your daughters story is so moving. I applaud your efforts and congrats witht he new bill being passed.
821) |
Allison |
Location: Mandeville, LA |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 19:28
Carol, my heart goes out to you and Sommer. That adorable little girl had a rough start but she's lucky to have such a determinded grandmother.
I'm sure Melanie is proud of you for everything you've done in her honor to make sure that other women won't suffer in the same way she did.
God Bless you.
820) |
Jane |
Location: California |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 19:15
Carol, I honor your profound devotion to protect mothers and children. I offer my love and condolence to the loss of your beautiful Melanie, and I send hopes that your service work will protect countless babies and children, and their mothers. My niece and nephew have grown up without the love and nurtuing of their own beautiful mother due to undiagnosed postpartum illness. Watching their lifelong struggles without their mother speaks to the urgency of your work and voice for those unable to ask for help. God bless you and keep you strong and well for this important quest.
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 19:00
I'm so deeply sorry to read about this. When I read this, my heart automatically went out to you and your family and of course, the little baby Sommer.
This is truly devastating and I'm positive mothers around the world will be overly grateful for your pursue in making this illness known so another child will not walk this Earth, motherless.
Bless you so much, Carol. You're an incredibly strong women.
818) |
MaryAnne |
Location: Eugene, OR |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 18:44
I am so sorry to hear about Melanie. I completely understand what she was going through. I, too, suffered from post partum depression for 5 years and 3 pregnancies. You see, it was never diagnosed and never treated until after the birth of my 3rd child. My husband was useless and instead of being empathetic, he was digusted by me and told me I was a horrible person. Back then, post partum depression was unheard of. I finally wound up going to the emergency room, with a nervous breakdown from his abuse and all these kids. I remember after my first child was born. I just could not deal with the responsiblity. I was obsessed about how I could convince my mother to take her. My husband spun this to prove I was a terrible person, much less a terrible mother. After the 3rd child was born, he convinced the older 2 that I loved the 3rd one more than them. To this day, I have no contact with my older children, now 22 & 20. My message is to not be ashamed of getting help. It is not you or the baby, it is a real illness. The sooner you get help, the sooner you will be able to enjoy your baby.
817) |
Dione Shemdoe |
Location: Texas |
 Sunday, 30. May 2010 18:34
I was so saddened to hear about the lost of Melanie but your fight honors her life and who she was. Congratulations on the passage of Melanie's Law. You honor your daughter's name everyday in a special way. God Bless you and Melanie's little baby girl (her legacy) left in your care. Your work is awesome and you inspire others.
816) |
dr archana nirula |
Location: new delhi india |
 Sunday, 23. May 2010 11:53
hi i am the ppd coordinator for india.i became overwhelmed when i read about melanie . all the best in your fight against this terrible disease.
815) |
Janet |
Location: Boston ma |
 Saturday, 22. May 2010 20:03
I'm very sorry to hear about Melanie's story. As a mother I commend you on your great work, my family & I will add you to our prayers. best of luck, much love & happiness to you....
 Saturday, 22. May 2010 17:13
I rejoice with you and all women and their families upon the passage of Melanie's bill. Such a poignant story, such a beautiful daughter and grand-daughter and what a special woman you are! thanks you and may God bless you all.
813) |
Location: CHICAGO |
 Saturday, 22. May 2010 13:20
God Bless Melanie, I have followed her journey and hope her daughter is doing well.
812) |
Deb Dennis Perry |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 22. May 2010 00:57
Congratulations on the passing of Melanie's Law!
I attended Spelman during the time that Melanie was there. Although we were not friends, we did have mutual friends and I remember her beautiful smile still today.
May God continue to keep you and your family comforted by his loving ermbrace.
811) |
Kay |
Location: Chicago |
 Friday, 21. May 2010 02:31
Congratulations on the bill being passed. I remember well when Melanie died. That summer I also had a newborn and suffered from depression (not pp psychosis... but it was a miserable experience while it lasted.) It is confusing and terrible to be so sad at a time when our culture and media portray new motherhood as a time of unconditional happiness. I did get help , thankfully. It was a terrible summer (1999), - several cases of post-partum psychosis made the news (Texas and two in Chicago including Melanie). I'm grateful for your work as it is so important for the Mothers out there who need help. It is our job to "Mother the Mothers." Thanks again. Blessings to you, Summer, Sam and the rest of your family.
810) |
Lena Moore |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 18. May 2010 22:41
CONGRATS on the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act bill being passed!!!
I am a long-time client of Mr. Blocker and today, he informed me of the bill's passing.
I remember Melanie's story as if it were yesterday. Her death was such a senseless tragedy.
I have recently graduated from Loyola with a Master's in Social Work and am aware of the need for education and prevention in regards to PPD/PPP. This bill being passed is long overdue.
Mrs. Blocker, I commend you on your undying efforts to bring PPD/PPP to national awareness. Your courage, bravery, unwavering efforts has and will save the lives of many children and women. God Bless you, the Blocker and Stokes Family!!!
809) |
Melissa Hoffman |
Location: Lawrence, Kansas |
 Wednesday, 12. May 2010 21:28
Congratulations on the latest success of all your hard work. Your committment, strength, and determination is amazing.
808) |
Walker Karraa |
Location: sherman oaks, CA |
 Wednesday, 12. May 2010 13:40
Dear one Carol, nothing will replace your loss...but I am so happy the Mothers Act has passed. Thank you for all of your work.
807) |
Maurice & Lisa Billups |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 12. May 2010 00:07
My wife and I would like to say congrats on the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act bill being passed. We are past clients and have followed the story from day one by newspaper, internet etc. We are bleesed to have met and done business with your family. Walter gave us a chance when nobody else would, and we are forever grateful. Congrats and keep fighting and pushing the cause.
806) |
Deborah Sanford |
Location: Chicago IL |
 Tuesday, 11. May 2010 17:25
I was sorry hear about your daughter how the doctor's did not diagnose her condition early. Not only have you lost your daughter but your granddaughter has lost the love of her mother and i commend you on being there for her and for not letting her forget who her mother was. God is truly blessing you and staying by your side.
805) |
Sarah Lane |
Location: Natick, Massachusetts |
 Monday, 10. May 2010 23:02
Your daughter's story is saving my daughter's life. Your strength helps me know I can help her through. Each day is a struggle. It is so hard to watch this psychosis unfold. You are always in my thoughts...
804) |
Laura Michener |
Location: - |
 Monday, 10. May 2010 13:57
Hello Ms Blocker,
You may remeber me I was one of your students Mother Vicente (Vince) Rodriguez. I would like to say you are such a inspiration to all the Mothers out there.I knew if anyone can make people take notice to this horrible condition that woman go through I knew it would be you.Please keep up with the great work.You are a amazing person and the woman are lucky to have you as there voice.
Laura Michener
803) |
Erica Brindley |
Location: Pennsylvania |
 Friday, 7. May 2010 20:00
Thank you for all you have done to promote awareness and better legislation for ppd and ppp. My sister has just has a ppp episode (gave birth 3 mos prior) and tried to hurt her 3-yr-old son with a knife (nobody was badly injured, thank goodness). She's being treated like a criminal in Alabama, and she succeeded in biting off part of her finger while in jail.
I'm working all hours trying to get her transferred to a hospital where she belongs and making sure she gets a fair trial.
802) |
Stephanie |
Location: GA |
 Wednesday, 21. April 2010 18:04
I'm so sorry for your loss. I suffered terribly from PPD with daughter. Luckily, I got help in time. God bless you.
801) |
Scherie |
Location: Arizona |
 Thursday, 15. April 2010 13:53
I have suffered from ppd for both my pregnancies and am pregnant now. So far it has been very good but I have had 3 dreams so far throughout the pregnancy where I have dreamed of hurting my oldest. It has been to the oldest for the two episodes. I have told my family that I will probably have a hard time after this baby is born in July (10th) yet I am still quite scared that it ppd will cross by my door. It has the other two times why not this time. I would pray that all my hair would fall out then to feel the insanity PPD gives me. Thank you for making people aware!!
800) |
Kristen Rountree |
Location: Idaho |
 Wednesday, 14. April 2010 16:07
I stuggled with this terrible diagnosis for months. Most frightening thing I have ever been through, and also for my loved ones. Honestly, I am very lucky I survived. I would love to help.
799) |
Lakeisha Starnes |
Location: Anniston, Alabama |
 Wednesday, 14. April 2010 15:24
Hey Mrs. Blocker how have you been doing I'm really sorry that it took me this long to look into what Melaine was going through. I really hate you had to lose your only child this way. I've been trying to call you. Maybe you can call me 256-365-0106 your little Joe Louis from the sixth grade at Raymond School I love you and miss you so much in my life please call me.
798) |
Cynthia Babers-Newman |
Location: Moline, Il |
 Tuesday, 13. April 2010 15:50
Hello Carol,
My heart goes out to you and your family. Especially little Sommer Skyy. I worked with Melanie years ago at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Chicago. We became very good friends as well as co-workers. I would like to help you in any way that I can. I would be happy to know that I've helped in a way to make people more pro-active regarding their health. In this day and age, it is no longer just up to the doctor. You need to educate yourself and your family for the best possible solutions. Hopefully your quest to help others will come to pass and we can avoid future situations like Melanie's. She was an awesome person and would have made a wonderful mother.
797) |
tramadolpcdhp |
Location: US |
 Tuesday, 13. April 2010 14:04
Thanks For This Blog, was added to my bookmarks.
796) |
tramadolrnemc |
Location: USA |
 Tuesday, 13. April 2010 08:06
Awesome Post. I add this Blog to my bookmarks.
795) |
Susan Robinson Gibson |
Location: Roanoke, Virginia |
 Thursday, 8. April 2010 04:40
Hello Carol,
Your story has touched the hearts of many.I just want to say I am truely sorry for your loss.
I am a Pediatric nurse and I am now in the process of obtaining my Masters degree in Social Work. Since my undergraduate I have researched and written about Postpartum Depression, this is a topic I am very close to and want to make a difference in helping all indivials who suffer with and from PPD.May the Lord Bless you and your family.
794) |
charlotte quintero |
Location: oklahoma city oklahoma |
 Thursday, 25. March 2010 11:46
:confused: i am in search for answer to my young daughters behavior. she gave birth eight months ago to a healthy beautiful daughter.she has been a wonderful mother up until ABOUT three weeks ago, now she does not even act like she has had a baby. her behavior has been so non caring that i believe that she is on drugs. is there such a condition this far from the delivery of her child, all of us are concerned about her bizarre behavior!!!! i am looking for answers please could you forward me any information.
793) |
James Bianchi |
Location: Louisville Kentucky |
 Thursday, 25. March 2010 03:55
You are very brave women. I am happy to see something will be done to help other women. I will pray for you
792) |
Melanie W |
Location: Ohio, USA |
 Tuesday, 9. March 2010 23:36
My heart goes out to you! I have a similar story as PPD hit me like a train after having my daughter, 5 years ago. I commend you for being the voice of Melanie, your loved one. We need you! I do allot of volunteer work for non profit organizations in my hometown. I aspire to some day be an advocate for the women who suffer from PPD, and do some of the great things you are doing. Mentally and emotionally though, I need to be certain I can handle it; I'm almost there. Thank you again. God Bless.
791) |
Teresa Twomey |
Location: CT |
 Monday, 1. March 2010 01:15
To Curtis, particularly,
I am SOOO sorry to hear of your loss! I stop in here occassionally and it is heartwrenching to see that so little has changed and these tragic outcomes to PPP still happen so regularly.
790) |
Janet Blackstock |
Location: Florida USA |
 Monday, 22. February 2010 03:12
Hello Carol,
First, my condolences to you and your family on your loss. I am a 40ish yr old mother of three wonderful boys writing a paper on Postpartum Depression Disorder. I have returned to school after many years of focusing on my family and found you. I have cited your "Act" in my paper in hopes of spreading the word and helping push this through. With prayers let's rally it along!
Much Love and Regards,
Janet Blackstock
 Tuesday, 16. February 2010 07:33
I feel it is an immediate urgency to human kind to make sure that it is not difficult for women to seek help. My sympathies go out to your family. Yours is a very unfortunate story.
To anyone seeing someone suffering: do not turn away from them - you will lose them somehow. If not by death then by lack of your compassion.
788) |
April |
Location: Texas |
 Tuesday, 16. February 2010 07:31
I could sit here forever and ramble on about all of the horrors I experienced after the daughter I longed for was born. But time is short for most. The most important aspect, and my lesson learned, is that you are alone. I talked openly to my spouse and begged him to help me. I spoke with a parenting educator, my doctor, and many others. It was not that I felt alone, I simply was alone.
I had a choice to die that day or seek help for myself BY MYSELF.
I somehow found the streingth to overcome the fear of making the call. It was the best choice of my life. One night, during a breakdown, I made calls to about 5 ppd therapists explaining my condition, how sick I was and that I needed help. I left my phone number with all of them. Over a week later I recieved a call from ONLY ONE of them.
THat one was my lifesaver.
I am a single mother now and my daughter is 2. We have the relationship I expected and a sweet partnership.
(cont. next msg)
787) |
Curtis Robertson, Jr |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 16. February 2010 05:19
I am searching the web to gain understanding into PPD and PPP. My dear friend Kelly took her life last Monday. My heart is broken into a 1,000 pieces. She left behind beautiful 3 month old daughter, husband, family and many loving friends. She had no hx of mental illness.
My desire is to learn more about this disease so I can educate about it.
786) |
Sanja Daniels |
Location: Gulfport, MS |
 Thursday, 11. February 2010 05:20
I'm so sorry for your lose. I suffered from PPP and thank God had doctors who were familiar with it. It has been three years and I'm doing so much better. I would love to know how yo get involved in educating my community as well as be a support to those recovering or that are in the midst. I appreciate all that you are doing and please contact me with anything that I may help out with.
785) |
Liana Preble |
Location: NY |
 Monday, 18. January 2010 03:21
We love you Carol and thank you!
Broken Moms is a Public Health Awareness Organization founded in 2006. Our focus is on providing support, prayers, guidance, mental health wellness tools, parent education, and a community for Broken Moms in America.
784) |
Sherri Hart |
Location: Indiana |
 Sunday, 17. January 2010 20:21
This is my 1st visit to your website (I'm making my way through it)I am so sad that your family had to go through this horrible event in order to get the work out but I am happy that you have the strength to do it. I also went though PPD I have recovered and plan to do what I can in the PPD field. I have my Masters in Social Work and didn't know what I wanted to specialize in until it happened to me. There is not a lot of service available in NWI so I hope to add my name to the short list of providers in my area. I hope to use your website as support. Thank you
783) |
Helen |
Location: boston, ma |
 Sunday, 17. January 2010 18:54
For the success stories, what was the best medication regimen and how did you convice your family with PPP to take their meds?
782) |
Helen Granados |
Location: boston,ma |
 Sunday, 17. January 2010 18:45
Carol, thanks for your support in helping my cousin's wife who is currently in a psychiatric ward in IL diagnosed with PPP. We will continue to pray and fight, like you said, we will continue to challenge the physicians!! The physician's seem just as lost sometimes!!
781) |
Karla |
Location: boston, ma |
 Wednesday, 13. January 2010 14:42
This website is so important for women who are suffering from Post Patrum Pscychosis and Post Partum Depression. I had serious thoughts of harming my baby but hurt myself instead. Luckily I got the help that I needed but it was a long road. Please take care of yourself and get the help that you need by asking for it. If no help is forthcoming keep on asking and ask again.
 Wednesday, 13. January 2010 03:36
I wish doctor's would realize the severity of PPD. I suffered.. The best way to describe it is "PURE HELL"..
Great informative page. I pray for you and the suffering women..
779) |
Maryann Scarborough |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Tuesday, 22. December 2009 20:15
Mrs. Blocker: I know of you of course by reading about your daughter, Melanie. I work with families in Head Start as a Mental Health Consultant and often have to refer expectant mothers to different programs, especially if they are experiencing feelings of dispair as a result of depression. My mom met you while in the grocery store and talked with you briefly about your daughter. I hope that the legislation that you have introduced and continue to fight for makes a differece to all women. Keep fighting for Melanie and for your grandaughter.
Maryann Scarborough
778) |
Dina Pinkham |
Location: Nashua,NH |
 Friday, 18. December 2009 18:58
Awesome website. So sorry for the loss of your daughter. I am a survivor of PPD, but it nearly took my life and I did lose custody of my daughter. No one in my husbands family believe in PPD and I came close to losing everything. My husband now knows and believes and is a great support for me.
Keep up all your hard work.
777) |
Erica Ploski, LPC |
Location: Meadville, PA |
 Monday, 30. November 2009 01:39
THANK you so much for all of your work. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in PA and hd struggles with my own PPD (likely psychosis in the first case). Because I am in the mental health field, my PCP wrote me off as being over sensitive and neurotic. I prepared more for the next time but it was still the worst time--I call it my own personal time of hell. I now faciliate a free support group for all post partum moms--whether they identify with PPD or not--and advocate for education, treatment and understanding. The stigma needs to be removed and we need to unite to support our mamms and their families! God Bless.
776) |
Kimberly Bertoia |
Location: Indiana |
 Monday, 23. November 2009 23:27
Thank you for putting all og this information out there, and for never giving up. After the birth of my first child I experienced postpartum psychosis. I had no idea what was going on, or how to stop it, and the culmination of months of distress and depression almost hurt my baby. By the grace of God, he is a healthy, happy almost eleven year old boy now, and I had no such symptoms after the birth of his brother, however, a decade ago no one knew or understood what was wrong with me or what to do about it. I saw an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show and suddenly understood what had happened to me, and that there was help available should it happen again. So thank you, for getting this information out there, for sharing your experience with us all, and for taking steps to make sure that no woman is left without help and understanding.
775) |
Candy Timoney |
Location: Granite Bay, CA |
 Monday, 23. November 2009 23:04
I first heard of this legislation at the annual AWHONN convention. A family memeber had suffered from PPD, too. I called my Congressman to find out why he was one of the few who voted against HR 20, as was told that it would cost money, and that it was not an appropriate use of tax dollars. So sad this ignorance. I am spreading the word as much as I can, and hope all women can receive treatment as they need.
774) |
Gina M. James |
Location: Michigan |
 Saturday, 21. November 2009 22:24
Hi Carol,
I just wanted to touch base with you. We have still not gone to court for my daughter's trial. Over 4.5 years and she is still in the Oakland County Jail awaiting her trial. We are again scheduled, the new date being 11/30/2009. I have been sharing what happened to Shontelle with everyone that will listen. I believe that when people are aware of Postpartum Psychosis, lives will be saved. When we don't know, as we didn't before our tragedy, we can lose our babies and/or the helpless mothers of these babies. In our case, we've lost my grand- daughter due to the illness and my daughter to a ruthless, uncaring legal system. I will forever fight for women and their families until Postpartum Psychosis is recognized along with the Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression.
Bless you Carol,
773) |
olg |
Location: - |
 Friday, 20. November 2009 22:09
Thank you so much for talking about this serious issue that so many women and families have suffered with.
772) |
kmit |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 14. November 2009 15:12
I checked out the website and I will continue to learn about the illness as much as possible. I wish you well on your journey.
 Wednesday, 11. November 2009 21:17
Thank you for the website and sharing Melanie's story. I can see myself in so many ways. It's so hard to live with this. I still experience it often, but it is starting to get better, so thank you.
770) |
crystal |
Location: centralia |
 Thursday, 5. November 2009 07:31
ppp it is really bad im going through it and no doctor knows anything about it at all i keep telling the doctor i need help but keep getting sent home this stuff sucks i hate it. so sad crying lots.. :eek:
 Saturday, 17. October 2009 05:13
i wish i knew how bad post partum could get, i wish i knew how hard motherhood was, i wish i didn't get to where i am now.
768) |
Someone who cares |
Location: - |
 Friday, 16. October 2009 17:40
Hi. I had the baby blues for almost 2 weeks after my second child. During this period I couldn't eat or sleep. I was constantly crying and felt a constant hopelessness. Thank goodness it only lasted two weeks. When I became pregnant with my third child I was realy scared this would happen again. I called holistic pharmacists to see what I could do to prevent this and they recommended fish oil pills (omega 3's). I started taking Enfamil Expecta Lipil and ate a diet rich in omega 3's (watch out for the mercury content in some fish). I also asked people to pray for me and I prayed myself that I wouldn't go through the baby blues again. When I had my third child I did not have ANY baby blues or any signs of PPD. I'm not saying omega 3's are a cure all for severe PPD but it's definitely something to ask your doctor or pharmacist about. The prayers though definitely worked, praise God!
God bless you and your family and I pray that you will be successful in helping others with PPD.
767) |
Kenley A. Jahlee Starks |
Location: Dayton, Ohio |
 Friday, 16. October 2009 10:24
God's Peace and Blessings Dear Sister Carol, How are We Feeling today SisterLove? I'm Honored to be counted among Melanie's Dear Morehouse and Spelman Friends and I'm Happy to Serve any way I can to Pass Meaningful Legislation to Help Others in Need. Thanks for this Great Website and for Your Commitment to this Noble Cause. Bless Up!
Love, Joy. Peace and Elbow Grease in Loving Memory of Our Dearly Beloved Sister Mel B. by Basic Black Eagle
766) |
Greatha Lindo |
Location: East Orange, NJ |
 Tuesday, 6. October 2009 18:57
I know the bill passed the House. I sincerely hope it passes the Senate. Good Luck
765) |
Lorie |
Location: Texas |
 Monday, 28. September 2009 09:36
Wow, I am so glad to see this support page for those who are suffering! I had my own battle with PPD 9 years ago after the birth of my first child. Even though I had my family and my Christian faith I remember feeling very scared and alone. I also remember pleading with God that if he would stop me from feeling this way I would tell everyone I knew that I survived it, and better days will come again, and let me tell you not only did I come out on the other side happy and healthy I am now the mother of two beautiful children. Thank God for all the wonderful resources that are out there for new mothers. The world has come along way in 9 years. Keep up the good work!
764) |
terry ryan |
Location: dekalb illinois |
 Thursday, 24. September 2009 18:09
i am about to do an interview with carol about her daughter and her fight with post-partum psychosis. we do a weekly show called "the suicide prevention show" on 1360 wlbk am and on the web at the show will air sunday morning at 9:30am and will also be on our podcast page. i look foward to learning more from carol and look foward to sharing the information with our listeners.
 Wednesday, 23. September 2009 21:35
I worried horribly about my son and other family members; I was overwhelmed with the feeling that life was utterly pointless and full of endless suffering. Even as a Christian, my faith was tested and I had never felt so alone. I remember thinking that if I came out of it, that I would tell everyone about my experience and that I would fight to help other women going through this horrible illness. Fortunately, I did survive and feel so incredibly thankful to the people around me who helped. I did know that I was depressed and needed help. I told my co workers, my friends, even strangers. Usually I am reserved, but during this, I knew I had to fight and reach out to anyone who would listen. Ultimately, the things that helped me was the right medication (which turned out to be Celexa), support from family who took care of my baby and helped me get out of bed in the morning, listened to my misery, a social worker who kept telling me that I would get better (this was absolutely the best thing to hear) and that it was my illness talking, not me, and TIME. It took a long time for the medicine to work!! But eventually it did. I know that we need to do more to diagnose and treat postpartum depression and psychosis. I would like to learn more about your crusade. I am so sorry for your loss...I am so tempted to call you. I have left an email if you would like to contact me as well.
 Wednesday, 23. September 2009 21:32
I am currently a public health student and physician studying postpartum depression. My interest came out of my own unexpected bout with severe (and in retrospect likely psychosis) postpartum depression just this past May/June/July. This experience can only be described as the absolutely worst and most devastating ordeal that I have experienced, even surpassing past sadness that I had over the death of loved ones. Fortunately, I was not suicidal or homicidal during the ordeal. However, I have never felt so terrified, hopeless and helpless. While I did not think of immediately taking my own life, I was convinced that I had completely lost my mind and would never return. Ultimately, I felt that my illness would kill me. (cont on next message)
761) |
Tony Lockard |
Location: Detroit, MI |
 Tuesday, 22. September 2009 00:49
I was in school at Morehouse College at the same time Melanie was at Spelman.
I just wanted to give my words of encouragement and offer to help in any way I can.
I want to thank B Maynard Scarbourogh for sending this link on his Facebook page to alert everyone to your plan.
Take Care,
Tony Lockard
760) |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 20. September 2009 17:17
 Sunday, 20. September 2009 01:33
I am so sorry for your loss. I have the same condition and have been fighting for 8 yrs for a cure. Thank you for bringing this out into the light. Maybe this will help doctors to be more aware. I never had any symptoms before my child was born. That it why it is so difficult and baffling to all, especially me. Keep up the good work. May God bless you.
758) |
Steven Wyall |
Location: Cheney, Washington |
 Sunday, 13. September 2009 10:42
I need help finding the recovery stories. My wife was diagnosed with PPP last December. At that time she was pregnant with our fifth child. I had just started school at a new college to complete my bach degree. Being in a new area so recently, we have had no nearby friends and family to rely on. After months of searching for ways to try manage our new challenge, I found it best to temporarily leave school and do what I can at home. But, I feel so lost and in such a state of limbo that I am afraid of losing my own sense of sanity.
If my wife misses a dose of her medication the symptoms resurface in about three days time, and there is nothing I can do but ride out the storm each time. I'm feeling very weathered. I need some help too. I don't want a handout, just some hope that there is an end in sight somewhere to all this confusion. Thank you for your time spent reading this. I should get some sleep before my day begins all over again. Good night.
757) |
Michelle Riordan |
Location: Yorkville, IL |
 Saturday, 12. September 2009 20:02
My sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with Post-Partum Psychosis. She is now in a Mental Health Clinic and the family is trying some way to help protect the baby. Her and her husband live in Portland, Oregon unfortunately, and we live in the Chicago area. Does anyone know of any resources in that area where we can find someone to aide in taking care of the baby or help the family why the father deals with his wife's diagnosis. We don't know where to turn. Thank you so much for your stories.
756) |
Susan Truett, psychotherapist |
Location: Lakeland, Fl |
 Monday, 7. September 2009 20:07
I'll be speaking at a Parenting Conference to Lactation Consultants who want to learn to better recognize and respond to postpartum mood and thought disorders. Bless you for your positive response to your terrible loss.
755) |
musicman |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 11. August 2009 19:20
Thank you so much for talking about this serious issue that so many women and families have suffered with. ;-)
 Tuesday, 28. July 2009 17:45
 Sunday, 26. July 2009 13:28
The picture of Melanie holding her baby in the hospital bed looks like my picture with my first has been almost 15 years and I can still remember the panic and hopelessness like it was yesterday.
No one wanted to talk about PPD when I had my children--I felt so lost and alone. I am grateful that this issue is finally being taken seriously and there are ways for new mothers to get help.
 Sunday, 26. July 2009 05:25
wow, i just came across this site and it brought tears to my eyes. I went through a very tough time after my daughter. I had regular postpartum then it turned horrible. I woke up in the middle of the night not being able to see. sometimes I couldnt talk and when i did it sounded like a deaf person. I would walk to my mothers in the middle of the night and just take my baby to her, barely remembering it. I moved in with my mother. my child slept in her room while i struggled with literally beating myself up at night by slamming my head into walls and waking up with 20 plus bruises on my body and remembering doing it but not being able to stop it. i even considered i was possesed. i was on many different meds and they were constantly changing them. when i was fully awake i just cried and felt like throwing up because all i saw was tunnel vision. in the end i was very close to being hospitalized but my parents did not want me to be injected with whatever they wanted. i am grateful for that. my daughter is 4 yrs old and i still have not fully recovered nor do i think i will. sometimes i just think all those different meds made me worse.
751) |
Mrs. Nicole A. Fields |
Location: California |
 Friday, 24. July 2009 00:13
I read your daughter's story in a TIME magazine while sitting at Starbuck's today and was deeply touched. Thank you for sharing your daughter's story with the world. I have never lost a grown adult child but have lost 5 babies through ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages. I cried when I read your story because somehow I felt a connection with your grievous heartbreak. Your pain must never go away as my pain will probably last forever too. I give up on having my own child and through that release of energy I have become quite grateful for what I do have. May you find peace with life's mishaps and find great strength through family, friendship, and contentment. G-d bless you and your family, Nicole.
750) |
Joanne |
Location: seattle |
 Friday, 17. July 2009 05:48
Is it possible to have had PPP pretty bad but have trudged through it, hiding it, denying it, in shame. Get through the worst of it and have lingering irrational thoughts that you still wouldn't act on?? 6 years after the birth? I knew post partum depression existed but had never heard of PPP. I thought the post partum depression could just be bad, living on the edge but never venturing beyond. My upbringing is a pattern of survival.
749) |
Billy Leonard |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 16. July 2009 22:55
I wasn't fortunate enough to have met Melanie in person But fortunatly I've known you Carol for years and words can't possibly express the appreciation
for your quiet compassion and special concern that you bring to people suffering from this terrible dreaded disease. "KEEP IT UP"
748) |
Jennifer Djordjevic |
Location: Des Plaines, IL |
 Sunday, 12. July 2009 00:35
Thank you so much for talking about this serious issue that so many women and families have suffered with.
747) |
Neda Aarabi Yarnall |
Location: Saddle Brook, NJ |
 Saturday, 11. July 2009 21:03
God Bless.
 Tuesday, 7. July 2009 06:59
Hi Alan,
Well was starting to get worried about you guys, but sounds like she has made a very fast recovery. You wrote on the 30th June that you had the worst day and now you said she is 100% better. If so you are very lucky, my recovery was a lot longer and very hard. I wish you both the very best and will check up from time to time to see how things are going. All the best.
 Tuesday, 7. July 2009 00:35
Hello Phaedra,
I just want to start of by giving you lots of thanks and hugs. It makes me really happy to have found someone that actually listen and cared enough that has helped me in my lowest and provided me with courage and patience to be able to sustain this ordeal. I believe you too will help many people just like carol is doing now, By the way, I give lots of thanks to you, Carol, for having given all of your energy, caring and time to help others. I have been away from this forum because as of 07/04/09 my wife has made a come back and she nows feels almost at 100% better. I give lots of thanks to her doctors as well. My wife and the whole family celebrated this past weekend as if we had been given a second chance to live. Once again, many thnks for your support Phaedra. I'll be checking this forum often to provide any help for those whom have gone thru this or sadly enough will go thru this.
 Wednesday, 1. July 2009 06:19
Morning Alan,
Did you read the posts I put up? Rainman as in with numbers?? If so, then yes I had that also. I had everyone's birthdates in my family, trying to add things up and weird things were happening, seeing if numbers recurred and connections. When I watched TV, certains commercials that I thought were for me, I wrote the phone numbers down and was constantly adding things up and trying to come to a result, obviously that didn't happen as I didn;t know what I was looking for. This is where the writig stuff down got bad, I always pen and paper with me. Where are her thoughts stemming from? Is it TV or music, or just random coming from her head, I had things that triggered it. Once I knew what they were I stopped watching TV, listening to the radio or music with words, only classical stuff and stopped reading also, as I thought everything was messages and adding stuff up. Did you talk to her about my symptoms and ask what she is feeling?? Where abouts are you guys? Hope you are getting there, it is a long road but stick by her and maybe find a mate that you can trust and let your frustrations out too, I know my husband found it hard as the attention was all on me and he needed help, guidance and support also. Keep your questions coming and I hope my responses are helping.
743) |
Michelle |
Location: North Carolina |
 Tuesday, 30. June 2009 19:30
I am so sad to read Melanie's story. I suffered from severe PPP myself. I was hospitalized 3 separate times, was on 3 different medications and in intensive therapy for months. I have a 18 month old son now, I am well and so is he. It breaks my heart to see another mother out there that did not make it through this horrific disease. My prayers go out to her husband, child and family.
 Tuesday, 30. June 2009 15:32
Hello Phaedra, Yesterday, I believe the worst day of my wifes symptoms.... She has been acting like Dustin Hoffman in the movie "Rainman" She knows what she is doing, making sense when talking but has not been herself, If you know what i mean. did you go thru this?
 Monday, 29. June 2009 12:50
The biggest feeling for me was the psychic things and thinking that things were signs and the TV was sending me messages, I would watch the morning news, and every story I thought was tyring to tell me something that was personal. Hearing peoples thoughts, I thought that they were asking me for help, and maybe there were in their body language, but not to the extent I believed. My family, I made it my priority to fix them all. Years of torment that people had in my family I tried to fix. I actually went to a psychic lady and told her what was happening and of course she believed it, why woudln't you and she backed everything up, saying I was special and blah blah, so that didn't help. Even after my son's birth 4 years on, I still believed something special happened then, no matter how much the doctors explained the symptons, it wasn't until last week when I read other peoples personal recounts that it all finally sunk in and made more sense. The more research I did now that I am fully recovered the more I understand. Where abouts do you live?? I am in WA. Keep smilin.
 Monday, 29. June 2009 12:40
I would take such pride in my appearance. My energy levels were amazing and unstoppable. I thought that I was becoming an angel, well sort of like I was sent from God to heal and help people, like I was suddenly psychic, powerful, special. When you feel like this you don't want it to end. I thought my daughterwas the same as me and very powerful. I made it my mission to help all the mothers in the facility I was in, this was before anyone knew I was sick. I know I actually did help them to some extent, they were all suffereing from PND and all first mums, being manic, I was so happy and knew loads of things about babies and would help them out, a little of me rubbed off on them. This euphoria is much nicer than what is coming, well might come. After this I experienced agitation, anger, frustration, couldn't sit still, didn't want to be near my babies, just the opposite of the manic, that's why some people actually get misdiagnosed as bipolar, for me mine were both straight after child birth and no previous mental problems at all, so that's why I am not bipolar. Ask you wife what she is feeling if she will tell you. If not, maybe ask her about the things I felt and see if she reacts to them, she might need prompting. If it very hard to convince that there is something actually wrong, to us it feels amazing, nothing short of a miracle.
 Monday, 29. June 2009 12:32
Hey Alan,
No probs, anything I can do, I know how alone you must feel. Your wife is experienceing the same as I did, as to tell you the truth this part is a lot easier than what may or is coming. The euphoria is the best feeling and you don't want it to stop and when you are the one who is sick, no-one can explain it to you to make you think that you are. I will try to explain exactly what I felt, it may help you understand depending on how much your wife is telling you, I didn't tell anyone the extent as I didn't want anyone telling me it wasn't true, even after understanding it from the first time, the second bout I still believed it was real, that's how it works I guess. I would wake up and look in the mirror and think I was amazingly beautiful, I thought how lucky was I, I was so confident and when you don't normally feel like that, it feels wonderful.
 Monday, 29. June 2009 01:52
Hi Phaedra, First of all, I would like to thank you for all the time you are investing to help my family out. There is no words to describe it.... My wife is still in the euphoric state, she has stated that she likes this new personatily, she no longer feels shy, scared, or say what comes to your mind. She continues to have lots of energy, and talks and talks like there is no tomorrow. Today we had all of the family over and she felt as she was the main attraction. She4 did most of the talking, try to make everybody dance after lunch (we were all tired and full)... She made all of us pray before eating (this is something that was never done before)... I like the fact that my wife is enjoying this new change but deep inside I miss my wife. I will try to check with her doctor if a new med will try to slow her energy level down or perhaps mention the one you were prescribed...
 Sunday, 28. June 2009 13:27
ALan, just to answer the other symptoms. The first time I had it I didn't understand what was happening to me. I was trying to piece information together to work things out thinking signs were being sent to me. I wrote things down, very fast as my mouth couldn't keep up with me. I filled many notebooks with very strange things. I spoke loads and very fast most of the time. As you wife, very up front and sometimes quite agitated and even agressive. The second time I understood a lot better what was happening and could actually control it to some extent, when it first started it was a beautiful thing and I didn't want it to stop so I hid all the syptoms I knew the doctors were looking for, very silly I know, but I had just given birth and didn't want a repeat of my son and was trying so hard to be a normal family. At night it is very hard to calm yourself and relax into sleep, I found natural remedies very effective, also soothing music, meditating is fantastic to slow you down and also when, or if negative and depressed issues begin. Before mixing natural calming things, check with your doc first. I also had many plans, these also filled my notebook. Business plans, house plans, like I mapped out my future and wrote it all down. In my head though I thought signs were being sent to me about what was coming in the future and to be prepared, and I had to write them down in case I forgot.
 Sunday, 28. June 2009 13:20
Hi Alan,
everyday is another step closer. A week is such a short span in this illness. It is very difficult to compare and guess how long the recovery. It depends on so much. Her syptoms I had all of those and many more. The mania side of it which I began with, heightens everything. I became the happiest most positive person you've ever met. This is me normally just not on such a huge level, so my hubby even though seen me go through it once never picked up on it as the excitement of the birth he thought was the cause of the sudden height of mood. I started thinking that TV, mobiles, songs were speaking to me and sending me messages to help people and do things that good would come of. I never have told anyone exactly what happened in my head as it is that unbeliveable to someone else. I thought my daughter was an angel from heaven sent to heal people. It just kept going, the psychotic and other behaviours occurred later, after the meds started. I was on Olanzapine, it takes a while to build up in your system, after a bit I was knocked out at night and took a long time in the morning to function. We all react so different to this.
Please pass on my best to your wife
 Friday, 26. June 2009 13:51
I would like to share some of her behaviors and hope to know how far closer she is to recover compare to other woman that has suffered this illness. My wife has always been quite, shy, kept to herself but due to this illness she has made a 360 degrees turn (she's straight forward, talks a lot !!!!!, has many plans for the future, has lots of energy, her sense of humor has grown, and even thou her meds are of a high dosage, It still takes a while till she finally goes to sleep and sometimes wakes-up in the middle of the night. Did you experience any of these behaviors ????
 Friday, 26. June 2009 13:46
Good morning Phaedra,
Another day towards the road of recovery. It has been exactly one week since my wifes' first episode of confusion, and bad thoughts. I got to say that this has been the hardest week of my life but everyday i keep praying that soon all of this will be over and a thing of the past.
 Friday, 26. June 2009 12:41
Hi Alan,
I will do anything I can to help out. I know how hard this is and how when you are in it, it feels like there is no hope and when will it end. It is a long hard road but you will get there. Share anything you are willing to and I will check up the messages and add what I can. My thoughts are with you all.
 Wednesday, 24. June 2009 16:28
:-) Hi Phaedra, I'm glad you responded quickly to my plead. Knowing that i can chat w/ someone that has gone thru this illness makes me feel much better and better yet, knowing that you are a survivor of it. I was wondering if I could share some of her signs and symptoms and you or anyone else in this forum who knows someone that is currently going thru this and maybe this way we could help each other day by day to make us stronger and be able to give all the support our love one deserves.
 Wednesday, 24. June 2009 14:37
Hi Alan, I just put my story on here last night after 4 years recovering from my first bout of it and after reading so many sad stories, was hoping that my happy ending both times may help someone out there. I spoke to my psych today about what actually happened to me and I had textbook severe mania, follwed by Psychosis, then Depression. This happened pretty much exactly the same, symptoms and all, timing, with both of my children. I was on meds for about 7 months with both and fully recovered after about a year. i know it is hard to sit by and watch, well I don't but can imagine. But the husbands, partners and family and friends are the glue that holds us together. You should be very proud of yourself for realising something was up so fast, as both times mine went un noticed until it was severe. Stay strong and it does get better with time.
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 18:00
:-( Hello everyone... My wife and I have just been blessed with our first daughter and it's been almost one month since the arrival of our newest addition to our family. Unfortunately, I started to noticed something different about my wife. it all started this past friday night, as I returned from work, my wife stated that she has had a revelation with god and believed was given supernatural powers and felt sorry for everyone in the family because she thought they were all sad and lonely. At first, I thought her mind was confused due to the lack of sleep but the following day her symptoms worsen. I immediately started to search for answers and to have a better understanding of what was happening and that's when I came across this site. I thank you,Carol, for sharing your experience and helping others on how to deal with this devasting illness. My wife has been currently prescribed anti-psychotic drugs and has had her first psychiatric visit this past monday. I pray to god that this illness will eventually go away and give my wife the opportunity to see our daughter grow-up. I sometimes feel strong but other times I feel like I have lost my wife, if anyone in this forum could share their experiences on how to make it easier on my family, I would extremely appreciated.
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 14:54
Sorry for the order of it all, it goes
twenty five-twenty eight-twenty six-twenty seven.
I know it was long winded but I hope that it may help at least one person who googles this illness and might read this one day
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 14:50
The second time around, we were determined to make this experience wonderful and no repeats. Had a VBAC, natural delivery no drugs and beautiful daughter. Straight after the birth I was put into a mother and baby unit ( a place where you go with the bubs for help, amazing facility - wish it was around the first time) just a precaution from last time. Everything was great, and baby was wonderful, then strange things atarted happening the TV talking to me, mobile phones talking, hearing voices, messages and signs everywhere, all telling me, about wonderful things that were coming and to prepare for them, and how I needed to help all these people and that I was an angel sent to help them somehow. I never told anyone about them, as I figured how could anything be wrong it all felt so magical.
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 14:40
So finally, to the family and friends watching first hand, we can't explain it what is happening to us, only try to, you are the most important people at this time, more important that doctors, you are the ones that will know something isn't right, do everything you must to get us the help we need, an the women who have been or going through this scary phase in your life, there is amazing light at the end of the tunnel, just hang in there, know you are not alone, someone out there understands, even how ridiculous what you want to say sounds out loud, and for yourself, children and family get the help that you deserve, fight for it if you have to. You can heal your life - Louise L Hay
Love and Light to you all
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 14:38
I thought nothing of it, just thought weird things were happening to me, but they were wonderful how could anything be wrong. 10 days later, still in the unit, everything collapsed another attack where I believed my husband had been killed in a car accident, and believe me, when you experience these, they are more real than you can describe. I was pretty much released from the unit as I was going so well, the attack happened at home and was straight back in there on meds and the rest is history.
 Tuesday, 23. June 2009 14:37
Hi Carol, and anyone else who is reading this. Firstly, I am so terribly sorry for your loss of a beautiful child, I can't imagine the pain it would cause a parent, until you become one yourself. What you are doing is what I hope to do in the near future.
I am 24 years old and have suffered PPP twice now. The first time at the age of 20 after my son was delivered under general anaesthetic by caeser 10 weeks early, the signs were missed as our son was in ICU and the attention was on him surviving. Once I was caught I had gone through a major pschotic attack, drugged and woke up in a mental hospital 2 weeks after giving birth and no where near recovered from sugery, surrounded by very sick and violent women, in maximum lock up, I can't begin to descrive what it was like, I was young, not in my home town as we are rural and the circumstances flew us to Perth. I was there for a couple of weeks and lied about my symptoms to get out.
724) |
John |
Location: New Jersey |
 Sunday, 21. June 2009 06:09
My message is simple: Husbands, your wives can't control this. They can't "Snap Out Of It". It's not their fault. IT IS AN ILLNESS. I write this morning as my wife is struggling with PPD for the second time with our second child. Guys, you need to wrap your brain around what I said, even if you don't understand how she feels. Just know that PPD/PPP hits like a train. You need to fight for your wife and your family. Love and good luck.
 Saturday, 20. June 2009 18:51
:mad: I think this bill should of been signed long time ago. I have four children I never experienced any depression, but have seen many go through it. I am sorry for anyone who had to deal with the depression especially alone. Like it was said being a Mother has been by the far the hardest job ever, and a lot of stress. So many needed to be educated.
 Thursday, 18. June 2009 20:37
I am a survivor of PPP and want all that might read this know that if you have a family member that is suffering to take them to the local ER admit them. This does not go away and you will need medication, therapy and prayers. It does however go away with treatment and the best is yet to come. You do not have to suffer forever. I survived my baby girl survived and I am healed. You will get better you need help to get there. Do not wait get your wife, daughter, sister or friend the help that she needs. She is not able to make the choice. She is no longer capable if she has delusions, mood disorder, or currently on medication that is not helping. Watch her!!! It is better to get help than be left with the memory. Please this is my prayer. Love Mercy!
721) |
Lori (big sister) |
Location: - |
 Monday, 15. June 2009 18:13
My sister is currently going through postpartum psychosis. It's been so terrible to see what she has to go through. She is seeing people in her house, hearing conversations that are not happening, and believe things that are not rational. Thank you for your page, it just confirms that she is not crazy and we definately need to push for more help from her doctors. They keep refusing to admit her. She's been in the hospital twice in one week and she doesn't remember anything. Keep the message out there.
720) |
Daniel Edward |
Location: USA |
 Saturday, 6. June 2009 00:27
Great resource and story of the need for further understanding. Condolences- even if years late.
719) |
Gina |
Location: Grenada |
 Monday, 1. June 2009 10:10
My sister was never the same after delivering her third child who were twins.she entered into a state of phycosis, where she wanted to die, and was unable to feed herself, shower, or anything. the doctors Put her on medications, even for sleeping.Today she is worst of than the beginning. It's been 5 years and up to today the sickness has changed forms. Now she hits her head on the wall, and bites her tongue, its hurts us so much to see this and my mom have to care for her.
 Thursday, 28. May 2009 01:54
thank you for being an advocate for women with ppd. we need someone out there to defend us and bring understanding to this illness.
717) |
Tamara Attis |
Location: Atlanta, GA |
 Tuesday, 26. May 2009 23:21
I will support Melanie Blocker Stokes Mothers Act in any way that I can and ask my nursing school organization and state nursing organization to support any legislation that benefit helping women with PPD.
716) |
D'nelle Almanza |
Location: - |
 Monday, 25. May 2009 19:48
I'm 22 years old and I just had twin boys. I read about this in a parenting magazine. I'm spreading the word around.
 Friday, 15. May 2009 05:31
Your site is very helpful. My aunt just had a baby about 2 weeks ago and the baby was ill so she was stressed about that. She also lost her job before she found out she was pregnant in January. This is her first baby and she is 39. She was really nervous and scared and worried. Two days ago she sat her house on fire with her and the baby in it. They made it out and the baby is doing great thank God, but now she is on life support in the hospital, but is being charged with felony child neglect. She has been to the doctor more than once no one noticed. My family needs help to help her. The doctors beleive that she is suffering from postpartum psychosis. She has never done anything bad in her life. If you have any advice on what her husband can do to protect her please let me know. If anyone has any information on how we can help her please let me know.
714) |
Lacey |
Location: Georgia |
 Friday, 15. May 2009 02:10
Thank you for what you are doing!!! I think it is awesome you have become an advocate for other women with postpartum disorders to make sure nothing happens to them. It means so much to me because I have recently begun sharing my postpartum challenges to help save other women, too. I never went back to getting a full night sleep after I had my baby. I had a gut feeling something wasn't quite right-I wish I hadn't been in such a fog that I would have followed my gut! When my baby was 4 1/2 months old, I totally stopped sleeping. Unfortunately and very sadly, my family didn't believe it was possible for anyone to go a night without sleep. They chose to remain ignorant and not listen to what I was telling them. I went 9 days without any sleep.I was too tired and exhausted to take matters into my own hands. All because of the insomnia which was caused by a combination of p.p.d., a hormonal imbalance and/or thyroid problem. So now my goal is to make pregnant women aware of the fact that postpartum complications ARE indeed very common. I never knew women could have any of those problems after having a baby. My doctor never told me about any of it. Your daughter was very lucky to have you in her life you did everything you could to help her! Take a look at my blog and become a follower if you'd like! I'd love to talk with you.
713) |
Shy |
Location: Colton, CA |
 Thursday, 14. May 2009 04:23
I am so sorry for your loss. It makes me so angry that we must lose loved ones before eyes are opened. My mother pulled me from the edge of my psychosis. I understand why Andrea Yates did what she did. I say it loud. You can imagine the looks I get. Great Britain uses a wonderful postpartum questionare for new mothers. Its time for OB/Gyn and primary care physicians AND insurance companies to stop pushing women out of the hospital the day after having a child. Postpartum care should involve much more that checking stitches and cashing copay checks. I was told I had the baby blues over the phone by my OB. That could have been me on CNN instead of Yates. I wish the best for you, and I commend you and your courage to see through your own pain and give a voice to those who are afraid to speak. God Bless you and your family
712) |
Lisa Slater |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Tuesday, 12. May 2009 22:59
Hi Carol,
I’m glad I had the opportunity to week you last week. (Burlington coat factory). I am sorry to know that your daughter Melanie didn’t get the proper help she needed, maybe it wasn’t available during the time. But in the end result what a fantastic job you’re doing. In the name of Melanie you are educating and raising awareness to other Moms and mother’s to be who suffers with PPD/PPS.
You are a wonderful lady, with a great big heart. It is a pleasure to have met you.
What a great inspiration you are. God bless you and God keep you.
Thank you for sharing,
P.S. my son feels that you are an angel sent from heaven.
711) |
William E Leonard |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 12. May 2009 02:51
Carol you are the greatest just relentless
710) |
Michelle Ferreira |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 10. May 2009 14:16
I can not thank you enough for all that you have done concerning are a god send and I am confident that your own daughter is smiling down at you from heaven. What a wonderful person you truely are.....
709) |
Angie |
Location: Canada |
 Saturday, 9. May 2009 18:17
I am so very sorry for the loss of Melanie. Although I have had 4 children, thankfully I have never suffered from PPD or PPP, and I am so sorry for the women who have to endure this feeling, disorder, disease.
I wish your family love, health and luck.
708) |
Candace Brown |
Location: Pine Ridge,South Dakota |
 Wednesday, 22. April 2009 17:38
I am sorry to her about this. This postpartum psychosis is new to me. I have never heard of this before and I am glad to here about it now and I am able to educate myself before my baby is born.This is great info.
707) |
cindy |
Location: indiana |
 Tuesday, 21. April 2009 16:29
I'm not sure if I have postpartum pschosis or depression. Doctors are not sure. I've been to therapy and am taking antidepressants and progesterone cream and a plethera of vitamin supplements. I feel so desperate for relief. It's so relentless. Thank you for this website. I feel this is such a misunderstood disease and the only way to fight it, is through education. Thank you for giving me a tiny slice of hope.
 Tuesday, 21. April 2009 13:59
I am battling this disease myself. I found this website comforting to know I am not alone. Thank you!
705) |
Julie Walsh |
Location: United States |
 Tuesday, 14. April 2009 03:49
Thank you for doing this important work. I am sorry that such a devestation had to inspire this website.
I have written to my rep and senators in support of Melanie's Act and I am also spreading the word to friends and family.
704) |
Kate Parks |
Location: Fairbanks, AK |
 Wednesday, 8. April 2009 19:04
Thank you so much Carol for transforming this incredible tragedy into a way to help so many woman who suffer PPD/PPS. The work you are doing is so very important.
 Tuesday, 7. April 2009 14:12
:confused:I am very sorry to read about Melanie's story. I am currently being treated for PPD/Anxiety. I work in the medical field and got sick (sinus infection) and was horrified by the lack of support and compassion my Dr.'s office showed me. They told me that once I started to get some sleep and decide to "get over this whole PPD thing I would feel better." I asked them if they could get me a referal quickly to a new Psychiatrist and they told me, "No."I want to speak out and up for other mothers like myself who are getting blown off by the medical community. We need to be heard and treated with respect and dignity, not like we are crazy.
702) |
Digi |
Location: Maryland |
 Friday, 3. April 2009 00:36
Melanie was a classmate of mine at Spelman...and I will always remember her smile. Her story is sad, but I pray it will be a great help to many others. Blessings to her mom for getting past her own pain every day to raise awareness for so many!
701) |
Rozalind |
Location: Dallas |
 Thursday, 2. April 2009 23:06
We miss you, Mel!
Spelman College, Class of "82
700) |
Michelle L. Matthews |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 31. March 2009 15:54
She is missed. Classmate, Spelman Class of 1982
699) |
Janet |
Location: Atlanta GA |
 Tuesday, 31. March 2009 01:01
In loving support a member of the Spelman College class of 1982
698) |
Sarah L.McCaustlin |
Location: Saint John N.B, |
 Tuesday, 10. March 2009 05:18
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give my update. I suffered from Post Partum Phycosis over 2 years ago now. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks and received 8 or 9 ect treatments. My baby boy turned 4 on March 7th,2009. After my ECT treatments I was able to stay with my Mother while I still got better. At the time I was on medication for my condition but was able to come off the medication within a few months. Since this situation has happened , it has changed my life for the better and I never take a day for granted. I think from my experience, I thought I would never be normal again. I just wanted to let everyone know that you should never feel ashamed of yourself, these situations are out of our control. I believe for myself I have recovered 100%, work full time, play volleyball,have my own house, bascially just living a normal happy life. I never even heard of Post Partum Physocis until it happened to me. It is a crazy situation and can happen to anyone, just remember there is hope and still a chance to a normal life.
697) |
Elisheva |
Location: Cleveland Ohio |
 Friday, 30. January 2009 04:16
Patient Dumping
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
A related topic is that emergency rooms and hospitals may incorrectly deal with people who come who are depressed, agitated and history of mental illness; and or in active labor.
There is a history of "patient dumping", in which the facility refuses to admit, or does not correctly provide psychiatric or protective services.
the Office of Inspector General can take a complaint.
The Homepage above is a link to a list of cases.
The OIG alleged that TRH failed to provide proper screening and stabilization to a patient who presented to its emergency department in a combative state and on narcotics. The patient had a psychiatric history
... The ED physician did not request a psychiatric consultation with the on-call psychiatrist. Instead, the patient was discharged with a final diagnosis of drug intake. Approximately an hour later, the patient arrived at another hospital accompanied by the police. The patient was admitted and diagnosed with having a bipolar disorder.
696) |
Andrea G |
Location: Los Angeles, CA |
 Wednesday, 28. January 2009 19:45
I am a college student and I have decided to present the HR20 bill to my class in an effort to persuade my classmates to become aware and take action to help this bill gain the attention it deserves. I am a mother and believe I previously suffered from PPD. Everyone around me told me I was depressed and withdrawn. As I think on that time, I now realize I was. It would have been extremely helpful if I had educational information and/or treatment. Hopefully this bill will help women who have PPD, so they can avoid further suffering.
Thank you,
Andrea G
 Wednesday, 28. January 2009 18:11
This was a horrible tragedy and my heart goes out to her family. I can't imagine how awful this was for her and for them.
Something is so very wrong here, this woman was under the "care" of a "doctor" and in a "hospital" and THIS is what happened to her? We REALLY need to take another look at the whole field of "mental health," a good straight look at it. It's NOT working and it looks like that was what drove this woman to kill herself. I think it's all wrong to start with, we need to throw out the whole field of psychiatry and start over. :(
 Wednesday, 28. January 2009 14:01
Just browsing for some good books on PPP & found your site. My sympathies to you & your family; a devastating loss. I am "a PPP survivor" - 9 months on. A very quick & dramatic slide into delusion with a thankfully quick recovery; still on some drugs & wanting to find out more about PPP - at my own pace - thanks to your courage for establishing this site.
With respect, M
 Monday, 26. January 2009 15:49
I just found your web page. I suffered PND and am really scared of another baby and getting PND again. i'm so sad for Melanie, and the family she left behind. I hope that together we manage to raise awareness and that Carol and her granddaughter can gain strength from that.
692) |
Elisheva |
Location: Cleveland |
 Sunday, 25. January 2009 03:17
My home page above is actually a link to the Legislation page for Congressman Bobby L. Rush.
The first item on his legislative agenda is: Melanie Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act will establish and fund research and outreach assistance for victims of postpartum depression and psychosis.
691) |
Elisheva |
Location: - |
 Friday, 23. January 2009 03:19
(link to article under the house on left, search Amber Hill)
Court psychiatrist says Amber Hill didn't understand killing kids was wrong 8:52 p.m. ET CLEVELAND
Amber Hill suffered with bouts of depression, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts for four years before she drowned her two daughters in a bathtub in her Cleveland apartment.
690) |
Elisheva |
Location: Cleveland Ohio |
 Friday, 23. January 2009 03:13
There seems to be a limit on how long a post may be. sorry.
Amber Hill murder trial begins in drownings of 2 children
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Leila Atassi
Plain Dealer Reporter
.. The day of the drowning - Hill was scheduled to meet with a psychiatrist ...
... psychiatrists will testify that Hill has a history of postpartum depression and that her mental state had been deteriorating for months. She had distanced herself from family and friends...
... She submerged her two young daughters in a bathtub until they stopped struggling for air. Until she believed that her girls were "finally at peace."
... has a history of postpartum depression and that her mental state had been deteriorating for months. She had distanced herself from family and friends, stopped attending classes at Remington College and attempted suicide on more than one occasion, Mack said.
... And all the while, Hill remained in a daze, disassociated from the commotion around her, the paramedics testified. ...
The trial continues today.
To reach this Plain Dealer reporter: latassi at, 216-999-4549
689) |
Elisheva |
Location: Cleveland Ohio |
 Thursday, 22. January 2009 13:55
Dear Carol and others;
I am hoping that you can help us.
I am so sad that you have lost your daughter. I have virtually lost mine to this illness, yet she still lives, and with the delusions, I am also unable to see my grandchildren.
My daughter has been suffering from this psychiatric disorder, and related ones, since fifth grade. She has developed delusions, full blown after the loss of an 8 months gestation baby 2 years ago. These delusions include fear / anxiety, and are now also attributed to me.
She has a history of refusing to talk with various people, not just me, including her younger brother, her in laws, and almost everyone.
Despite her not talking with me, nor seeing me, she has even gone to obtain an order of protection. No one in the local courts in Chicago will listen to me about what is the real problem. They don't care about her medical history, etc., etc.
Her old therapist, learning that she has refused to see me, and makes these false accusations, stated, "someone must get her the treatment she needs". But no one will.
Can anyone help?
I keep thinking I will wake up and it won't be a nightmere, but it still is.
Elisheva in Cleveland
688) |
Brenda Elks |
Location: Farmville, NC |
 Friday, 16. January 2009 17:01
Thank you for sharing this information. Your daughter was perfectly beautiful and I know that you miss her every moment of everyday. God bless you and continue your work on getting this information into every household. Take care.
687) |
Jessica Anderton |
Location: Boise Idaho |
 Wednesday, 14. January 2009 21:06
hello,Iam a woman who has had this disease also and I want everyone to know my story.I thankyou for what you are doing it can save someone but there is still not enough happening to help women.I know because of what I went through. :-)
 Monday, 5. January 2009 04:51
Carol, as a survivor of PPP I can relate to Melanie's battle. We are so thankful for you getting the word out on this painful yet treatable condition
685) |
Gina |
Location: Michigan |
 Saturday, 3. January 2009 15:25
Hello Carol,
Happy New Year to you and to all, especially supporters of those who have suffered from this illness. My daughter just spent her forth (4) Christmas in the county jail without a trial. We are scheduled to begin our trial on Feb. 2, and finally, we have a real attorney. I want to thank you again for your support, courage and tenacity in getting the word out about PPP and I want you to know that I will continue to struggle along with you, to bring this issue to the forefront, so that it can be understood. No one should ever have to suffer the lose of a daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt or any loved one to a preventable, temporary mental illness. PPP can be prevented through knowledge and the exceptance of it's existance.
Thank You Carol,
 Friday, 2. January 2009 20:48
I am twice a survivor of PPP. I had delayed PPP after the birth of both of my sons. More research, and getting the word out is SO important to rid the stigma associated with PP Disorders. Stay strong, ladies. Help is out there!
683) |
Nikki Parker Morgan |
Location: Burbank, California |
 Monday, 29. December 2008 19:03
Dear Carol,
I just read about your daughter and I am so, so sorry. I struggled with depression after giving birth but by the grace of God bounced back. Reading about your daughter reminded me of how alone I felt. I was very depressed for about four months but then things came around for me. Your daughter was so beautiful. I hope that you are well and that your pain is eased by the work that you do. Be blessed.
Nikki Parker-Morgan
 Sunday, 28. December 2008 20:42
I have found myself unexpectedly pregnant 10 years after the birth of my son. I suffered from severe PPP for more than a year and tried to commit suicide. We have adopted 2 beautiful children to prevent the chances of recurrance. I am terrified. I have so much more to lose now than I ever have. I have serious reservations about continuing with the pregnancy. Both the psychiatrist and the gynecologist say that with the severity of the PPP last time, they cosider this pregnancy life threatening. What to do?
681) |
Sarah L Schleifer |
Location: New Jersey |
 Sunday, 28. December 2008 17:15
I wanted to list some information that might be useful for women living in New Jersey. Because of the efforts of Acting Governor Codey in 2005 - legislation was passed requiring all women who are receiving health services to deliver a baby are supposed to also receive education and screening about postpartum depression. In New Jersey,all the hospitals that have a maternity unit are providing screening for new moms before they go home. Also , in private doctors offices they are receiving booklets and hopefully, more verbal information. If you live in New Jersey there is a 24 hour hotline - 1-800-328-3838 for questions about PPD and referrals. There is also some limited funding to pay for treatment. If you think you may be experiencing postpartum depression - do not hesitate to speak to someone - a relative, a doctor, a friend. You dont have to go through this alone and it can be helped. Good luck!
680) |
Belinda |
Location: Fort Knox, KY |
 Friday, 26. December 2008 22:48
I am a mom of three, suffering from PPD again. I am having symptoms of PPP again, and I'm so grateful for those who work to help others understand PPP better. Thank you.
679) |
Laura |
Location: Ellijay GA |
 Thursday, 25. December 2008 02:34
PPD and PPP are disorders for which there is no equal. I see women with it and recognize them on sight. Keep up your work.
678) |
andrea diehl |
Location: palm desert, ca |
 Monday, 22. December 2008 15:33
I am a 32 year old woman. I am pregnant w/ my second child and am in fear of having postpartum psychosis again. 12 yrs ago I signed myself into an instatution after losing all reality almost 2 wks to the day after giving birth. Back then there was no info about this. Thank you for your story. Hope I can write back after my baby is born around end of march and let you all know. Thank you carol and God bless. Andrea
 Tuesday, 18. November 2008 23:40
I suffered terrible terrible PPP my last child. And now i am afraid to have more children. :-(
676) |
irene caban |
Location: Shorewood, Illinois |
 Monday, 17. November 2008 02:01
Dear Carol:
I just wanted you to know that Melanie's story inspired me to write a term paper for my Psychology class. Thank you very much for turning your grief into something positive that will definitely help others.
675) |
Robin |
Location: Des Moines, Iowa |
 Thursday, 6. November 2008 04:17
Dear Carol and family, What a beautiful gift you have given others stemming from this terrible loss of yours. Melanie's story was so sad. It is great that you are educating others in the hopes of helping them. I will pray for your entire family and it is my hope that you continue to stay close to your daughter's husband and that your beautiful granddaughter brings you comfort and joy always. :-)
674) |
LIsa |
Location: Suffolk, VA |
 Monday, 3. November 2008 20:28
I am in college and doing a presentation on postpartum psychosis. I am so sorry to hear about your loss and wish you family well. It is nice to share this story with others so they can see the signs and be aware in case others faily memebers suffer from this. And TSK TSK on the doctors for not relizing this sooner
673) |
Sarah Schleifer LCSW |
Location: Teaneck and Lakewood,NJ |
 Monday, 3. November 2008 18:48
As a social worker working with patients with postpartum depression I salute your efforts to bring this problem to the attention of legislators and to the public at large. In the few years I have been working with PPD, I am amazed at how much more aware people are about recognizing and also getting treatment for PPD. May your efforts continue to grow and bring results.
672) |
Carole |
Location: Fairfax, VA |
 Wednesday, 29. October 2008 23:01
I am so sorry about the loss you have suffered. PPD and PPP are certainly a big issue that often goes unrecognized, and often devalued.
Thank you for your crusade, I am behind you 100%
 Sunday, 19. October 2008 04:02
Just doing a capstone project on PPd and early intervention, therapeutic tx willp promote positive outcomes and increased pt satisfaction. Any comments Ill take with pleasure.
670) |
Leticia |
Location: redmond, oregon |
 Tuesday, 16. September 2008 15:51
Hi carol, i am a senior this year and i am doing a health project on ppd, the information you shared on this website helped me to educate my classmates and myself on this disorder, when i first started this project i didnt know what to expect, it is a very heart breaking disorder and I love what you are doing to bring awareness to people.
Thank you for what you are doing.
669) |
Pennyl |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 16. September 2008 07:32
Thank you. I myself suffered from server postpartum and tried to end my life but God intervined and I am better now with a healthy 21 month old. I am stronger because what has happened but am anger at the lack of education out there. THe hospital I was at did not have ONE piece of information on PPD or PPS.
668) |
Katie |
Location: Blacksburg, VA |
 Friday, 12. September 2008 15:07
As a survivor of PPD, I am so saddened to see that your daughter became a victim of this terrible disorder. I commend you for your action toward educating people and helping those who suffer. I would love to know how to help more. Please accept my love and condolences.
667) |
Julie |
Location: E-City, NC |
 Monday, 8. September 2008 19:50
I am a suvivor of PPD and am grateful to my family for staying by me in the most difficult time of my life. I did things totally out of character for me and humiliated myself and family. We live in an area not well educated or prepared to treat PPD and so recovery was slow and damage was great. I have fully recovered and my relationship with my husband and two little girls is stonger than I could have imagined before. Thank you for this site and your efforts to educate. I also hope to save someone and their family from the trauma of PPD some day. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
 Monday, 8. September 2008 17:02
I commend you in your effort to make people aware of post-partum depression. While I am not a mother, I have been witnessed to other areas of depression with my mother. I also experienced depression over the years.
I cannot wait for the non-fiction piece you are working on with a young lady I met in the mid-90s. Temple Hemphill was an intern at the weekly paper where I was a staff writer at the time. She is a very intelligent young woman and I just recently re-connected with her through Facebook.
665) |
Kelli West |
Location: New Jersey |
 Tuesday, 2. September 2008 15:06
Carol -
I just read the story of your daughter and want to know how your son-in-law and granddaughter are doing.
I gave birth to twin boys in July 2004 and almost immediately fell into PPD. I was put on medication (by my ob/gyn) and then was referred to therapy services. I just never felt right, though. I was afraid of my boys and couldn't stand to be left alone with them. No one really understood what I was going through and thought that I was just overwhelmed with being the primary caregiver to twins. One day I woke up (Nov. 1st, 2004) and realized that I was completely alone and that my boys, husband, family, and friends would be in better care without me alive. It was like a light switch going on. I realized that I could never be the mother I wanted and that I could never be the mother my children needed, my husband needed, everyone needed. The choice to end my life was my choice and no one else's. No one could have changed my mind at that time - no one!
I commend you on your work, your drive, and your love for your daughter.
You will be happy to know that in 2006, NJ passed a law that every woman who gives birth in this state, must receive a PPD screening before leaving the hospital and must be given a PPD information package.
Stay strong!
664) |
Working to Empower |
Location: VA |
 Monday, 25. August 2008 20:15
Good luck to you and the work you're doing! Education is the key! Linking your daughters beautiful face to this illness helps to affirm that this is a very REAL illness. Thank you for sharing your story and continuing to work for and with other women with these issues!
663) |
anonymous |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 23. August 2008 23:04
:-( I love my children. I just don't hav anyone. I'v been alone for a yar with no visit from any friends. I feel unloved,,,
662) |
Jill McGarrity |
Location: Swarthmore, Pa. |
 Tuesday, 12. August 2008 03:43
Thank you so much for talking to me while I was so stressed out over my health.I send you my deepest heartfelt condolences about Melanie.May she rest in peace and may she be a guardian angel to you and the rest of your family.I hope we can talk again.Carol you are a warm, compassionate, understanding and loving person. You're in my prayers honey.Love, Jill.
661) |
Andrea C. |
Location: Kansas City, MO |
 Sunday, 3. August 2008 19:00
I am truly sorry for your lost. In researching for a class I came across the HR 20 bill for Melanie and this was something I had never heard of. I have done my assingment on this terrible illness. I will be advising all of my friends and loved ones of this disorder and will be praying that this bill gets passed as everyone should be educated about this illness. In my thoughts and prayers, Andrea
660) |
Jamie |
Location: Missouri |
 Friday, 1. August 2008 02:52
I am so sorry for your loss. As a future counselor, whose goal is to work with women during their reproductive years, this is crucial issue. I hope to help women learn about the disorders before birth and to help them afterwards. Please know there are many of us out there who want to make a difference!
God bless you and your family.
659) |
Allison Kelly |
Location: Columbus, OH |
 Wednesday, 30. July 2008 17:15
I am a graduate student at Ohio State University. As part of a class, several classmates and I are doing a presentation to our class about the current bill pending in the Senate that would provide funding for PPD education and awareness. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is our belief that no one should have to die because of lack of care and awareness of this disease. Much peace to you, Allison
 Sunday, 27. July 2008 00:00
i'm going through this too right now and it's so hard cuz i have no support. people may try to help but they don't understand. i'm on anti depressants and i'm trying and it's better now, my youngest child is 10 mths and the other is 23 mths but it's not gone away. i keep feeling like i will hurt them and i have no bond with them and i feel guilty all the time, like i'm a bad mother. i'm being positive, i know i will get better one day. i just didn't expect this. i lost my first child, miscarriage, and looked forward to babies my whole life because i had so many gyn problems. and it's not the way i saw this all happening. i'm so sorry for you loss. this website is great though because people need to be educated about this.
 Saturday, 26. July 2008 17:13
Thank you for sharing Melanie's story. I too have suffered from PPD and wish all women had such great drs like I did.
656) |
Hilary |
Location: Washington Stae |
 Friday, 25. July 2008 21:02
Thank you. I myself suffered from server postpartum and tried to end my life but God intervined and I am better now with a healthy 21 month old. I am stronger because what has happened but am anger at the lack of education out there. THe hospital I was at did not have ONE piece of information on PPD or PPS.
655) |
Melissa |
Location: Franklin PA |
 Thursday, 24. July 2008 12:01
Thank you
654) |
Joel |
Location: Fukuoka Japan |
 Thursday, 24. July 2008 02:13
Wishing you all the best in getting legislation passed.
653) |
jacqui |
Location: australia |
 Saturday, 5. July 2008 14:44
I suffered from ppp after the birth of twins.A lack of knowledge about the illness among the medical professionals meant that i struggled alone and lost faith in modern medicine.
652) |
Loretta |
Location: michigan |
 Saturday, 5. July 2008 01:58
Post Partum Psychosis is real. I suffered from it 8 years ago. I was away from my family and asked for help. Since no one came to me, I walked the whole night with my 12 pound baby strapped to my body. I took her life on the expressway. Since then, my sister suffered from the same thing. This time, family intervened and saved the life of her and her son. I am forever affected about what happened 8 years ago. Thank God for Carol Blocker and what she is doing. I only have God to thank for my life. I ask him to heal me from the pain of losing my daughter.
651) |
Brighid Kitchen |
Location: Evergreen Park, IL |
 Monday, 30. June 2008 14:26
Dear Carol,
Thank you so much for your courageous efforts of raising awareness of PPP. You truly honor your beautiful daughter and all those who struggle with PPP. God bless you in all your endeavors.
Brighid Kitchen
650) |
Location: Hershey, Pennsylvania |
 Saturday, 28. June 2008 14:34
Thank God for the wonderfully caring woman we have in Carol Blocker. I pray that Sommer Sky (Melanie's Daughter) can grow up knowing there will be a specialized medical field to turn to when needing specific medical attention in the area of the Baby Blues Syndrome: The "baby blues"; postpartum depression, PPD and especially for the far outlooked third area of great concern: Postpartum psychotic depression.
Thanks Carol for all that you talk up and do on behalf of the "Prevention Cause".
Always A Mother's Friend,
D. A. GRAY (Darlene)
649) |
Heidi |
Location: Northern Kentucky |
 Tuesday, 17. June 2008 04:47
Thanks for the time and effort put forth for this cause. I suffered from p.p.d with all 4 of my children. I am currently doing a speech for a class that I am in on the Bill.
648) |
Rolando Rivera |
Location: puerto rico |
 Thursday, 5. June 2008 16:37
i want to tell my story and the way it can help others without knowing for sure the combo ppd + bipolar weird no contact me and will tell my story. The other side of ppd, men under pressure
647) |
Location: FLORIDA |
 Thursday, 5. June 2008 04:49
646) |
Ronda Harris |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 24. May 2008 01:32
I am currently seeking the information on PPD and PPP. My 20 yr old cousin had her first child 3 months ago and this week just up and went off the "deep end" she has never been envolved in drugs or crime and now she's in jail for a mess of things. the child is the furthest thing from her cares and all this suddenly hit. So thank you for putting your efforts and information out there so that those of us searching for answers may be able to help our loved ones before it's too late. :confused:
645) |
Priscilla Morais |
Location: MA |
 Friday, 16. May 2008 23:45
Diagnosed as schizoaffective bipolar before becoming a mother, I was unaware of the connection between bipolar disorder and post partum psychosis until just recently. I did develop PPP after childbirth and hope to be speaking about my personal experiences to members of a bipolar support group in the Boston area in the not so distant future. Both my daughter and I survived my PPP, so I would like to share my story in hopes of educating new mothers and fathers too on some of the ways that PPP can manifest itself in an ordinary bipolar mother's life. Also, as an adoptee, I've struggled with adoption issues. So, I just want to say to the mother from UT who gave up her child for adoption as she struggled with PPD, please make yourself available to your child. I am willing to bet that he or she will want to talk with you someday about why you chose to relinquish him or her.... When I found her, my birthmother told me she looked up at the moon, and "something told her to give up her firstborn." A case of undiagnosed PPP for sure.
Thank you to everyone working on helping raise awareness about PPP.
644) |
Vina Donnelly |
Location: kamloops B.C. Canada |
 Thursday, 15. May 2008 08:05
My daughter had a baby may 2 2008, when she got home I noticed that, this wasn't my daughter. Her voice, laugh and even walk was different. I alerted the health care officials. They put her in the phyic ward. She has been there for 4 days now. They are giving her anti anxiety drugs. The more I learn the more frighten I am. I think she should be on the anti phycosis drugs? This is very frustrating posistion to be in. I read your story OMG! I will demand the right treatment for my daughter to keep her safe. Thankyou
643) |
julie johnson |
Location: England |
 Wednesday, 14. May 2008 11:11
Dear Carol, beggining Sept 2008 i will be studying to be a midwife and reading through your tragic story and awful loss of your daughter's life will be fore most in my future in the care of the ladies and families that i will be there for before , during and after birth. I will make sure all my collegues are also aware of this as you say ignorance is not a good enough excuse we need to understand why. Thank you for sharing your experiences,
Julie Johnson
642) |
Johanne |
Location: Tinley Park |
 Friday, 9. May 2008 22:43
Hello Carol,
When I gave birth to my first son in 1997, I cried non-stop. My mother (a nurse) told me to stop crying so that I would not have postpartum depression. When I had my 3rd child in April 2001, I held him tight as the events of your daughter's last moments were displayed on the news. I had an AHA moment...I was going through postpartum depression! Your daughter's story helped me to understand and get through a difficult time. I didn't know her but she has touched me deeply. Thank you for continuing this necessary teaching.
641) |
Salina |
Location: Seattle, WA |
 Monday, 5. May 2008 19:16
Thank you for putting a face and story with this illness. I was too terrified to tell anyone what I was thinking, and my husband responded by spending more and more time away... thank God now people can see this is not just "mood swings" but a real illness! Now I no longer keep silent, and I refer Sisters to your site to see they are not alone. God bless,
640) |
Cathy |
Location: Indianapolis |
 Tuesday, 29. April 2008 15:59
Dear Carol,
My sister Jennie is currently going through a battle with postpartum psychosis. It is such a scary and out of control illness. I appreciate your website with your daughter Melanie's story and all the information you have provided about the illness. I am so sorry for your loss. You are doing a wonderful thing with this website in honor of Melanie. You are helping countless people like me who need information and resources to help our loved ones. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I admire your strength in turning such a heartbreaking tragedy into an important source of help for others. GOD BLESS YOU!
639) |
Marysue |
Location: Michigan |
 Tuesday, 22. April 2008 17:11
My heart aches for you and your family. As I read Melanies story, I remember how horrible PPD/Psycosis was for me like those who have suffered the same. If it had not been for the care of my mother, I dont think I would have made it, I had no support from my husband and he really just was not interested. I feel that the only way for women to beat this is knowledgte!! It took me a very long time to get well and will never forget how terrible it was. I have always told my mom that some day I will write a book about this and would love to help create awareness about PPD.
To women everywhere going through this....YOU WILL MAKE IT, DONT GIVE UP!!!
638) |
Tamara |
Location: Florida |
 Sunday, 20. April 2008 20:33
My heart is breaking for you and your family. I went through a horrible round of PPD bordering on PPP after the birth of both my children. After my second child was born I was in the darkest place of my life. No one was willing to help me. Begging, crying and pleading got me no where for months. How I managed to hang on as long as I did to find the one person who finally listened I will never know. I now moderate a message board for PPD sufferers and survivors and I happened across this while looking for information. Thank you for everything you do to raise awareness.
637) |
vikas |
Location: Albuquerque |
 Sunday, 20. April 2008 16:57
Dear Carol,
Thank you so much for raising awareness about post partum psychosis.
I have a family member going through the pangs,we are trying to grapple with the odds and unanswered questions.
 Friday, 18. April 2008 20:20
I am dealing with postpartum depression. Thank you for raising the awarness. Its hard to deal with and knowing people are trying to understand and help us means alot. :-)
635) |
Private... |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 16. April 2008 14:24
I had a family member that suffered from post partem phychosis about a year ago, and is currently doing well. I as a witness to what happened am still silently suffering from the things i seen and what i know can happen to a person, not to mention the neglect from the hospital. I want to thank you for this site, i still cry everytime i read it... thanks so much.
 Sunday, 13. April 2008 03:05
Dear Carol,
I think of you, Sommer, and Melanie often. Melanie's birthday is this week, and I am sure that it's a tough week for you. Please know you do not remember your beautiful daughter alone.
Please know how grateful so many of us are for what you do to build Melanie's legacy. You are saving lives every day as you work for your daughter...and you help those of us who have survived this terrible disease to hold our heads a bit higher and realize the things we said and did were not us. Thank you.
Happy birthday, Melanie!!!
Sommer, so many Mommies out here are thinking of you as you grow up. Your Mommy is a wonderful beautiful woman! You must miss her very much.
633) |
Jenna Dowdal |
Location: Illinois |
 Wednesday, 9. April 2008 19:18
I am also a survivor of post partum psychosis and I am amazed I am still here today. Mine hit a few days after my daughter who is now 8 monthes old was born. I went from crying hysterically to not eating and not sleeping at all. I wanted so bad to die but I never took it to that level. My doctors would not take me seriously and gave me nothing but bad advice. I was fianlly admitted to a psychiatric facility about a week after she was born. I was put on a battery of meds and after about 4 monthes I was fianlly healing. If it was not for my family I know I would not be here now. I have been taken off of all of the meds now and I am scared but with the support I have I know I can make it. This is the scariest time in a womens life if she has to endure this horrible disease and I hope something can be done to help these women.
632) |
SG |
Location: Australia |
 Wednesday, 9. April 2008 03:50
I suffered from this condition after having my baby last year. It was a very frightening experience but with the help and support of my husband and prompt diagnosis I feel I am getting back to normal. Remember you are not alone, if you can't talk to your family see a doctor.
 Saturday, 5. April 2008 03:32
I am currently on meds for postpartum depression and I would like to say thank you for this website.
 Sunday, 30. March 2008 20:56
thank you, carol. your daughter's story is very moving and relevant, and i am so glad you are telling it. she was a beautiful woman. her story is going to help so many. mental illness runs in my family, and it is so difficult to explain to others. please keep talking and educating others. these are such important issues. we all need to bring this to the forefront. melanie's memory will live on through others who survive mental illness because you are telling her story. thank you for everything you are doing.
 Saturday, 29. March 2008 20:48
I currently suffering from post partum psychosis and want to thank you for raising awareness.
628) |
Alicia |
Location: UK |
 Friday, 28. March 2008 20:56
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Overtrading: Each trade costs you a couple of pips-Consider your trades well before you make them. Each faulty trade, even if exited quickly, drains equity.
Bad money management: One bad trade can wipe out a year of patient, smart trading. Manage your risk using stop loss orders, so that you never risk too high a percentage of your equity on any one single trade.
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 Monday, 24. March 2008 13:22
I suffered from Post PArtum Psychosis and almost didnt make it. It is a terrible and confusing illness.
For me it was my baby and 4 year old daughter who kept me from suicide. I did seek help and went to therapy and took lots of meds. I have no idea how I made it. I dont think anyone knew how sick I really was. I was a danger to myself, but no one seemed to realize that. I should have beed commited. God bless melanie and her family and all the victims of this illness. I guess I am proof you can make it even if it is by the skin of your teeth. Anyone can email me if they need to talk. I am happy to help.
merrygirl38 at
626) |
kim |
Location: vancouver,bc |
 Saturday, 22. March 2008 01:23
i was doing a research paper and came across this site. Thanks it helped out alot. The site is great for getting awareness about PNP.
625) |
Yvette |
Location: florida |
 Wednesday, 19. March 2008 01:09
Thanks Carol for sharing your daughter's story with us. I suffered from postpartum psychosis with my first child. It was in 2000 when I had my first child it all happened really fast alot of changes all at once. I started feeling sad, depressed, I didn't want anyone to hold my son. Then I started getting thoughts of hurt my son. I call my OB and she wanted me to call a psychiatrist and I didnt because I was scared I would loss my son. I knew having this thought was wrong and that i needed help,so every time I got this thoughts I would make sure my son was safe in his crib and I would go pray and ask GOD for help. After a while it stopped .In 2006 I had my second child I was really scared it would happen again, but this time I spoke to my husband,my family, my OB before I had my daughter.I had alot of help from my husband and family. I got thoughts of hurting my daughter maybe once or twice.
I thank GOD that everything turned out good. I'm now a nurse, everything is good, I have more knowledge of postpartum psychosis, and still I'm learning about it. I'm also talking more and more about postpartum psychosis with my family, friends, co-workers.
Thanks again for sharing you daughters story
624) |
silent |
Location: oc, ca |
 Saturday, 15. March 2008 09:46
I am deeply sadden to hear what had happened to Melanie. I too am suffering from post partum psychosis for over 5 years now. I am still battling and struggling with this disease every day. I chose not to tell anyone, again, because 2 years ago I had told my OB my concerns regarding my thoughts and I ended up being locked up for 3 days under 5150. The system also threatened me and my husband that they would take my kids away. So I had to pretend and put up a front as if I was ok and that I did not suffer anymore.
I truly hope this will bring more awareness to the doctors and the hospitals. Bless you for all your hard work. Thank you
623) |
Kavita Gupta |
Location: Fremont,CA |
 Tuesday, 11. March 2008 16:45
It was very sad to read about it. I am doing a lot of research on post-partum blue in girls. I have seen this symtoms in lots of girls in and around me. Even, when their kids are couple of years old. In our neighbour hood, everybody has released the importance of helping each other before and after delivery of the baby. I wanted to make a NPO regarding this problem and it is "Childern Society and You". I would like you to meet some people in my neighbourhood how they are helping each during this time. If you are in Bay Area, I would like to have small get-together with all the people around to show you, how we can fix this problem.
 Monday, 10. March 2008 20:19
I currently suffering from post partum psychosis and want to thank you for raising awareness
 Wednesday, 5. March 2008 17:22
I am so sorry for the loss that you and your family have endured, & also sorry for the loss that many will have to come with the absence of your daughter. She is lovely. Thank you for sharing your story and continuing to educate the world on this issue that so many have suffered silently with. God bless you.
620) |
Rashell Pinkney |
Location: GA |
 Tuesday, 4. March 2008 17:56
Thank you for more insight on postpartum psychosis. I’m a nursing major and am currently working on a presentation for my psychology class. This web site and Melanie’s story will help bring clarity to everyone who will view my presentation. Thank you again, and I pray that God continue to strengthen you and bless your efforts to spread awareness.
619) |
Hollie Cavanagh |
Location: Perth, Australia |
 Sunday, 2. March 2008 05:04
thank you for sharing your story
as a survivor of PND i am also determined to raise awareness, and am writing a book which is a compilation of stories from women who have been effected by it
i was wondering if it would be okay to include Melanie's story?
i look forward to hearing from you x
618) |
Perette |
Location: Florida |
 Saturday, 1. March 2008 18:24
I am so sorry for the terrible loss you and her husband have suffered. Your message about this condition is clearly spreading and something we all need to hear.
617) |
lynne |
Location: oxford,uk |
 Tuesday, 19. February 2008 16:10
I'm so pleased to see such actice work done by Melanie's mum Carol. Well doen - it truely is fantastic work. I am a psychiatric nurse working in the UK. We have special units here which have mother and babies together.So, the mother can receive appropraite treatment and support;whilst encouraging the mother baby bond.The babies are never put at risk, and we have high levels of staffing to ensure this - perhaps this could be a way forward for the US system.
616) |
Shana Carter |
Location: Tyler, TX |
 Tuesday, 19. February 2008 02:43
I am in nursing school and I am currently working on a project on postpartum psychosis. I am trying to gather information. My goal in this project is to inform, assess the risk factors, and nursing interventions to help reduce this tragic incidence of happening. Thank you for the information provided.
615) |
Marlene Meyerhoff |
Location: Lewiston, Idaho |
 Saturday, 16. February 2008 03:30
I would wish that the help was there now, not tomorrow. Just a short time ago another new mommy killed both herself and one of her children because of this dread disease. Pray and move to help these women and men.
614) |
Ebony |
Location: Tillery, NC |
 Friday, 15. February 2008 15:37
Hello my name is Ebony and I'm a singer/writer and would love to write a film documentary on Melanie's life. Pleace contact me because more people need to be made aware of this serious illness. God bless you!
613) |
christine |
Location: new york |
 Tuesday, 12. February 2008 04:13
I remember reading about melanie when i was at the end of my pregnancy. i gave birth to a daughter in July of 2001. i also remember reading and seeing the story of Andrea Yates at that time. i had suffered post-partum depression after the birth of my son in 1990 but being a very young mother i had no idea what i had been going through. the depression was quite severe after my son but it could not compare to the terrifying experience i had after my daughter was born. after my first pregnancy i only had thoughts of hurting myself. after my daughter was born i began having fears and thoughts that i would hurt her.
i am concerned for and about women who come forth about post-partum depression and psychosis. i fear that they do not always tell the whole story. sometimes i think that it hinders rather than helps women who have thoughts about hurting their children in comeing forward to get help. i urge anyone who has thoughts or feelings of hurting themselves or their child(ren) to come forward and get help. talk to others. you will be accepted. you will be loved. but most importantly you will be helped.
612) |
Louise |
Location: birmingham, al |
 Sunday, 10. February 2008 05:33
This is such a terrible disease... I am also a profesional, married mother who thanks God everyday I have no direct experience with this illness. I firmly believe there is no better cause than yours and thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter and her story.
 Friday, 8. February 2008 15:26
Thank you so much for getting involved in this terrible condition. So sorry that you had to but you are doing the right thing. I have been searching for answers to what happened to me 6 weeks after I had my baby girl 1 year ago and I know now. It was postpartum psychosis and I was lucky enough to come out of it. Doctors don't know enough or seem to care enough and simply push you off and call it hormones.It's very sad to see that there is so little research and no one can seem to explain it. Thank you for your research efforts and I will be visiting that link.
610) |
Cherae Ensor |
Location: Maryland |
 Thursday, 7. February 2008 03:01
Hi Carol I met you and your grandaughter at the American Girl Store. I was there with my daughter. I want to thank you for directing me to this site, what an amazing mother you are. This has fueled many conversations in the past weeks about what we say as women to other women. It's funny how no one ever speaks about some of the depression that also comes with being a mother and then how you are made to feel so inadequate if you actually speak ok it. As a mother of 4 I just want to say thank you for sharing your daughters story.
609) |
Carrie |
Location: Canada |
 Wednesday, 6. February 2008 20:13
Thank you Carol for sharing your daughter's story about Post Partum Psychosis. You are saving lives by raising awareness about this illness that is too often swept under the rug. I went through PPD two years ago after the birth of my daughter. It was a horrible experience and a lonely time for me. Luckily, I found this PPD support group and met alot of great women going through the same thing. They were so supportive and they gave me hope that I could get through this dark, depressing time and that it wasn't my fault that this happened to me. I have survived and am doing well. I'm expecting another baby in a few months and am prepared to get help if I end up going through it again. I don't expect I will though. So sorry for the loss of your daughter. She is an angel helping others now in spirit and she has you to thank for this and for keeping her memory alive. God Bless!
608) |
Robyn |
Location: Atlanta |
 Monday, 4. February 2008 22:53
I remember doing the walk with you,such beauty and strength thru the years i have though about you often you and the grandbaby are always in my prayers.
 Monday, 4. February 2008 19:16
Found your site while searching for some information for my self. I am so sorry, GBU and your family.
606) |
Lorie Troullier |
Location: Santa Clarita, California |
 Thursday, 31. January 2008 15:49
I recently traveled to Oregon where my daughter in law is suffering from post-partum psychosis. Our family is currently in the initial denial phase, but I was a Children's Social Worker in L.A. County and I know the severity of the situation....I cried when I read your touching story regarding your daughter Melanie...God bless you and her baby and thank you for all you are doing today......
605) |
jessica |
Location: washington |
 Thursday, 31. January 2008 05:18
found your page while looking for postpartum help for myself. i have felt so low lately, i just want to walk out on my son, but haven't, i love him too much but the battle with myself everyday tears me apart.
604) |
Marguerite |
Location: Louisiana |
 Sunday, 27. January 2008 14:44
Found your site while looking for information to try to help my daughter in law. She delivered five weeks ago, and is having difficulty dealing with the baby and/or my son at night. She screams at my baby/son and last night, she threw something and hit her husband. Two nights in a row, she has wished he was dead, and hoped that he would get killed on his way to work in a car wreck. They are staying with me, and are all living in one bedroom. They have a place to move, and as soon as it is finished with some repairs, they will be moving out soon. However, I am worried that she has the post partum depression, but she says not.
603) |
Marcie |
Location: Tallahassee, FL |
 Sunday, 20. January 2008 15:22
As painful as this must be for you, I believe you are being led by God to help others and know he will give you the strength to continue. I am so sorry for your loss and admire you for having the courage to bring help to others.
From personal experience, with addiction rather than PPD, the message to strong, successful women needs to be made very clear, and repeated often: ASK FOR HELP. If a strong women doesn't ask for help, but obviously needs it, then intervene. She may be unwilling or unable to overturn a pattern that has worked so well in the past -- solving her own problems.
Godspeed to you.
602) |
Holly Flemming |
Location: Quincy, Ma |
 Sunday, 20. January 2008 14:03
Thank you for all you are doing and have done to make more people aware of this awful disease. I am very sorry for your loss, she seemed like such a beautiful person. I also suffered severe PPD and before my child was born, not one person mentioned the words Postpartum depression. I felt like such a monster for a long time. My daughter is now 4 and we are agonizing over the decision to have one more child. Thanks again for all you have done.
601) |
Kacie |
Location: danville, kentucky |
 Thursday, 17. January 2008 14:06
oh my gosh!!!! this was intersting and im srry to hear what happend to the family!!!! :-( i hoep the baby is still ok and is doing great!
600) |
Lorraine Palafox |
Location: Long Beach, Ca |
 Friday, 11. January 2008 04:15
:-( My prayers
599) |
Kathy Jo |
Location: Texas |
 Friday, 11. January 2008 00:06
I am a RN @ a local hospital on the postpartum unit. I have taken the cause of PPD/mood disorders under my wing and am working with our mental health/social work department/OB MDs to create a plan for screening of mothers prior to DC from the hospital. We are also planning to increase our education given to moms before DC. I suffered from PPD with my 1st and 2nd child. Luckily with #3 and #4 I did not, however I will never forget the utter dispair I felt during those times. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I can only hope that TX will jump on board with similar legislation.
God Bless you, your son-in-law and granddaughter.
 Wednesday, 9. January 2008 16:43
Hello. I am currently suffering from PPD. I read the book "A Daughter's Touch" and thats where I first heard about Melanie Stokes. I had to google her and find out more, and I came acros this website. I am so happy that people are trying to make it more known. I had no clue anything about it until it happened to me. Great website.
597) |
Robin M |
Location: Mobile, AL |
 Monday, 7. January 2008 19:45
Thank you for sharing this story. I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my third child. I experienced PPD 10 months after my first child and it was so traumatic I feared relapsing for years. I suffered without treatment because of my own irrational thinking for a year. My second child I did suffer from it but it lasted a week. I was fine. Knowing all this and 8.5 years later and being 33 weeks pregnant the fear of it happening again has knocked me into lots of anxiety. I've spoken to many doctors from my clinic and they act like the are so unaware of what I'm talking about. I have never felt so alone. Thank you for posting this painful but REAL story on the net for others to see they are NOT abnormal.
596) |
Tracy |
Location: Franklin, Massachusetts |
 Friday, 28. December 2007 03:12
I'm 39 years old, happily married, college educated and the administrator of a local hospital. I'm here to say that Post Partum Depression can happen to anyone. It happened to me. I had severe post traumatic stress and depression after the birth of my daughter 4 years ago. I suffered from anxiety attacks, irrational thoughts and suicidal thoughts. I could actually relate to Andrea Yates. I was terrified I was losing my mind. It was very hard to find the help & support I needed. I finally did get the help I needed but it was a long road filled with guilt and shame. I found that PTSD & PPD are taboo subjects and no one wants to talk about them. I'm here to talk about it- to say I survived it and so can you! You might have to see several doctors or therapists and try many anitdepressants but eventually you will get better. Talk about your experience to anyone who will listen! Everyone needs to be aware that PPD/PTSD is real and can be treated. I thank God everyday that I was one of the lucky ones, I got helpbefore it was too late. My heart goes out to Melanie's family. I hope that together we can prevent this tragedy from happening to another family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Thank you.
 Monday, 24. December 2007 06:31
Nice website. I am battling PPD and can use all the help I can get. It helps to read other's stories. Unfortunately, some end tragically. Sorry for your loss.
594) |
sarah jackson |
Location: great barrington MA |
 Friday, 14. December 2007 15:48
I am a therapist/ Jungian psychoanalyst doing a paper on PPD. Thanks for your honesty and bravery on behalf of your lovely daughter, and so many other women.
I will call you-- would like to get a bit more info-- thank you!
593) |
Laraine Redmond |
Location: Northern Ireland |
 Thursday, 13. December 2007 11:29
This is a great insight into this disorder! I have recently come across this in a placement as a student nurse!
592) |
Melissa |
Location: chicago |
 Monday, 10. December 2007 16:43
Carol I met you & your granddaughter yesterday at the Art Institute. I was moved by the brochure you gave me & as requested I did pass it on. You are a good strong woman & it was an honor to meet you.
591) |
Rachel |
Location: carpinteria california |
 Thursday, 6. December 2007 03:22
Thank you for posting such an important sight. As I read I empathized greatly. With my son who is now 3 I experienced Postpartum Depression. Postpartum Psychosis I understand is a bit more different, although the depression I experienced was quite severe and the most scariest time of my life. I did make it through and have changed as a person and a mother. I am very happy that awareness and education regarding this illness is happening. :-)
590) |
Amanda Williams |
Location: Houlton Maine |
 Thursday, 6. December 2007 02:48
I am doing a report on postpartum psychosis and i found your page it has wonderful information
Thank you!
589) |
Danah McDaniel |
Location: Battle Creek, MI |
 Tuesday, 4. December 2007 20:01
This is great site. I was lucky enough to see Carol speak on 12/3/07 and her story moved me. I wish more people could have the opportunity to see her.
 Tuesday, 4. December 2007 01:01
I am so sorry for your loss. I was researching for information on Postpartum Pyschosis when I stumbled across this article. I hope you don't mind that I share this information with others in my Nursing program. We are studying postpartum complications at this time and I think the pictures and article will bring home the point that this could hit anyone.
Again I am very sorry, your daughter was very beautiful.
 Monday, 3. December 2007 20:08
Carol, I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. Thank you for the work you've done to promote help for moms with post partum depression.
586) |
Rachna |
Location: London |
 Saturday, 1. December 2007 23:12
I just happened to come across your website while researching on PPD. Just dropped by to say, Hats off to you Carol! Sommer is blessed to have you in her life and so is Melanie. You have fought and won the battle for her and for so many others who silently undergo this trauma. I know the damage that has happened is irrevocable however I pray to god to bless you with all the strength to cope up with the loss.
585) |
Oonagh |
Location: England |
 Friday, 30. November 2007 23:20
Thank you for shining a light on this illness. I suffered in silence when my first child was born and continue to do so but it is getting better.
Have a good life and always let Sommer know she is OK and illness can touch anyone. It is no respector of persons. :-)
584) |
Chantilla |
Location: usa |
 Wednesday, 28. November 2007 19:39
583) |
Jennifer Bidler |
Location: Des Moines, Iowa |
 Wednesday, 21. November 2007 03:26
:-) I am a survivor of PPD. Thank you for all of your continued work and courage.
582) |
mechelehughes |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 17. November 2007 17:17
I am a survivor of PPD. I was extremely depressed after my first son. Many people around said it was because I was young (20) at the time. I had my second son six years later. Around the third month of my pregnancy I started to fall into a depression. By the time I had him I was completely off my rocker. It took me seven years before I even started to feel ok. I had horrid thoughts of ending my life. The only thing that kept me from going that far was knowing I would have to leave my sons behind. Then I started to have thoughts of taking my children with me. Right around the time I started to have these thoughts, Andrea Yates' story hit the newspapers. That is when I realized what was happening. I fully understood that what was happening was PPD. I give this credit to my high school teacher also. I first learned about PPD in high school. From that point on I worked really hard at trying to change my thought process. It has been 15 years since the birth of my first son and I am still working at getting better. I no longer have those horrid thoughts running through my head; now I am trying to forgive myself for having those thoughts.
581) |
Kerry Duncan |
Location: Long Island, NY |
 Wednesday, 14. November 2007 03:35
Thank you for sharing your daughter Melanie's story.I found this site while researching for my thesis. I would like to ask if anyone willing to share their experience with PPD would be willing to email me. I'd greatly appreciate it. I suffered with PPD after my daughter was born in 2003. I was in the Navy at that time, but have since finished my service and have gone back to college. I am working on a dual degree (my BA and MS concurrently) in criminal justice. I am starting my thesis next semester. It is about the CJ System and Women suffering from postpartum illness. I would like to be able to include personal experiences with this disease into my thesis. Anyone willing to write, please email me at kduncan_thesis at yahoo dot com
580) |
Kate |
Location: Austin, Texas |
 Monday, 12. November 2007 02:41
I found your site while doing general research on Psychotic Depression. Thank you for being so corageous and providing this helpful information. My 16 year old daughter has been diagnosed with psychotic depression. Her psychiatrist told me psychotic depression is very similar to PPP. I believe in her psychiatrist and trust her care. My daughter is improving every day and has no psychotic symptoms as long as she is on a theraputic dose of anti-psychotic medication. She also takes daily doses of a mood stablizer an antidepressant and an antianxiety medication. I am just so concerned that even with close care and support she will have breakthrough symptoms and without warning, harm herself. Carol, was your daughter on theraputic doses of all her meds when she harmed herself? I am torn on advocating for hospitalization for my daughter until she is "cured" to have 100% certainty about her safety. But her healthcare team says that breakthrough symptoms aren't very likely and that she is improving enough to not be hospitalized.
579) |
Linda |
Location: Indiana |
 Sunday, 11. November 2007 15:47
I am doing a project for policy for my MSW degree and I was debating over two bills. After I read about this bill, I decided to advocate for this one. I am a mother and a grandmother, and it is devistating when even one women suffers like this, but there are so many who do. I also work for a social service agency for new moms and expectant moms so I see many different outcomes after a pregnancy. Thank you for getting this problem recognized and hoefully addressed.
578) |
Kathleen Simi |
Location: Quincy, California |
 Tuesday, 6. November 2007 19:48
Carol, I remember vividly when I heard the awful news of your daughter. I, too, suffered from postpartum psychosis in 1999 with the birth of my first daughter. It is amazing to me that I almost lost my life to this because of the lack of understanding by medical staff. I suffered for weeks before pleading for help. Yet, the emergency room told me it was normal not to sleep for over a week and to lose 30 lbs. in 4 weeks after my daughter was born. This was after I explained that I could not eat or swallow. I was up all night because my mind could not rest, not because my baby was up. Please keep my email and let me know if there is any way for me to help educate the appropriate people on this disorder.
577) |
 Wednesday, 31. October 2007 05:03
576) |
gloria brazelton |
Location: - |
 Monday, 29. October 2007 18:01
Thanks for sharing your story.
Sommer is blessed to have you in her life.
May GOD's peace forever be with you.
575) |
Wendy Fanucchi |
Location: California |
 Wednesday, 24. October 2007 20:28
I found your site today through Postpartum Progress. Thank you. And thank you for your work on behalf of women who succumbed to PPPsychosis. The first time I posted on my blog about Andrea Yates and the compassion I felt for her through my own battle with severe ppd I was caught off guard by a commenter who slammed me several times over for not wanting to string her up. It is nice to find others that understand.
574) |
evaleen camacho catrambone |
Location: chicago |
 Wednesday, 24. October 2007 03:03
Carol, I would like to express my deepest sympathies in regards to what you and your family, especially your daughter had to suffer through. As I have suffered from PPD, I know firsthand the horribleness of this disease. It takes away your strength, your character, your soul. It makes an otherwise strong, confident, caring woman feel worthless, and weak, and lost.
We met for the first time officially yesterday. I spoke at a PPD forum that you also attended. I am overwhelmed by the emotion by having come full circle. I want to express how truly powerful the experience was for me, and hopefully, I was able to help that one person.
They say things happen for a reason. For over three years, I have wondered what the reason for my suffering from PPD was. Yesterday, I found the answer. I want to help. Please feel free to contact me for whatever reason. :-)
573) |
J. Fisher |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 23. October 2007 04:44
I am trying to find out more about this terrible condition because I have recently met and become friends with a young woman who is suffering from this.
She seems so sad and frail.
She has allowed me into her "world" and I think she is so brave and she is trying so hard to cope.
I am here for her and have had her over because she called me and said " I need help". She wanted to come over and just be with me, which I was more than happy for her too.
Her children are safe and at her parents. Her husband seems kind and supportive.
How I ache for her.
Any suggestions on how I might help her better?
She is so sweet and I want to do anything to help her.
J. :-(
572) |
Julie |
Location: Chicago |
 Monday, 22. October 2007 17:23
I wrote a few years back. I can't believe how time flies. I had postpartum depression with my son. He will be 12 soon. I also "started" to feel it after I had my daughter 8 years ago. It took me a long time to realize I was not crazy.I was told by people that "I was jealous that the baby was getting attention and not me." It was horrible. I only believed it was going to get worse, so a week before Christmas in 1995, I tried to take my own life. I am truly grateful to God that something made me pick up the phone and call an ambulance to take me to the E.R. From there, I was introduced to Dr. Mian. I was one of her first patients. She is a psychiatrist that specialized in PPD. I just seen her and it has been almost 12 years since she saved my life. She was the only person who could get through to me and did not stop helping me until I could function as a mommy. She was the footprints in my sand. She is out of Willowbrook, Illinois. If anyone is suffering from PPD, I can't emphasize enough how much she can help you. I would not be here today if it was not for her. After reading about the legislation being passed, I said a prayer and felt a sense of relief that this is being recognized. In the last 12 years, so much has come out about PPD. I pray that your days are filled with smiles and laughter. I am sure your daughter is very proud of you. She knows that you did not stop until something was changed. You are truly an angel. Sincerely, Julie
 Wednesday, 17. October 2007 00:26
I am ecstatic to see someone so devoted to the cause. I pray the new legislation will draw so much attention that a new mother is certain to get proper treatment. There has never been anything like this. Thank you for helping new mothers!
570) |
Reese Butler |
Location: Washington DC |
 Tuesday, 16. October 2007 17:49
Congratulations on the passing of the Melanie Blocker Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act, as I noticed that it was passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 382 - 3!! This is a great day for all moms who have suffered and those who will in the future not suffer as our loved ones did. You go girl! You are a persistent woman. It was great to see you when you came to DC for Mothers Day. I hope to see you when President Bush signs it into law!
569) |
Madeleine |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 16. October 2007 12:07
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters battle with postnatal psychosis. I recently lost one of my best friends to this and your website gave me hope when I felt helpless. I plan to raise awareness and try and save lives.
 Monday, 15. October 2007 02:59
I was so sorry to read about Melanie's battle with postpartum psychosis and the loss of her life and her potential. I suffered from progressively worse postpartum psychosis with each pregnancy. I was lucky that I had an OB-GYN that was very attuned to the danger of this illness. Untreated postpartum depression and psychosis can have far reaching implications for the mothers and their children. Thank you for you wonderful site, and your granddaughter is beautiful. Once again, I am sorry for your loss, but I am thankful for the help your site brings to many people.
thank you and god bless.
567) |
Madeleine |
Location: London |
 Friday, 12. October 2007 16:11
My friend recently took her own life after suffering from post natal psychosis. She hid it from everyone. Its the most devastating illness and I plan to raise awareness to help save lives.
566) |
Marilyn Green |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 7. October 2007 19:42
Never experienced this before through two pregnancies, but I can relate to depression.
565) |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 7. October 2007 13:34
564) |
Shervenia N. Pettigrew |
Location: Louisville KY |
 Saturday, 6. October 2007 10:54
I am suffering from some these symptoms and Iwould like to know if there is anyway I could get this without medication. Will this go away on it's on or will it worse without treatment?
563) |
Patricia |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Wednesday, 3. October 2007 18:18
Carol, I am a psychology student at the Illinois Institute of Technology and am writing a paper on this issue. My professor actually showed a film in our class that had a feature on your daughter. I did a search about her story and came accros this site. I wish you and your beautiful grand daughter and son-in-law all the best in spreading experience and information on this matter. I hope Sommer can grow to understand that the woman who jumped from that building was not her mother but what was left after the psychosis took her away. Please don't ever let her think it was her fault or that her mother didn't love her. Show her who her mother really was. Never stop fighting, you'll make your voice heard. With much love, Tricia.
562) |
Sandy |
Location: louisville, ky |
 Sunday, 30. September 2007 09:20
I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you all in my prayers....
561) |
Jenae |
Location: Birmingham, AL |
 Sunday, 30. September 2007 02:14
May God Bless Melanie's Family and Friends during this time of grievance. I will do my part of informing others about Post Partum Depression. I am truly sorry for you loss.
560) |
Aracely |
Location: Pasadena, CA |
 Sunday, 30. September 2007 01:56
God Bless you....
559) |
Melissa Coleman |
Location: KY |
 Saturday, 29. September 2007 23:55
Bless everyone who has been through this.
558) |
Jodele Jordan |
Location: South Carolina |
 Saturday, 29. September 2007 23:19
What an amazing way to pay tribute to your daughter and to raise awareness on such an important issue.good luck and God bless you!
557) |
Jennifer Miller |
Location: Salt Lake City, Ut |
 Friday, 28. September 2007 20:43
I spoke with you a few months ago and I have to say that I think that you are an amazing woman. I gave my son up for adoption when he was 7 weeks old. I had so much anxiety and fear when I was with him that I could not function.I had lost 50 lbs in 7 weeks, I wasn't able to sleep and I was not eating very much. The adoption has been an open adoption and I have had contact with him. I tried to explain to the family what I was going through at the time and I asked them to give him back to me before the adoption was final. They felt that they had also bonded with him and could not give him back to me. I don't think I will be able to see him anymore as they feel like I put them in a difficult position. I miss my son and think about him every day. This experience has definitely been something that I don't want anyone else to have to experience. I would like to get involved and talk to other women and try to put together resources so women can be diagnosed and receive appropriate treatment. I had seen 2 doctors and 2 psychologists in the 2 weeks before I placed him and I don't feel I got the treatment that I needed. I would appreciate it if you would give me a call when you can. I would like to see if you can give me any ideas of how to get started. 801-548-0443
Thanks, Jennifer
556) |
Marlo Zawahri |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 22. September 2007 17:42
I suffered from severe PPD after the birth of my second child in April of 2006. Unfortunately, no one made me or my husband aware that this illness was a possibility and the dire effects it could have. I ended up taking the life of my son, Alex, one day before he turned three weeks old and tried to commit suicide the same morning. Carol Blocker contacted my husband immediately, and wrote me faithfully throughout my five years of incarceration. She is truly a special woman and I thank her for all her love and support. Her efforts to increase awareness of PPD issues are unwavering, and I hope that I can help her by sharing my story. Please tell someone if you are experiencing any abnormal thoughts, feelings or behaviors during or after your pregnancy - early detection is crucial! I would be happy to correspond with anyone who has questions for me.
 Saturday, 22. September 2007 05:42
Mrs. Blocker, it was such a pleasure to meet you and Sommer this afternoon. Your level of committment to this very important subject matter is admirable. Diana and I will work diligently to have you as a guest speaker at the medical college. Take Care
 Saturday, 22. September 2007 01:57
Carol... Your courage and conviction to make your loss someone else's gain is beyond inspiring and moving. You have a beautiful spirit that radiates and touches others. And your granddaughter Sommer is such a joy! Your lovely family will be in my prayers... I look forward to having you at our school as a guest speaker in the near future.
553) |
Rosemary |
Location: Long Island |
 Thursday, 20. September 2007 16:58
During you work with legislation - please make sure it is not for the standardized testing traditional medicine performs. Hair testing, saliva testing, deficiencies or concentration in heavy metals, etc., can have serious affects on mental health and hormone balances. Please seek further into the holistic research and testing, i.e., orthomolecular physicians. Through my experience this is where the help lies. My sincerest sympathy - and much luck.
552) |
LaTania Johnson |
Location: Denver, CO |
 Wednesday, 19. September 2007 20:50
I suffered this condition when I had my 2nd child. I was lucky it was not a bad case. It was brought on by the death of both of my parents when I was 8 months pregnant. I am currently doing a research paper on the cause and affects of the illness. I am so glad there is more awarness and support for this. :-)
551) |
Carissa Ross |
Location: Clovis CA |
 Wednesday, 19. September 2007 15:20
I am a friend of a mother that suffered from this disorder. She took the life of her child and is now looking at 26-30 years in prison. I feel as though I am meant to do something, yet I am not sure what that is. Any ideas are welcome. Thank you
550) |
Julie Hensley |
Location: USA- Virginia |
 Tuesday, 18. September 2007 17:54
How profoundly, inexplicably painful.
How courageous of Carol to continue to visit this issue... everyday. I know it's something that she can never avoid, but her love for Melanie in how she reaches out to others is clear.
I also know that Melanie's daughter is being raised knowing how wonderful, bright and beautiful her mother was and I wish the absolute best for everyone that knew Melanie and had to keep moving forard for the sake of her daughter since that day in 2001.
549) |
sarah |
Location: es#@*%!, uk |
 Sunday, 16. September 2007 14:40
i suffered with severe pnd with my first child last yr in may 06, then i battled to get better with no medication, as i got pregnant again 4 months after my first baby! i then felt the beginning of pnd coming again after the birth of my 2nd child. to this day i struggle sometimes and am so glad to be out of the nasty black hole i was in.
i feel for anyone who was in a simialar or worse situation as it was the worst time of my life.
for those who have gone and left us here on earth whilst suffering, you are finally at peace and i hope you are in a better place.
for those who have been left behind my heart goes out to you but remember, they arent suffering anymore.
548) |
Jemir Colon |
Location: NEW YORK |
 Tuesday, 11. September 2007 17:48
 Tuesday, 11. September 2007 09:06
Hello, I suffered from severe postpartum psychosis after giving birth to my first child. I was extremely depressed, had paranoid delusions, was unable to drive , experienced memory loss, and was just unable to function on a daily basis. I had suicidal thoughts during that period and actually began to cut myself to take away the emotional pain. I am happy to say that I am a survior of this atrotious disease. However, I am currently pregnant with my third child. I am in the final trimester, and am experiencing depression and hormonal episodes. I still struggle with self harm. That is one lingering nightmare that remains from my postpartum psychosis several years ago. I am experiencing a great deal of anxiety that the psychosis will return after I give birth this time around. I was actually about to cut myself this morning, and I stumbled across this site. It has been a life saver for me this morning. I can only pray that the short story I leave here touches someone else in the same way. I would love to pay it forward. Thank you, Carol for this site! I'm sorry about your loss. Have some comfort in the knowledge that Melanie's life and death had and continue to have such a great purpose. Thank You!
 Thursday, 30. August 2007 14:44
I have found this site after researching PPD. When I had my son, everything was good. About two months later, I started acting strange. I had vertaully no short term memory, I staggared when I walked, slurred and stutteres when I spoke. I was found unfit to drive by the county department of Human Resources. I went for numerous tests and Dr's appt's. No one could find anything.
Today, I have to take medication for depression. Some of the symptoms from the past still show their ugly face. I find it difficult to concentrate, I will still stutter occasionally,I almost have no short term memory and sometimes space out. I am very interested in this as I feel it still affects me and my every day life. I hope someone will contact me back as this could be detremental to a person who still suffers something and it has not been diagnosed correctly.
545) |
Peter Barbara |
Location: Deerfield |
 Wednesday, 29. August 2007 17:19
Dear Carol,
Effective August 27,2007, Governor Blagojevich has signed into law, The Postpartum Mood Disorders Prevention Act.
This is good news for you as well as for me and all the future child bearing moms. It has been nearly five years since I last saw my daughter.
544) |
Mimi |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 25. August 2007 14:33
Carol, I happened to have been at the front desk of the Prairie Police Station on that day back in June, 2001 when you came in to report that your daughter was missing. I remember how you leaned and clung to the front desk as you tried to explain some of the circumstances that made Melanie's situation urgent, and, I remember how the Officers could not glean nor relate to what you were actually trying to say, and how they, somewhat, casually, dismissed you. I saw your aloneness and desperation as you fidgeted and left the station. Since then, I know that you have had the support and understanding of your sisters, and, with your heroic efforts to keep Melanie's story alive, you have also gained the support and understanding of the world community. My prayer is that you have peace and resolve. Sommer is a beautiful child, and, you, Carol, are a beautiful, strong, courageous mother and grandmother.
543) |
Rebecca Anderson |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 25. August 2007 03:25
God Bless you and your family..
542) |
Kimeka McBride |
Location: Tinley Park,Il |
 Friday, 24. August 2007 22:10
I would just like to say sorry for your loss and stay strong. This is the first time i have ever heard about your daughter's story. I was reading the paper about the Tiwari family and saw your website.I hope the public listens to what yousay because it helps.
541) |
Julie A. Roberts |
Location: - |
 Friday, 24. August 2007 18:53
Hi Carol, Walter & Eric. I was very saddened to hear of Melanie's death years ago. I worked at 35 E. Wacker, next to Walter,Eric & Melanie. I loved talking to them occasionally. Melanie and Eric were always so sweet, and always had a smile :-)and good things to say. I am glad to see that some good will come to others who suffer, through this site and the legislation that Congress is working on. Thank you and good luck. :-) Julie A. Roberts
540) |
Annette DiGioia |
Location: LaGrange Park, IL |
 Friday, 24. August 2007 16:44
First, let me say how sorry I am for your loss. The first time I ever heard of post pardum depression was when my younger sister had her first child and she had thoughts of wanting to hurt her. Her doctor put her on meds right away and she has been great since then. She has even had another child and did display any symptoms of ppd.
It's so wonderful of you to share your story. Thank You!!! :p
539) |
Anne O'Connor |
Location: - |
 Friday, 24. August 2007 14:24
I had ppdepression 14 years ago and Doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. Thank Goodnes that my family support was strong and God was good to me. I did not harm my baby or my 4 year old daughter at the time. I have two great girls now 18 and 14 years young. If it wasn't for my family support I don't think I would be where I am today. But DRs need to be alot more senstive to mothers who are dealing with this when carrying the child and after they give birth.....
538) |
Venessa Nickel |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Monday, 20. August 2007 13:44
This site is a great resource for ppd awareness. I am a mother of 2 who didn't have ppd with my first but got it with my 2nd. I promised myself and God that if I got through PPD, which I did, that I would help other women through this.
For the last 3 years I have volunteerd on ppdsupport page. I am now one of the administrators and reach out to women in need for answers and support regarding ppd. For the last year or so I have been volunteering for PSI, IL. We did just have a local tradgedy that maybe could've been avoided had we just been able to connect. This can only happen with AWARENESS in our hospital delivery rooms, ob's offices, and with the proper media coverage.
This just can't happen again!
If you are a new mom and need help contact us. ppdsupportpage got me through the roughest times.
Check out the links on this page.
You don't have to go through this alone.
We are with you!
Venessa Nickel
537) |
Sarah McCaustlin |
Location: Saint John N.B. Canada |
 Wednesday, 15. August 2007 12:53
Hi Carol,
I am so sorry for your loss. This is a great site. I suffered from ppp and was in the hospital for 6 weeks and received 8 ect treatments.This is a very serious thing that can happen to anyone. Making people more aware of ppp and ppd is what should be done more our society. I never understood what was happening to me at the time but I am well aware now. Thank you so much to my family and I love you all for everything that you have done for me.
 Tuesday, 14. August 2007 05:38
Thank you for your information. My sister in law is going through this right now. It is so heart breaking. I am at a loss as what to do to help her. She was admitted into the hosbital tonight. Any thoughts on what I can do to support her, or what I could say to her? Thank you.
535) |
Beth |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 14. August 2007 01:05
Great site. Here in Chicago, just last Thursday, we lost a wonderful mother of 2 to this silent killer. An absolute tragedy that could have been prevented if diagnosed properly.
534) |
Michelle |
Location: North Carolina |
 Wednesday, 8. August 2007 21:50
I suffered from ppp after my first pregnancy. I also was unaware at the time of what was happening and felt very ashamed and afraid to tell anyone what was happening to me. Finally, after having 5 thoughts in a 15 minute period of harming and/or watching my son die, I couldn't take it anymore and told my husband. After coming off the birth control pill that my doctor had put me on 4 weeks after my son was born, and going back to work so that I could get time away from my son, (my husband stayed home with him) we struggled through it and everything turned out okay. I had lapses for probably a year or two, where at times thoughts would happen, but through the support and prayers of many friends and family members, we have gone on to have 2 more children without any more problems of ppp. I am saddened by the stories that I read about those who fall victims of ppp, and I would love to get this message out to anyone and everyone about the seriousness of it. I am so glad about the work this site and Carol are doing to help get this life- threatning illness out in the open.
533) |
Rae Anne Hulme |
Location: Australia |
 Thursday, 2. August 2007 11:33
Hi I have suffered ppp twice but when my children were around 2yrs old I was hospitalised. I would like to work and do further studies in this area in partically a support group in sydney. I understanding the suffering of the illness and would like to educate the public to raise further support and awarness. Best wishes to all you suffers and their families :-)
 Monday, 23. July 2007 08:30
My wife and I have a 2 year old daughter. My wife is acting really strange the last few months now. She kinda gets angry at everything, is constantly bored and feels no thrill in doing anything. I fear that this could be related to post-partum. But is it possible even AFTER 2 years. I would love to hear your opinion. please e-mail me, because I don't want her to know that I posted this. Thank you
531) |
Karen Scholz Smith |
Location: Boston |
 Thursday, 12. July 2007 15:51
I had a complete psychosis and was hospitalized for one month. I am undergoing ECT treatments. I hope to help you get the word out about how serious PPD is. I actually dropped my baby on the floor, but she's fine. I can't help but ask WHY? All I've ever wanted was a baby.
It is my goal to do research and have a simple blood test to detect the hormone issue. I am starting a company and 10% of the proceeds are going to research. all I want to do is love my baby like I used to. This has been a nightmare. I still look at my baby and feel fear and sadness. THankfully my mother is caring for us. :-(
530) |
laura |
Location: liverpool,UK |
 Thursday, 12. July 2007 14:49
Deepest sympathy for your loss x
529) |
gail |
Location: queens, ny |
 Wednesday, 11. July 2007 18:43
I send my deepest condolances and great gratitude.
528) |
Nina Kuang |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Monday, 9. July 2007 19:36
Hi Mrs. Blocker!
Hope you remember me, I was in your 4th class the last year you were teaching, but I hope Sommer is doing well and I hoping you're doing just as well. I'm a junior now at Curie Metro High and things are going just fine. Thanks for everything you taught me and hope Sommer can learn just as much as I did. Thanks plenty. :D
- Nina
 Thursday, 5. July 2007 00:10
I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety for yaers before I had my now 6 month old baby. I also have an 11 year old. I have recently been told I have PPD. I tried the normal meds. I became manic, much worse. My husband insisted I try a homeopathic doctor. I am still oing crazy. Am I alone?
526) |
Raquel |
Location: Matteson,IL |
 Monday, 2. July 2007 17:00
Hi. Ms. Blocker,
First, I want to tell you how sorry I am for your lost. I had my daughter in 1998 and I was sooo happy to have her, I bonded with her right away, however, I began battling depression immediatley. I didn't feel that I was a good mother. I wanted to seek help, but I was always afraid that my daughter would be taken away from me, so I just dealt with the depression myself. When my daughter was two years old, I finally told my ob gyne about the depression, and she diagnosed me with PMDD (pre menstrual disphoric disorder) I was put on zoloft which made matters much worst, I really wanted to die at that point. Of course, I didn't continue taking that medicine, I am now taking an herb called 5-htp. This seems to help me tremendously, however, I still have thoughts of death, it is the worst feeling in the world. I am a very happy person naturally, so I am able to put up a good front, but sometimes, I feel like I'm going to erupt. As I watched the news about Melanie, I felt her pain, I too felt as if something has popped in my head, but I don't feel that anyone understands me, I am glad you have this site, perhaps the information will save someone's life.
 Sunday, 1. July 2007 13:55
As a mother who has been under the grips of postpartum depression I know what it is like to look at your beautiful new baby and not feel the joy that a new mom is supposed to, new moms are under so much pressure that it is hard to speak up and get help. Fortunately I was able to get help and now love being a mom to my two amazing little boys. I am so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you, but I want to thank you so much for making this website. The more that PPD and Postpartum Psychosis are talked about the more women that will actually seek help, it is an amazing thing that you can see past your grief to find the desire to help others, God Bless you and your family, and God rest Melanie, I'm sure that given the proper chance she would have been a great mom. I found this site because I am writing a research paper on Postpartum Psychosis for nursing school, and I was horrified that one of my instructor's had never even heard of it, so hopefully by picking this disorder over something common like bi-polar disorder I can educate my class about the seriousness of this psychiatric disorder.
524) |
Liana, Broken Moms Ministry |
Location: Greater Hartford, CT |
 Thursday, 28. June 2007 19:49
We are so sorry for your loss. We know the battle you are fighting is a tiring one and we will keep you and your family in our prayers. By speaking out we all create an avenue of change and recognition for Postpartum Depression and Psychosis.
With love, Liana -Broken Moms Ministry
 Sunday, 24. June 2007 21:49
Hi, I've came across your website because I was searching informations about PPD and as I read your daughter's story I was in tears. I really hope that this site will inform people and help them to fight this terrible illness. You are an inspiration!
522) |
Susan McRoberts |
Location: Minneapolis |
 Saturday, 23. June 2007 21:14
I visited your site over a year ago. I wanted to let you know that I've since published a book about my experience with postpartum depression. The Lifter of My Head: How God Sustained me During Postpartum Depression is now available through Tate Publishing and will be released nationwide on July 3. You may view it/ order it now at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Wal-Mart, and Target. Just wanted to share with you and your visitors. I continue to pray for you and all the great work you are doing for women and families.
521) |
Jenifer |
Location: SLC, Utah |
 Sunday, 17. June 2007 17:05
I found this page doing research for my friend who gave her baby up for adoption due to the severity of her depression. I am sorry for your loss. I never realized how severe this disorder could be until I saw what my friend went through. She is now trying to get her baby back and is not having much luck. I hope this illness can become better recognized for future mothers.
520) |
Claudine Beureuse |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 13. June 2007 22:29
:-( I'm in tears right now, from reading your daughter story. I feel so sorry that this happen to you and your loved ones. I always say everthing happens for a reason. I've had PPP. No one had warned or told me anything about it. But thank God I'm okay now. according to my culture beliefe. A woman not suppose to yell or scream( getting into arguments) after birth. That can trigger PPP. I feel like more people needs to be aware OF PPD or PPP. Especially young pregnant girls who have no one to help them through this phase.
519) |
Prem |
Location: in |
 Tuesday, 12. June 2007 15:40
Your site is great.I found it really amazing.Well keep it up.Moreover I would like to express my deepest thanks to everyone who made this website...
Well done!!!.I,ll visit again
518) |
Sanja Pearman |
Location: Mississippi |
 Monday, 11. June 2007 03:10
I survuved PPP and I thank God for saving my life. I am so sorry for your lose. Thank you for being so brave and putting Melanie's story out here so others can be educated.
517) |
Tisha |
Location: Virginia |
 Saturday, 9. June 2007 16:47
I myself suffered from PPD and did not know what is was until i went through it thank u for being an educator and getting the word out that this illness is out there and it is real.
516) |
amy serrano |
Location: omaha ne |
 Friday, 8. June 2007 04:45
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Life is hard. I will pray for you! I have 4 boys! Life is hard! I have and do suffer from depression. I have been in treatment for a long time, I still feel bad. I have my son in treatment I hope it helps. GOD BLESS YOU!
515) |
Samantha |
Location: California |
 Thursday, 7. June 2007 20:58
I came across your page. I too have suffered tremendously from PPD. The effects of what it did to me still linger. My life was in the right place and the child that I had was a very planned baby. I got what I wanted. A gorgeous baby girl, but as soon as I puched her out, I did not want her. It was horrible! I could feel the anxiety, physically. My ob/gyn was of no help. Luckily I recognized it and got help. Thank god because I don't know what I would have done. If everyone knew that PPD is the #1 most common complication from child birth, more of us would be here to tell our story. Melanie will always be in my thoughts. Thank you for a beautiful page and raising awareness.
514) |
Terina Hodges |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 6. June 2007 22:57
I spoke to you the last couple days and you are in inspiration for me in assisting others to get help. Thank you!
 Tuesday, 29. May 2007 23:06
so sorry to hear about your daughter and the battle that she sadly lost with postpartum psychosis. however, i am curious to know what became of her daughter and husband, and had you ever heard of the disease before your daughter had it?
512) |
Lisa |
Location: Pittsburgh, PA |
 Tuesday, 29. May 2007 19:05
Carol, I'm so sorry for your loss. After seeing today's loss of three children and their mother in Texas today, I was searching for answers. Why does something as horrible as this happen? In that search of postpartum psychosis, I came across your Website. Your beautiful granddaugther is in my prayers.
 Thursday, 24. May 2007 02:25
Carol~thanks for sharing your daughters story on this website! God bless you and your family. I was diagnosed with anxiety and major depressive disorder two years ago. I KNOW mine was due to a "hormonal event" and that is why pregnancy and having children scares me so bad. I don't know that I will ever have children. I don't ever want to be in that shape again~it was so scary!! Also, I work in the healthcare field so, everday I see doctors and nurses ignorance about psychiatric illness. That is why so many people do not get the help they need. Please continue your mission of spreading the word about this devastating illness and helping other woman!!
510) |
Leslie |
Location: Ohio |
 Tuesday, 22. May 2007 00:59
I have read Melanie's story and have cried many tears for her.
She was in pure mental hell and I can't imagine a creater pain for a mother to watch her own daughter slowly succumb to a mental illness.
Unforuntately, for some, suicide is the only relief.
I believe that society has not fully, due to ignorance, embraced the magnititude and effect mental illness has in people's daily lives.
I am very sorry for Melanie's mom that she lost her daughter.
However, the biggest loss is the one Melanie encountered in enduring severe PPD.
Hopefully, through education and compassion, humanity will be able to accept and support those with mental illnesses.
509) |
Karen Smith |
Location: MA |
 Monday, 21. May 2007 10:41
Wow. I was just released from the hospital for this condition. Here's hoping the meds work!!
508) |
Hope Coppage-Trotter |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 15. May 2007 17:37
The efforts of Mrs. Carol Blocker must have gained the attention of politicians because at my job a local Children's hospital we will begin screening mother's and guardians of children between the age of 0-1 to check for any signs of PPD and refer them to Health Care providers trained on this horrific disease.
I know when I talked to Mrs. Blocker over a year ago I stated I would be there any time she needed me. Please do not hesitate to post to me any time that help is needed.
507) |
Curtis "Jeff" Tarver II |
Location: - |
 Monday, 14. May 2007 14:44
:-( - Carol, it was a pleasure to meet you this weekend. I thought it would just be another flight. Our conversation really broadened my understanding of the severity of PPD. As I told you, I'm here and willing to help you in anyway possible.
You are most certainly in my prayers!
506) |
Catherlene Braddy Hubbard |
Location: Orlando, Florida |
 Tuesday, 8. May 2007 22:23
:-( I do hope something positive and proactive can be done to implement more research and legislation on this subject so many may be spared this trauma in the future. God bless her family and friends.
505) |
Alison B. |
Location: Ontario, Canada |
 Monday, 7. May 2007 15:47
:-) Thank yo for sharing this heartbreaking story. I myself have suffered and recovered from this devestating illness and have gone on to do public speaking and support groups. I am an advocate on the education of every soon to be mom on the signs and symptoms of PPMD as well as their partners. It strikes hard and fast and without warning it can ruin many innocent lives.
504) |
Wanda Guy-Craft |
Location: - |
 Monday, 7. May 2007 05:05
Thank you for furthering knowledge on these REAL diseases that have a major impact on people's lives.
 Sunday, 6. May 2007 06:50
It's so hard to imagine how this kind of thing can happen. You read about it in the newspapers and see it on the evening news, but what an eye opener when it happens to someone you know.
I pray for my friend's family and for yours.
502) |
Kristen Folsom-McColley |
Location: Atlanta |
 Wednesday, 2. May 2007 19:36
Thanks for your crusade!
501) |
Charisse |
Location: Houston |
 Wednesday, 2. May 2007 14:37
I heard about your daughter several years ago, she shared the same doctor as my sister. It broke my heart then and reading my email has me emotional, I know that Melanie's death will bring about a change worldwide. God Bless her entire family and especially her daughter.
500) |
Renee Groves |
Location: Colorado |
 Wednesday, 2. May 2007 08:52
Dear Carol,
A few hours ago I was fliping thru the channles on the tv and come acrossed
C-SPAN 2:Postpartum Depression Research;
House Energy Subcomity on Health,
I stayed tuned and watched your testomony, when you talked about your daughter Melanie, I began to cry as I'am right now writting this to you!
I'am presently battling Postpartum Depression.. within three weeks of my duaghter "Wildie" pronouned (Will - Dee)
birth I had profound signs of PPD.
Although I believe the symtums began within just a day or so after having my daughter.. and that has been nine months ago now.. I would like to email you privatly and tell you my own story if that is posible?
Thanks - Renee
499) |
Julie |
Location: CHICAGO |
 Saturday, 28. April 2007 23:11
I have written a while back. I suffered from PPD severely, and tried to take my life. I was given a chance from God, I Shouldn't have made it. My children are now twelve and eight. I still think about your daughter, and have her in my prayers always. I have had suffered a few miscarriages, and I in my prayers, I say a prayer that your daughter is taking care of them, as well as many other babies that need her in heaven. Also, I used to be in contact with a Marybeth from Maryland who was still suffering the last time I spoke to her. I hope you are out there Marybeth, I still pray for you every day
498) |
Laina Cox |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 28. April 2007 18:52
I am very sad to hear of the loss of your daughter and my Spelman sister. Your daughter appeared to be a beautiful young woman. I did not know your daughter's story. I just received the information around this bill and am pledging to you to get this word out as much as possible to people I know. Melanie's life and death will not be in vain. Many blessings and peace to you and your family.
Laina Jones Cox (Spelman '01)
497) |
Chris Anne Johnson |
Location: MN |
 Friday, 27. April 2007 04:24
What a tragic story. And what a wonderful mother to take this on as your own crusade to help mothers you'll never even meet. I look forward to someday meeting you. We would love to gain some insight from you as we train postpartum doulas.
496) |
Crystal Ashford |
Location: Greenville, Texas |
 Wednesday, 25. April 2007 23:41
Hello, I'm sorry for your loss and I would like to thank you for putting awareness of this condition out there because so many don't know much about it. I'm pregnant with my third child and I know how stressful it can be. I went through something similar with my second child, and believe me it's not easy. The love and support of my family helped me out alot. I hope that the awareness is out there and helps save many lives.My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
495) |
Ellie Trotter |
Location: tulsa oklahom |
 Wednesday, 25. April 2007 19:52
I'm so sorry for your loss I know what it feels like to be in her position. I have feelings of hatered toward myself and think my children would be better off being raised by another woman, I don't want my children to grow up like me, I just don't want to do it anymore, it's so hard. Please if you feel like this get help sooner rather then later.
494) |
Lindsey Pequignot |
Location: Fort Wayne, IN |
 Wednesday, 18. April 2007 19:41
I am very sorry for your loss. I am currently a Psychology major getting ready to graduate and I want to learn more about this mood disorder. I doing a Senior Project on PPP and want more women in our world to know they are not alone. I am glad this site, as well as and others have so much information on PPP. I am glad you as a mother are taking an active role in making sure more young mothers escape the horror of PPP. I am a new mother and this scares me, but learning and eduacating others around me puts me at ease. Thank you again and God bless!
 Monday, 16. April 2007 19:44
I am deeply sorry for your loss. It is terrible that such a wonderful time can turn into something so devestating. I am suffering from PPD, but it is not severe. Even so it's bad enough to affect me in some way daily. Mostly crying...a lot of crying.
Your daughter was truly beautiful.
I wish you well in trying to help others recognize and do something when a loved one suffers from PPD.
492) |
Jenava Tait |
Location: Chicago |
 Thursday, 12. April 2007 13:39
It feels so uncomfortably close to home to read your daughters story. Is it safe to assume she never responded to medications? I never did either, and sometimes I wonder how I am still here. The lack of response in my own treatment has lead me on a ravenous search for answers, and preventions ideas. It would be so amazing if we could act on preventions, so no one had to even touch the fringes of this terrible experience.
Thanks for sharing
491) |
Rachel |
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma |
 Wednesday, 11. April 2007 15:21
I am so sorry for your loss. I have had thoughts of suicide as a result of PPD but have thankfully never acted on them. I am currently Mrs. Tulsa International and have chosen PPD Awareness as my platform. There is not alot of PPD education in Oklahoma and I hope to change that. Thank you for your dedication. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
490) |
leilani anderson |
Location: texas |
 Monday, 9. April 2007 01:56
can anybody give me evidence that children get abused during PPD. :-) :p :confused: :D :p
489) |
Another Sufferer |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 7. April 2007 13:00
I suffered with PPP myself and I am sorry for your loss , I came close to ending my life myself in those nightmare times. I thank you for your site and am sorry for you loss.
488) |
Suzanne |
Location: Michigan |
 Wednesday, 4. April 2007 13:13
I am deeply sorry about Melanie's death. So many times I have come to her site and wanted post in the guestbook, and each time I freeze, words leave me, and fear sets in as I remember my own experience with PPP. Then I think of you, Melanie's Mom, and start to cry as you miss your baby girl. Today I will respond and today I hope to speak with you on the phone through the contact number.
Thank you for being an advocate. Thank you for sharing your daughter. Thank you for giving a voice to those who so desperately need it.
487) |
nancy |
Location: Woodbridge |
 Saturday, 31. March 2007 04:43
I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I was surfing the net learning more about my illness PPD-when I came across your website- I was so moved and touched about your courage to share your store with people- it brought tears to my eyes realizing thanks to my family, especially my sister I am a survivor. I can truly understand your daughters loneliness and fears-just recently I began speaking about my dark side and it has been 7 years....I take medications and relize how important they are to help you function....I am survivor thanks to God. Reading messages of other survivors makes me not feel all that alone....I pray for all of us courage and hope. Thank you for your lovely website and insights. God bless you and your family.
486) |
Tami Bellefeuille |
Location: Winthrop Harbor, IL |
 Sunday, 25. March 2007 13:27
Remember me, Carol? I haven't contacted you for a couple of years now. I had another child and it didn't go well. He is happy and healthy and I am now too. It was hard. I'll see you at the symposium. Tami :D
 Saturday, 24. March 2007 04:07
Thank you soo much for sharing your heart. Anytime you question why this happened to your daughter, tell yourself it was to save someone else. Melanie's death will never be in vain. I am a graduate student at FIU and my group is doing reserach on PPD and I that is how I discovered your site. I actually reviwed the bill for a previous assisgnment but had no idea what the story behind it all was. I have been moved by the events that your family has expereienced and I want you know that you have just gained another prayer partner and an advocate for PPD. Thank you again for opening yourself up to fight the battle...
484) |
Chris Anne Johnson |
Location: MN |
 Friday, 23. March 2007 22:15
nice site. touching story. Thank you for being brave enough to share!
 Wednesday, 21. March 2007 21:09
i'm so sorry for your loss. i experienced postpartum psychosis with the birth of both of my girls. They are 17 months apart. It's been almost 4 years now. I was diagnosed when i had olivia my youngest. I am still on medications and desire to go off of them. i tried to harm both of my children when it was at it's peak. So often people think it is the baby blues... it is so much more. My heart goes out to you.
482) |
Linda S. Ingham |
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania |
 Friday, 16. March 2007 23:27
Carol: It was SOOO nice to talk to you. Your website is excellent! Thank you for sharing your life! Love, Linda
481) |
Mark |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 13. March 2007 16:51
Your story is very useful. God bless you, Melanie!
480) |
Heather |
Location: iowa |
 Monday, 5. March 2007 16:08
Thanks so much for your support. I suffered with postpartum psychosis after the births of all three of my children. I suffered in silence because of the shame and fear. People have to be aware and to get help. I had depression problems before but was never psychotic. I have to be careful what medicines I take because sometimes the symptoms come back. I am afraid that I will struggle with this for the rest of my life. It really is the ultimate betrayal of the mind. Nothing could be so evil. I can understand your daughter wanting to make the voices stop. I was there many many times. God bless you .
479) |
Teresa Emswiler |
Location: Moss Point, Mississippi |
 Wednesday, 28. February 2007 23:58
I appreciate your opening your pain to those of us who need education about PPD. I have a friend who has just been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and your website has heightened my desire to help educate young mothers and fathers of the dangers of overlooking this disorder. I have two grown daughters, one of which has given birth, but had never been touched with PPD until now.
Thank you for allowing Melanie's Story to help others. God Bless YOU!!
478) |
Tara |
Location: Chico, CA |
 Tuesday, 27. February 2007 04:54
I am so sorry for your loss. I am a new mother to a beautiful little boy aged 10 mths and I too suffer from PPD. I took hormone replacement therapy (still do) as my hormones were showing as next to nil on blood and saliva tests, and am now on Lexapro. I would like to be contacted regarding the ACT and if there is anythign I can do and to get an update as to the recent changes...
tara jacobs @ (no spaces)
477) |
Annette D. |
Location: Naperville |
 Thursday, 8. February 2007 04:05
Dear Carol: I want to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. On January 3 of this year I voluntarily signed myself into the hospital for PPD and I also had some psychotic episodes. A 37 year old mother of beautiful little 5 month old Kayli Grace, I knew my guilty and hopeless feelings were not normal. No one listened to me. Doctors ignored me, one hospital program told me all I needed was some sleep. I almost lost my job and my family. I went back to work on Monday as a high school teacher. I have a long road to go, learning how to achieve balance in my life, but with medication and therapy I will make it. I would love to meet you someday. Maybe we can have coffee and I can meet Sommer and you can meet Kayli. God bless you
476) |
Lisa Shallis |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 8. February 2007 03:18
Hearing your story lets me know what my family would be thinking if I had followed through with my thoughts.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. Hopefully this will help to decrease the incidents of PPMD in the future.
Thank you,
Lisa Shallis
475) |
Kerry Miller |
Location: Alabama |
 Sunday, 4. February 2007 04:03
Thank you for sharing Melanie's story. I am truly sorry for your loss. I have battled with postpartum psychosis since the birth of my son. I have had suicidal
and homicidal thoughts. I am now regulated on an anti-depressant and an anti-psychotic drug and good therapy. I am surviving. Please keep up the fight for those of us who suffer from this terrible illness. God Bless Sommer.
474) |
Shannon Christian |
Location: Colorado |
 Friday, 2. February 2007 21:02
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. You and your family are in my thoughts.
473) |
Kena |
Location: Carbondale, illinois |
 Thursday, 25. January 2007 08:17
Carol, I have read the passage on your daughter Melanie. My heart goes out to the family, and I am praying god gives you the strength to continue to care for your grandaughter. As I read my heart was really touched, and I have never really studied anything on post-partium depression, but now I will and know the seriousness of it. It will allow me to be knowledgable if someone needs my help. May god continue to bless you and your family, and I will always keep you in my prayers.
472) |
Heather Spitz |
Location: North Carolina |
 Tuesday, 9. January 2007 00:53
I realy am truly sorry for your loss. I have been fighting this since my fifth month of pregnancy and I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression with psychosis. Sonia Murdock, my cousin, Was and is very instramental in my recovery. My son is a year and a half now. One month after my son's birth and my severe condition my husban had a severe mental break down as well. I understand the frustration and saddness that comes along with this disease and will help in anyway possible. My sincerest regards!!!!
471) |
Elizabeth Morrison |
Location: East End Long Island New York |
 Monday, 8. January 2007 16:05
I really believe my mother would be alive today if she had some postpartum support.
She died when I was six after a long and terrible fight with mental illness.
After the birth of her first daughter she started suffering. She went on to have five more children and fell into the abyss of depression. She was hospitalized after her second daughter, received electroshock while she was pregnant with her third daughter. My father was caught between helping her, but he knew that the drugs she was given made her unable to care for us.
I was her fourth and I and my younger brother spent most of our early lives with my grandmother.
I only have a few memories of visits to her in the hospital.
Her sixth, my little sister, died after only being alive for 17 hours.
I know my mother was sexually abused as a child.
I know as a doula and a mother how birth and the postpartum period have a profound affect on a woman's self esteem and mental health.
I wish my mother had care givers who recognised this, but obviously she did not.
I hope that Melanie's memory and all of the other women who have suffered from mental illness can come together and make a change for the future.
470) |
Mary Banahan |
Location: Farmingdale, NY |
 Monday, 8. January 2007 15:31
I am crying reading your daughter's story and loking at all your beautiful faces. I suffered from PPD with both of my boys, but especially my second son. It took a while, but with the help of family, friends, and especially the Postpartum Resource Center on Long Island and Sonya Murdock its founder, I recovered. I am a Physician Assistant and can tell you that we little about this in school. As a Clinical Coordinator for a PA Program now, I lecture to all of my students about PPD and Postpartum Psychosis and I tell them my story. I still cry every time telling them, but I feel that it is so important for them to know that it can happen to anyone and to screen their patients carefully. It still pains me when I think back on that first year of my son's life when I should have been happy, but was miserable. Thank you for sharing your daughter's story and for all you're currently doing to make people aware of these terrible disorders.
469) |
Crys |
Location: Kansas |
 Thursday, 4. January 2007 18:57
I suffered from PPD after having both of my daughters, now 4 and 7. Each time it became more severe, and I decided to have my tubes tied so I wouldn't have any more children. I am a nurse, and that was a blessing because my'clinical' brain was able to notice things were going on that just weren't normal. While my husband did not pick up on my symptoms, he was very supportive once I began to seek treatment. I have been in remission for 3 years and I am thankful to God for my life, my children and my family. But I also remember the day I stood looking out a window thinking that my husband and children would be better off without me. The hardest thing for me has been accepting that I will be on medication probably for the rest of my life, but that is a small price to pay for having my life. Thank you for making others aware of this terrible condition.
468) |
Cathryn Moore |
Location: River Forest, IL |
 Thursday, 7. December 2006 19:48
Thanks for sharing Melanie's story. You brought so much needed awareness to this issue. I had my children 29 and 27 year ago, and at that time it was unheard of. However, I knew to watch for it in my daughter when she had Jacari in 2003. How devastating it must be to lose a child, but I admire your spirit of giving to help others. Stay strong.
Cathryn :-)
467) |
David A. Clanton |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 3. December 2006 04:25
Dear Mrs. Carol Blocker,
It was a pleasure to meet you, Sommer, and your lovely sisters at Macy's "Breakfast With Santa". Sommer is a beautiful child. Thank you for your kind words about my family and friends. I would like to say something cliche like "time heals all wounds..." - but I'm not sure it does. I can't begin to comprehend your overwhelming loss; or the dull ache that reverberates from grief and questions left unanswered.
I admire your strength and perseverance to move forward and honor Melanie's life. It is clear from the comments in The Guestbook that you are touching (and saving) lives. We will remain supportive in a personal and professional capacity.
Our prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family during this holiday season and throughout the years. You are a remarkable, gifted woman.
David A. Clanton
 Tuesday, 21. November 2006 06:38
i have the letter typed up. Do you have an email address I could send it too? You have my email just send me a message and I will reply back with the letter. I hope it helps. Helena read it and is going to use it with an attorney for a victim of PPP.
465) |
Heather |
Location: Alabama |
 Monday, 20. November 2006 22:08
Thank you for this page. I'm not sure if I have PPD or not. I am worried that I will get it and it scares me. Any information would be helpful
464) |
Kelly Canada |
Location: Green Valley IL |
 Friday, 17. November 2006 03:06
This website is nice. I am one suffering from postpartum depression. I have a great support system and wonderful doctors to help me.
463) |
Bill Dixon |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 15. November 2006 12:50
Remembering an old friend from HSG, thanks for the information here so others can be helped.
462) |
Latoya Somers |
Location: Falls Church, Va. |
 Tuesday, 14. November 2006 17:27
I keep you and your family in my prayers. May God Bless you, and Thank you for making the knowledge available to all who need and WANT to know. God Bless
 Thursday, 9. November 2006 05:58
Uplifting and informative site. I am doing my research paper on postpartum depression.
God bless!
460) |
julia glidden |
Location: melvin village, n.h. |
 Sunday, 22. October 2006 02:42
what a wonderful website. it truly helped me put things into perspective. i developed postpartum psychosis when i was in the hospital delivering my son. he was born 9/13/06. i did not know what was going on and i was scared. my family and friends were too. my husband was the most frightened of all. with proper meds.,therapy and love and support we are doing very well now. our son will be 6 weeks on wednesday. he truly is a miracle. thanks for sharing your daughter's story.
459) |
SuzanneBradbeer |
Location: NYC |
 Saturday, 21. October 2006 22:20
thank you for this thoughtful, revealing and courgageous website. you are doing a world of good to people you will never know.
458) |
Katherine Jones |
Location: Ohio |
 Monday, 16. October 2006 17:19
I came to your website while doing a paper for my psychology class on psychological disorders in women.I too suffered from postpartum psychosis, however I wasn't aware of it untill my second pregnancy. Thankfully, I had a husband that believed in what I was trying to tell him, and a sister who was very supportive. THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE THAT NEEDS ADDRESSED!!!! Good luck in you efforts!!! :-)
 Monday, 16. October 2006 15:09
Thank you for sharing Melanie's story. More people need to talk about PPD & PPP. I suffered PPP 2 years ago and almost didn't make it. My hallucinations left me unable to interact with the world. After months of seeing horrible visions, I stoped eating, would not leave my bedroom, and took pills to help me sleep 20 hours a day. On top of loosing my mind, I was angry and bitter. I found God through this, which is what saved me, but I still have much more healing to go through. I have wanted to talk about my experience at local hospitals at lamaze classes (before they have the babies when their partner is there too so they will see any signs) but I'm still not ready. How do you tell people, I watched myself kill my kids everyday for seven months- I felt that pain of loosing them and with every hallucination lost myself & my mind more? I told my OB that I didn't feel right but no real help was given. I wasn't honest of how bad it was but still should have gotten help. Most important thing is for women to get help and for those around them to understand PPD & PPP. Thanks for letting me share.
456) |
Melanie R |
Location: canada |
 Monday, 9. October 2006 20:01
wow that is harsh. i have clinical depression and am 17 years old. i have tried ending my life many times. i seem to be getting better but life is still hard.
455) |
patrica |
Location: newportnews,va |
 Thursday, 5. October 2006 21:01
thank you for shareing your story. i have 4 kids and iam only 23 years old my oldest is 5 and my youngest is 2 mths. this is my first time to have postpardum depression. i had to send my kids to live with my mom until i get my self together and that mad me feel even worse. so if you have any advice please sent a email.
454) |
Megan |
Location: Sacramento, CA |
 Thursday, 5. October 2006 20:43
My deepest sympanthy to the entire family and to anyone who has PPD and is suffering right now. I have 3 children and have also suffered personally. I am attempting to shed light on the topic of PPD. I am doing a research project as a requirement to fullfill my goal of obtaing my degree. I am contributing to the knowledge about PPD in hopes that as more is learned, less women, children and families will have to suffer from this illness. My thoughts & prayers are w/ all of you.
 Thursday, 5. October 2006 16:39
I have seen this story on Opera. It is so sad. I too have suffered from Postpardum Depression, but life challenges along with hormonal changes were to blame for my depression. I am sorry that your beatiful daughter lost her life to such an ugly and misunderstood illness. Hopefully one day there will be more help and awarness for and about this illness.
452) |
Robin Taylor |
Location: Massena, NY |
 Friday, 29. September 2006 03:04
Ms. Blocker,
I'm so sorry for your loss. I suffered from this terrible affliction after the birth of my daughter. I still say that I went into the hospital as my normal self and came out a different person. The old me was left behind and I remember telling my mother over and over as I sat holding my baby " I've lost myself, I've lost myself". I had a wonderful job that I couldn't return to, had never suffered from any form of menatl illness before and felt hopeless because I didn't understand it. I read Melanie's story over and over and over to the point my mom and husband had to pry me away from the computer. I felt such a connection with her and felt as though our experiences were identical.
Have you ever considered trying to make your story into a movie for one of the women's channel's? What better way to reach a large audience about Melanie's life?
451) |
Jenny |
Location: Cleveland, Ohio |
 Thursday, 28. September 2006 23:02
I experianced Pospartum depression with both of my children - I was very disappointed at the type of care I recieved and the lack of information to heath care providers on this disorder. The first time this happened I had a panic attack and ended up in the hospital. Nothing was done and the symptoms eventually went away. The second time they new I had it and it happened again. I went on and off medications - because the side effects of the medications we worst then the deppresion. I was told I was clinically depressed and whould have to medicated for life. I was convinced this was a reaction to the swings in my hormone levels from the birth. I was finally diagnossed with severe PMS or PMDD. I am so sorry for your lose and would like to educate woman on this horrible condition. I am part of a Mothers club in my home town - if you could send me info on how we could help your cause I would appreciate it!!!
450) |
Op 6911-America's Most Wanted |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 28. September 2006 00:19
Carol thank you for sharing your story. This tragedy that you had to endure is one that I could not imagine. I appreciate your call. And may God be with you during your rough times.
 Saturday, 23. September 2006 03:02
I would like to become a ppd crusader like you are? I have been searching PPD webistes to find out info on how I can. I am a PPD survivor. I had severe ppd that took affect immediatley after the birth of my daughter in 2001. When I was pregant I watched you tell your story onthe today show. I felt chills and fear. So why 5 years later I finaly have contacted you. Its because I feel I am healed and becuase of the great hospital ppd prgram and the support of family I am here today. I even had a second child without any ppd. My goal in life is to help others. I want to do a walk-athon for ppd in RI . CAn you give me info on how to get started. we have a great day hospital here and i want allthe money to go towards this program. If you can help please email. By the way I will contact the legislator. Thank you for helping so many people. God bless you and your family. Melanie's life is going to live on forever through her beautiful daughter.
448) |
Jennifer |
Location: Virginia |
 Thursday, 14. September 2006 03:48
For starters, i would just like to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I myself spent 6 days in a medical facility after the birth of my son. I was diagnosed with PPD,PPOCD,and Panic Disorder. It was absolutely awful. There were days were i would just pray for the courage to take my own life. Even after i was released from the hospital. I was certain that i would never get better. I didn't want to be alone with my son for fear that i would hurt him. Not because i wanted to hurt him but because i thought i was crazy and if i somehow lost control then there would be no one there to save him. I am happy to say that things are much better now and i am grateful that i was able to get the help that i needed. I just wanted to let you know that this is a wonderful thing you are doing and in a way Melanie is to saving lives with her story. God Bless you and your family.
 Thursday, 24. August 2006 15:07
I was saddened to hear about Melanie. We went to Immaculata High School, together.
God has her in heaven.
God Bless you, Melanie
 Friday, 18. August 2006 03:05
thank you so much for sharing melanies story. there are so many women out there who suffer from this very thing and no one finds out until its too late. i have suffered from the deppression and thank god it was caught and treated before it turned into psychosis god bless you and your family all the best wishes and love go out to each and every one of you
445) |
Christie Cunningham |
Location: Nashville, Tn |
 Friday, 18. August 2006 00:44
I read about the tragic story several years ago when it initially happen and was very moved. After reading the article in an ebony magazine, i never heard anymore information on the investigation of the hospital or doctors whom which were taking care of Melanie. I was moved to read in the recent Jet magazine about the settlement in the case, and i send my prayer to Dr. Stokes, Sommer Skyy and the Stokes Family.
444) |
Andreah Thompson |
Location: Washington |
 Monday, 14. August 2006 07:46
Thank you for your website, courage and conviction. My sister is in the psychiatric hospital after experiencing psychosis very near her baby's due date. She will give birth any day now. The doctors are refusing to discharge her, even though she has improved nearly 100% since she was admitted. Reading this story helps me to understand the doctors concern. Thank you for sharing Melanie's story and for your strong advocacy.
443) |
Dina T |
Location: Lake in the Hills, Il |
 Saturday, 12. August 2006 04:40
Mrs. Blocker - Thank you so much for continuing to speak out the way you do. We've spoken previously, I worked with Melanie at AstraZeneca. I wore a picture of Melanie on my shirt as I walked in the Out of the Darkness Overnight walk last year and are doing so again tomorrow night(Aug. 12) in Chicago. PPD and all forms of mental illness have such a stigma and the work that you are doing to educate people is so appreciated.
442) |
Jennifer |
Location: Moorhead, Mn |
 Wednesday, 9. August 2006 21:57
I really appreciate the time and effort you and your family have put into this website and helping out those of us who are suffering with this or have family or friends who have this horrible illness. I believe one of my sisters is currently suffering from postpartum psychosis and am flying to her home tomorrow to do an intervention. Your prayers are truly needed.
441) |
Sallia Wilkins |
Location: California |
 Saturday, 5. August 2006 00:32
Dear Carol we have spoke and i really want you to know im deeply sorry upon your loss. Remeber Melanie is with God. and will always be with you spiritually. But may God bless you and your family! :-)
 Wednesday, 2. August 2006 20:24
Thanks for the info. You are an angel.
439) |
Location: CHICAGO |
 Saturday, 29. July 2006 02:20
438) |
chandra |
Location: atlanta,ga |
 Wednesday, 26. July 2006 20:09
I am working on my Masters degree, and I started doing research for a paper that I was doing on Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Psychosis I came across Melanie's story and was immediately touched. I learned alot, and I also shared alot of what I learned with classmates and others at my school. I guess I just wanted to get it out there that people do suffer from these awful diseases, although some get better, some get worse. I sincerely thank you for sharing Mrs. Stokes story, such a beautiful person. Thank You so much.
437) |
Marna |
Location: Virginia |
 Monday, 24. July 2006 12:52
I was saddened to read Melanie's story. I can tell she was a bright, happy woman. As a public health nurse, I am aware of the risks my own daughter faces as she contemplates pregnancy with a history of PMDD. Thank you for the wonderful website.
436) |
Heather |
Location: Indiana |
 Tuesday, 11. July 2006 18:44
Thank you for your courage to come forward with your daughter's story. I am a social worker and it is nice to see that people will view this website and learn about postpartum depression and hopefully will bring about more awareness of it.
435) |
Nicole Giancaterino |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 27. June 2006 17:00
Thank you for having such a wonderful site. I am an OB nurses that works with moms pre and post delivery. I am also the mother of a 20 month old and I suffered from Post Partum Depression. I am so thankful that I got the help I needed and am working towards a better post partum experience with my next child due in Sept.
Thanks again.
434) |
unknown |
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada |
 Saturday, 24. June 2006 19:48
:-( i gave birth to my baby girl a little less then 3 weeks ago. I am suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. I find it very hard to take care of her without feeling overwhelmed and guilty about the way i feel.. I hope other women out there going through this will get help and not be ashamed to tell someone how your feeling.. And don't feel bad to get help from friends and family.. I have great support from my mother.. She takes care of my baby some nights so i can have a night to myself in my rooom and just watch TV and sleep through the night.. Best luck to everyone suffering from this. :-)
 Wednesday, 14. June 2006 11:54
A very interesting and accurate web page.I am currently suffering from postpartum psychosis and have been doing so for 3 and a half years.I can honestly say that it was the worst experience of my like when i had the psychotic episode.The problem was made worse by the fact that i was misdiagnosed.I sufferd hallucinations, delusions and severe agitation and suicidal and homicidal impulses. I am a lot better than what i was but wonder if i'll ever get back to my old self. When my little girl was born i couldnt allow myself to hold her or bath her etc for fear of causing her serious harm.I'm currently on anti psychotics and anti depressants.
432) |
joshua bryant |
Location: murfreesboro NC |
 Saturday, 10. June 2006 09:18
Is being bipolar before getting preganat an direct sigh that some one is going devlop PP
431) |
Elizabeth |
Location: chicago, IL |
 Saturday, 10. June 2006 00:46
Is it possible to start going through PPD prior to delivery?
I experienced PPD after the birth of my 2nd son, and now lately I've been feeling the "beginning symptoms" of what I went through during that time period?
Any assistance on this would be appreciated. I cry in sobbing tears for no reason, I am so frustrated with my older sons (4.5 and 2) I don't know why I'm so overwhelmed, so anxious, and feeling terribly alone (I have a large family) I want to be in my room away from the noises of my sons and husband. Please help me start on the right path this time should I be experiencing the beginning stages of ppd. I do understand that you're more at risk if you'd had it previously, and I am 31 therefore the age factor as something to do with it. Regardless, I want to control it, versus damage my son's trust and comfort with their mom, and I don't want to have to put my husband through this again.
God Bless Carol! Thank you for being the one to open others eyes on this dibilitating disorder.
 Saturday, 10. June 2006 00:31
I just saw your documentary on TBN.How Tragic. But God will equip your family with all that is necessary to move on. Also know that God is in control of every situation, no matter how unfair it seems. Your strenght to educate the world in the midst of your loss is admirable. All the best to your family and most of all take good care of little Melanie.
 Friday, 9. June 2006 23:50
I just saw your story on a television show and was very moved. Thank you for sharing your story, as I know it will help others. My prayers are with your family.
428) |
Taneya Turner |
Location: California |
 Sunday, 4. June 2006 03:37
I have a lot of the symptoms of psychosis and am very afraid. I have had to be taken to an emergency health clinic several times. I hallucinate and have a constant urge to kill myself and my son. I so far have overcome the urge. I am able to feed my son, although it takes every bit of effort and strength that I have to do so. When he cries I have to fight the urge to smother him until he passes out. I have told the counselors that I think I have psychosis but they dont seem to take me seriously. It is getting worse. I cant sleep and IF I am able to fall asleep I dream about killing myself OR my son Or demons telling me that I cant get away and that they will get me. I eat maybe once a day and its only if I FORCE myself to eat. I dont know what to do to make them take me seriously. I seriously am BARELY able to avoid hurting my son or myself. What can I do to make them seriously evaluate me for this condition?
427) |
video game |
Location: United States |
 Wednesday, 31. May 2006 23:02
I've basically been doing nothing worth mentioning. Not much on my mind recently. It's not important. I haven't been up to anything recently, but that's how it is. I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. Today was a complete loss.
426) |
Graham |
Location: Oxford, uk |
 Monday, 29. May 2006 13:17
your site really touched me. thank you and best wishes
425) |
Yadi |
Location: New Haven, CT |
 Saturday, 20. May 2006 20:03
Hi Carol,
My name is Yadi. We met briefly at the CT Conference on Addressing Perinatal Depression this past Tuesday, May 16, 2006. You shared your daughter's story at this event. I must say, I was soo saddened to hear you tell your daughter's story but glad that you are sharing it with the world. What you are doing is paramount. You may not realize now the impact that your work is having on the people you reach, but hopefully one day you will. KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING! KEEP TELLING MELANIE'S STORY! KEEP CREATING AWARENESS! KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON!!!
I will be sure to share Melanie's story and your website with my family and friends.
424) |
Rebecca Mason |
Location: Australia |
 Thursday, 18. May 2006 05:30
Words can not express my sorrow at your loss. I am currently studying Social Work, and plan to make my life's mission, to work with and in prevention of Postpartum depression. I will do this with the thought of your precious daughter.
423) |
Elena |
Location: Vermont |
 Wednesday, 17. May 2006 04:10
Thank you so much -
Eight years ago I gave birth to my daughter. That first year was terrifying, for I felt that there was no one to turn to for help. They would find out I was crazy and take my baby away (my biggest fear). As a physician, I had heard of postpartum depression, but no one had ever described what I was going through. (Were you supposed to hear your baby crying even when she wasn't? How do people sleep when you're worried that your child will die? And who ever heard of something as awful as considering killing yourself and your child...)
I'm not sure how I made it, though I know that I watched a lot of TV. My lovely daughter and a son who is a year younger and I live with my parents, but I lost my husband, my home, my career, and my self-esteem. I don't remember much about that first year, but your article brought me tears. Thank you so much for doing this. Please let me know if there is any way I can help you.
Thank you again,
422) |
mika |
Location: New Haven, CT |
 Tuesday, 16. May 2006 22:56
Hello again, Mrs. Blocker,
You were a guest speaker this morning at a perinatal depression workshop I attended. I'm not sure if I can even articulate how profoundly your story moved me.
As I sat in my front row seat fixated on you, I was amazed by your strength and poise. I felt so desperately sad for you. I cannot imagine how you must've felt...watching your masterpiece crumble right before your eyes.
Once the workshop was over, I had to meet you. I felt like if I could just hug you, I could somehow absorb some of the heaviness in your heart or maybe you'd be able to feel my sincere appreciation for sharing your private life with us.
I admire your spunk and drive. You're a fantastic representative for a very heart breaking cause and Melanie would be sooo proud. And we can all see where she gets her beauty.
I know you'll keep chomping at the bit and I know that you'll continue to touch and inspire folks everywhere you go. Thank you.
421) |
carla |
Location: canada |
 Tuesday, 16. May 2006 21:26
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I too suffered from post partum pychosis and ocd, I recently allowed my story to be featured in a local paper to raise awareness. I also attend a support group for ppd. I firmly believe the more people know about the symptoms of ppd we can save more mothers. Thank you for raising awareness and fighting for your daughter. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
420) |
Lourdes Rivera |
Location: 10 Earl Street Bristol,CT06010 |
 Tuesday, 16. May 2006 20:54
You touch me with your daugther story and make me realize that my mother abandome because she had that and also my sister give away her first 4 children because she feels she was a bad mother and no one love her. My mother and my sister both was in a mental institution and still today both nedd madication to live. I cried so much and I thank you for show me your strenght. Your daughter is an inspiration for us today. I am so sorry! I don't have a word to tell you to make your pain go away but I believe in God and he will take care of Summer and you. May God Bless you always, Amen
Thank you for sharing your story, God have a plan for anything that happen in our lives and I see your daughter as example of thing the men could prevent but I have faith that God permit that things happen for strange reasons hope one day you could cope all of this.
419) |
Sergeant William C. White, III |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Monday, 15. May 2006 22:27
I am a United States Marine and I attended the forum in Arlington Heights, Illinois last week and what a blessed opportunity to share the GOOD NEWS that depression CAN BE treated and healing IS available. My wife Sarah suffers from depression and has been medicated for the past 11 years on every type of drug and combination possible. She has attempted suicide by overdose many times and been hospitalized. We have found a treatment THAT WORKS. IT HAS FOR US...
 Monday, 15. May 2006 15:43
417) |
Teresa Twomey |
Location: VA |
 Saturday, 13. May 2006 01:53
Hi Carol! I know we have not spoken in a while - I think of you often! I'm amazed when I read your guestbook by how many people you have touched! Great work!
(It also grieves me, as I know it does you, how far we have yet to go.)
I'm planning to attend the PSI conference in NJ - I sure hope to see you there!
I'm still looking for a publisher for my book on postpartum psychosis - but if I don't find one this year, I'll self-publish.
A shout-out to all you women who are suffering - HANG IN THERE! This IS a temporary illness if you get proper treatment.
Also, anyone who needs more help, I encourage you to check out the mahy other website on this subject, especially ppdsupportpage and One has on-line support, the other phone support.
All my best,
Teresa Twomey
416) |
Location: louisville Ky/ |
 Monday, 8. May 2006 15:53
Wow!! That was hearfelt. Your daughter was so beautiful to have such an ugly illness eat at her. I just want you to know that my heart and prayers go out to you and Melanie's husband and Sommer.
May God be with you ALL!! GOD BLESS :-)
415) |
Sarah Fields |
Location: Hobart, Indiana |
 Friday, 5. May 2006 00:17
Dear Carol,
I will be speaking on a panel with you for the Archdiocese of Chicago next week, on the topic of Postpartum Psychosis. I was hospitalized last fall with PP and am recovering now. I look forward to meeting you. I am so sorry for your loss. Melanie's death is a tragedy. I'm grateful for an opportunity to share my experience with psychosis, so that others can work to prevent more losses. Thank you for organizing the conference.
Sarah Fields
414) |
Hollward |
Location: USA, New York |
 Saturday, 29. April 2006 02:09
Great website, well done to the webmaster on all his hard work!Loved the score section, a good idea. Had a good look around and enjoyed the site, will be back again in future.Best Regards ,Hollward
413) |
Jennifer Hafer |
Location: Pennsylvania |
 Wednesday, 26. April 2006 23:50
I have been diagnosed w/ postpartum psychosis and it has been like living a nightmare. I was put on medication for and I am feeling much better. When I was going through it I thought everybody was out to get me and I didn't feel right. I was seeing things and hearing voices and I was scared pretty much all the time. I also did not want nothing to do w/ my daughter. I got help and today I am happy to say that I am feeling much better. It is unfornuate that more women that go through this can't get help sooner.
412) |
Location: Minnesota |
 Wednesday, 26. April 2006 15:33
I was just diagnosed with postpartum deprression and brought to my parents house to stay until i can get better. I miss my baby and my other two children. I am so scared that i don't know what to do and i want to get better and be with my family again and most of all be with my baby and be myself again. I started on medication last week and i keep waiting for an improvement. If anyone has any suggestions that would help I would appreciate it.
411) |
Lisa Pratt |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 25. April 2006 01:52
While doing research for a paper I am writing for psychology on post-partum psychosis, I stumbled across your website. I am so sorry for your loss, but so inspired by the actions you are taking to prevent another mother from losing her daughter to PPP. I applaud your efforts and thank you for sharing Melanie's story.
410) |
Virginia Williams |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 23. April 2006 18:30
I am the SC coordinator for PSI and I am giving a talk on PPD/PPP. I wanted you to know that I am using Melanie's story as one of my case studies. You are an inspiration to those of us who work in this field. Melanie must be so proud!
 Tuesday, 18. April 2006 16:28
Thank you for spreading awareness of this serious issue. Too many people think we are just feeling sorry for ourselves and that this isn't REAL!!!
408) |
Rusti Acevedo |
Location: Harbor City, CA |
 Tuesday, 18. April 2006 02:30
I wanted to thank you for posting this website. I am suffering now and want to take my life and feel like no one understands so coming across your webpage helps a little. Please continue your work and I'm so sorry about your daughter.
407) |
Rebekah A. |
Location: Colorado |
 Tuesday, 11. April 2006 19:45
Hi Carol,
I took some time today to look through the site and I am really glad this information is out there. We really need to get busy spreading the word and get support for research. Keep up the hard work and dedication, I will of course do all I can to help you. God Bless
406) |
Location: Auburn, Wa |
 Saturday, 8. April 2006 05:06
A classmate and myself are doing a research project on this topic for our Abnormal Psychology class. We both developed some symptoms of this disorder after giving birth some years ago. As older mothers of children we hope to pass along this wisdom from your website to those younger adults in our class, who have yet to experience the thrill and challenge of birthing children.
405) |
Samantha |
Location: Youngstown, Ohio |
 Wednesday, 5. April 2006 02:48
My identical twin sister is currently in the hospital for the 2nd time since giving birth to her son on March 10, 2006. She attempted suicide once already and today she showed us again how helpless she feels with another potentially suicidal act. Everyone keeps saying the same thing "She will be ok when her medicines kick in." And that is what her husband believes. My nother and I think differently, that she needs intensive therapy but can't find local resources or help. Our family doctor can't even recommend a good psychiatrist. I feel lost without my twin sister and worry that I will have to live without her permanently if we don't help her. I read about Melanie and it only scared me more. If anyone sees this, please email me and help me figure out what to do???
404) |
Darrell Divinity, Youth Pastor |
Location: - |
 Monday, 3. April 2006 05:19
It was great meeting you and your husband this evening at the Pizzeria Cafe. I'm saddened and deeply sorry for your loss. However, God has given you a strength and radiance eminating from this tragedy that shines and brings light to people you come in contact with. In reading the testimonial on your website, it seems God has given you beauty for ashes; great triumph and victory even in the midst of trial. What a blessing! But the greatest blessing of all is that little princess, Sommer.
 Saturday, 1. April 2006 10:38
I just heard you speak in Ft. Wayne at Lutheran Hospital and wanted to thank you for sharing yourself and Melanie with us. I am getting ready to start a support group here in northwestern Indiana and working with several small rural hospitals and communities.
You and your family are in my prayers.
402) |
jillian evans/diaz |
Location: chicago, il |
 Thursday, 23. March 2006 06:54
I am so sorry for the lose of this beautiful women. I recently had a daughter and was in the hospital for postpartum deppression. It is something that needs to be talked about more than it is. I am now learning more about the illness.
I was at a point where I was hearing voices and seeing things. I was going to take my life because I feared the thoughts would over power me and I did not want to hurt my children. I ended up falling to the floor and being put in the hospital. It was the best thing that has ever happend to me. It saved my life. I am glad to be here today.
I know how powerful your mind can be and it is so scary. I thought I was in HELL:( I felt as if there was not a way to ever be the happy person I once was.
It has been 18 months and I still struggle but I am here to tell my story and help people.
Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help with this issue.
God bless you,
Jillian Diaz
401) |
Peggy Sales |
Location: Chicago,IL |
 Thursday, 23. March 2006 00:53
I became a mother at the age of 18.I to suffered from PPD.My baby was taken away from me and i was hospitalized.I think that we should come together and fight this diease for the sake of all who suffer unknowingly.And my heart goes out to the Stokes Family and anyone else who has suffered a lost from PPD.
400) |
Jennifer |
Location: Indiana |
 Tuesday, 21. March 2006 20:32
Thank you so much for your information and for sharing your daughter's story. I experienced PPD after my 1st child, but didn't know that's what it was. I turned all my negative feelings inward and thought that I was doing everything wrong--I was failing as a mom. I also had PPD after my second son, but it was much worse and required medication and therapy. We need to talk about PPD and support women in getting help. God bless you for all you are doing.
399) |
sue mccay |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 21. March 2006 18:59
I am a nurse working in a L&D unit. I am working on getting a pamphlet or information page for our patients in their discharge information about the baby blues and postpartum depression. Reading your story about Melanie was so sad , but makes us realize the importance of helping these women before it is too late.
 Sunday, 19. March 2006 17:21
In 1999 I had a son and got pyschosis the manic type. 6 Weeks in a mental hospital, and 4 months on meds util i was well.
But i went on to have another baby 3 years later.
Was ill again but stayed at home this time.
I was shocked at how much the healtcare team didnt know about pyschocis, i have all ways wanted to make people aware, if i can help please email me.
397) |
andrea |
Location: canada |
 Friday, 17. March 2006 03:25
what a wonderful website - you are doing so much good in educating others about postpartum psychosis.
i had psychosis with my son, and went through hell and back, losing my husband in the process. strangely, i didn't turn against my baby, it was my husband that i didn't believe and had delusional thoughts about.
it is a very misunderstood disease with a huge social stigma, and 2 years later after a full recovery i am still embarassed and hesitant to speak about my experience. i had no past history of mental disease, and it took me and my family by surprise and shock.
after a month of meds, and 3 more months to get back on track, i finally felt back to myself. now i am a single mom, with a beautiful 2 year old, and want you and others to know that complete recoveries are made. i may have lost the love of my life, but i have myself back and a little angel that i cherish every day.
further awareness of signs to watch for, and everything that you are doing, will help mothers everywhere and their families to educate themselves and prepare for something like this so that tradegies can be averted.
god bless you.
396) |
Mary Dupere |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 15. March 2006 21:28
My journey to your web page began with Andrea Yates. I was writing a term paper supporting capital punishment for Andrea Yates. However, the more I researched , the more involved I became in educating myself so that I would better understand Postpartum Psychosis. My term paper has now shifted to Andrea's illness and the clear help that she needs.She , like your daughter, was very ill and not properly diagnosed in time to save them.It is people like you, that are not afriad to take on what society deems as "Normal",that make changes happen. Thank you for sharing your story. My thoughts and prayers are with you .
395) |
Pam |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 15. March 2006 00:12
I am a healthcare provider learning more and more about PPD and PPP. I just wanted to let you know Melanie and your family are in my thoughts
 Friday, 10. March 2006 03:36
Thank you for sharing your daughters experiance to help others. I was just released from the hospital a few days ago after I injured my self, resulting in many stitches. I would'nt have known what to call what I experianced if I hadn't found this site. I am trying to stay strong, and healthy for my children. Its really hard and lonely. Thank you for sharing, I wish I could have read this before I did what I did.
393) |
Betty Makela |
Location: Thunder Bay, ON |
 Tuesday, 7. March 2006 23:52
My daughter had a baby boy on November 6th and is suffering with Potpartum depression. She has had to live with her in-laws and be put on a mood stabalizing drug. Her marriage is in jeapordy, but I'm happy to know that there is help and well-informed doctors who know how to treat their patients. I wasn't so furtunate. Betty
392) |
greg |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 7. March 2006 20:45
Your site is very very cool !! I love it :) Respect !
391) |
kathrine canterbury |
Location: ohio |
 Friday, 3. March 2006 04:58
My daughter attempted suiside and now is in the hospital she has a 2 1/2 year old and a 3 month old. She was put on Zoloft the day after the birth of the baby 100 mg and 4 refills no follow ups from her doctor which is an OBGYN.
390) |
Anne Goodnow, Psy.D. |
Location: - |
 Monday, 27. February 2006 17:05
Thank you so much for sharing your heartbreaking story and for doing so much to help other women and their families overcome PPD. I have a 13 month old and faced the challenge of working through my own experience with PPD. Our society is currently ill-equipped to support new mothers with the education, healthcare, and social resources required to overcome this illness. I am glad that there are resources like yours to give new mothers hope, inspiration, and the tools to begin to manage their PPD symptoms. Good work!
389) |
Anessah Brown |
Location: Buffalo, NY |
 Monday, 27. February 2006 13:17
I want to thank Carol Blocker for talking to me the other night and giving some mind blowing facts about Postpartum Psychosis and the hormonal affects of pregnancy. If any other women have anything they can share with me for my research feel free to email me, just be sure to put Postpartum Psychosis in the subject line so I can know what your writing me about. Thank you so much for being strong.
388) |
Raven |
Location: minnesota |
 Wednesday, 22. February 2006 02:01
Thanks you so much for your site, story and links.
I had tears in my eyes reading your guest book.
I have been asking to be hospitalized since sept after having my7 3rd baby in 25 months time.
My oldest will be 3 in may, another 2 in may and my newest 1 in June.
I have talked to people and tried to get help since sept.
Even though I get regualar help from my sweet husband and babysitters occasionally I still feel so blue and frusterated and isolated. My family lives 2000 miles away and I reach out constantly and people ask dont' you belong to a church?
Yes but that doesn't change how I feel I have the worlds best husband and kids too!
I am suffering and nobody knows why my regards to you and your site. Anyone feel free to call me anytime.
387) |
Rollin Perkins |
Location: Carbondale, IL |
 Thursday, 16. February 2006 03:59
I learned of this page during my studies as a Physician Assistant at Southern Illinois University. I am very glad to hear Melanie's story told in such a clear and touching form, for I have seen this pattern played out with other women during my work in psychiatry. Her story is very real, and it can only be helpful to others to hear it told. Thank you for sharing; the more persons that know, the better off we all are.
Rollin Perkins
386) |
Mary Simek |
Location: Austin, Tx |
 Tuesday, 14. February 2006 16:47
I am a graduate student at UT Austin in the School of Social Work and am writing a paper on legislation. I chose Melanies bill because her issue pertains to women of all cultures and ethnicities. It is incredible to me that although half the population of the world is women, and that women have been having babies since the beginning of time, we are just getting to the psychological issues that affect us in childbirth. I will do my part to spread the word.
385) |
Sharon |
Location: Brooklyn, ny |
 Wednesday, 8. February 2006 17:02
Hello Carol,
I am a nursing student learning about mental health. I am very sadden to learn the outcome of your daughter. Carol, we have to pray that God will release people from this terrible spirit of mental illness. We have to pray and ask God to break and deliver our families from this vicious cycle. I pray that God will protect you and your family.
384) |
Professor Valera A. Hascup,MSN |
Location: New Jersey |
 Monday, 6. February 2006 15:22
I am very sorry for your loss, and applaud your courage in bringing postpartum depression to the national forefront.
My research interest is in exploring PPD,both in the dominant and non dominant cultures. PPD crosses all cultures with tragic consequences. Unfortunately is suffered in silence due to the cultural myths that surround motherhood. Education about this tragic illness will help improve outcomes for all women. Thank you for coming forward and using your grief as an impetus for action.
383) |
Shannon |
Location: Virginia |
 Sunday, 29. January 2006 19:56
I researched Melanie for a college paper along with many other women who have suffered from a postpartum condition. I was touched to read this story. What a beautiful woman. Thank you.
382) |
Andrew Guardia |
Location: Carbondale, IL |
 Saturday, 28. January 2006 02:50
My name is Andrew Guardia and I am a phase I student in SIUC's Physician Assistant program. We learned of Melanie's story during a presentation on postpartum depression and pyschoses. My background deals mostly with radiology and oncology, so most everything else is news to me. I wanted to thank you all for sharing your experience with our class and myself. I write on my own behalf, but I feel it safe to say that we will never forget what we learned from Melanie's illness. I just wanted you to know that this will always be in our thoughts when I am taking care of new mothers. By telling Melanie's story I hope and believe that many mother's lives will be saved. I will keep you and Dr.Stokes in my prayers. Thank you again.
381) |
Kristine McClure |
Location: Unionville, CT |
 Monday, 23. January 2006 21:14
I signed this guestbook in 2004 as entry 196. Just wanted to give an update. After 2 years of medication, therapy,support group(and family and friends support)for severe PPD/PPP and anxiety I am finally symptom-free and expecting our 2nd son in March! I will be starting an anti-depressant in a few weeks which we hope will lessen or ward off any symptoms(so if it does happen it hopefully won't be as severe as last time), but at least we will know what to expect this time if it does occur. My heart goes out to all those women (and their families)who have suffered from this horrible illness and for those still in the throes of it, hang in there-you will get better! Brighter days are will see. There needs to be more public awareness and medical field education & research so that no one will feel ashamed to reach out and get help. Carol you are a courageous woman for your support of PPD/PPP in Melanie's memory-she would be so proud of you. Her story could have easily been mine. Thank you for this wonderful site and keep up the good work you are doing in support of this very important women's health issue.
380) |
Wendy |
Location: Washington |
 Friday, 20. January 2006 00:17
I'm so sorry for your loss but so encouraged by what you're doing. God Bless you & all you've done. We need this networking & support. I've had similar stories but my psychosis didn't start happening until I started weaning with the nursing. I've had 2 severe psychosis & one with just some psychotic symptoms, but I have three beautiful children to show for it all! I never fully recovered after the third but am controlled with Risperdal. The problem is that it can cause osteoporosis (which it has in me & I'm only 38! & 2 inches shorter)! So far it's been the only one that works for me. If anyone knows of other tx's or research in this area could you e-mail me? The risperdal also causes me to lactate & the increased prolactin is what causes osteoporosis & can be linked to cancer. I also don't menstruate on this med. So it seems like the hormone link is big with psychosis.
379) |
Sue McRoberts |
Location: Minneapolis, MN |
 Wednesday, 11. January 2006 18:25
I am now in recovery from post partum depression, anxiety , and psychosis. I am so lucky that I got the help I did. I hope that the word spreads that there is help available! I was so angry when I was watch around the clock in the hospital but I'm so grateful now. Don't be proud. Get help!
God bless you for your website. I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I can't even imagine your pain. I will pray for you.
378) |
Heather Fox |
Location: Mesa, Arizona |
 Thursday, 29. December 2005 04:00
My precious baby girl is 5 1/2 weeks old and I currently have PPD. I just realized after reading Melanie's story that shortly after the birth of my son, who is now almost 5 years old, I too suffered from PPP. There was one night that I can remember so vividly that I was holding him, sqeezing him so tight in an effort to keep the "demons" away from him. I actually "felt" the evil that was surrounding our bed. I was hysterical and in tears. My husband called his mother who insisted he put the phone to my ear as I was oblivious to even his existance, and she prayed. She continued to pray for hours, I believe 2 or 3 hours until it broke. The feeling of complete helplessness but tiredless fight to "save" my baby boy finally broke and I was able to get peace that night. My doctor prescribed Prozac. I am nursing. I don't want to take it. I feel like I am hurting my baby by taking it. It all seems like a double edged sword. I did take Zoloft with pregnant with my son, but shortly after his birth, I stopped taking it due to headaches. Maybe that is why I had that PPP episode? I don't know, but I have heard that Zoloft is recommended over Prozac and that Prozac should be avoided if possible while nursing. What to do? Right now I am just consumed with guilt if I do take this Prozac pill... it will hurt her. But what about me? Then with that comes the guilt of selfishness. Vicious circle it is. All of it.
377) |
Megan Newman |
Location: Jacksonville, FL |
 Thursday, 15. December 2005 06:04
Hi. I wanted to leave you a note telling you thank you for your informative page and I'm very sorry for your loss, however I feel like I am running in circles on the net. Everything I've come across tells me to talk to a medical professional, but I haven't the money to do so. I have no insurance. My daughter is 3 1/2 months old and beautiful as can be, but sometimes I get so angry and I feel like I'm watching myself be angry from the outside and knowing I'm crazy because this child can not do wrong. She doesn't even know what wrong is. I just want to be better and I want to find help but it seems like the only help out there is once-a-month support groups and high-paid doctors. If you have any resources for depression help at low or no cost, please contact me because I just don't know what to do with myself lately.
376) |
Tasha |
Location: Mobile,AL |
 Wednesday, 7. December 2005 22:33
I would like to thank you. I am thinking you for making me fell like I am not alon I was thinking that I am to young to get it than I had my son and I change but I do not have any one to takl to it about but then I sen the story so think you it make me fell like I am not the only one
but I did not want to kill me are my son Ido cry for no reson I do get mad and sad but i do not know what to do.
 Monday, 28. November 2005 21:22
Thanks for posting the "In Memory" Page!
374) |
Ginna |
Location: |
 Friday, 25. November 2005 23:56
I will call you right now. I will join, or rather have started a little effort here for the infants of mothers suffering ppsd, etc.. Be well, and than God for the internet when its used for such positive change! Happy to find you-Ginna
373) |
Dawn |
Location: Las Vegas |
 Sunday, 20. November 2005 16:43
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm writing a research paper on postpartum ailments. The stories I've read about your daughter and others have given me goose bumps & brought tears to my eyes. I used to live in Chicago & remember the news coverage of her. My fingers are crossed that the bill is passed to fund research on this misunderstood disorder so that other families won't have to go through what you have. My english teacher mentioned a poster in class the other day. It was a picture of a sinking ship. The words were (something like) "Your only purpose in life may be to serve as an example to others." If this is true, your daughter is an immense success. You should be proud. Thank you for enlightening us all.You and your daughter have saved, possibly thousands, from the same fate. You and she are heros.
372) |
Location: ALABAMA |
 Wednesday, 16. November 2005 21:33
I am so sorry for you and your families loss. I suffered from PPP after my son was born in Dec. 2003. It was a very hard time for my whole family. I see that several people have also experienced this and are having second babies. I am 25 weeks pregnant by choice but the more I talk with my therapist and the closer I get to delivery the more I realize that no one realy has a plan about prevention. I would love an online support group to work through all these issues.
371) |
Jen |
Location: Philadelphia, Pa |
 Tuesday, 15. November 2005 03:08
Carol, I am a Nursing student at Thomas Jefferson University. For an upcoming paper we had to chose a bill being passed through Congress to write about. I chose Melanie's Bill. Hopefully my paper will bring more awareness to PPD and have some impact. My sister suffered post partum and it prompted me to use HR 1940 as the basis of my paper. Thank you for all you are doing.
 Saturday, 12. November 2005 16:28
The legislation in honor of Melanie's life could be a blessing to many. Thanks for sharing your story.
369) |
Colleen |
Location: Erie. PA |
 Saturday, 12. November 2005 14:47
I went through PPD obsessive compulsive disorder with my first baby. It's been 19 months and I still have trouble with it. I know God won't give me anything I can't handle but it helps to know that others are going through the same thing. It helps to know that I am not crazy.
368) |
Beth |
Location: Indianapolis |
 Monday, 7. November 2005 19:48
Would anyone be interested in forming an online support group for survivors of this disorder or relatives of the victims? It is so rare - and since I am trying for another baby, It would be very appreciated to have others who have been through this as a support team. No one seems to fully get it - even the trained professionals. As I said in my previous note, I intend for educate the public and fight this. I can be contacted at brucksb (sign for at )
God bless you as you fight this through your own pain from your tragic loss.
 Monday, 7. November 2005 19:35
Good luck. I too, experienced this severe illness last year after losing a baby late term and with my first son. I am now trying to have another baby and am terrified of the aftermath but hope to be able to control it with medication and help. Any additional information you have found would be greatly appreciated. I am one scared person. I recovered, luckily, but wnt to become an advocate for these women. I am a teacher and intend to go back to school to do this. I am so sorry for your loss.
366) |
Vivian Joyce Gibson |
Location: Madison, Mississippi |
 Monday, 7. November 2005 17:07
 Wednesday, 2. November 2005 01:15
THANKYOU!!!!!! God Bless You and keep you on your journey. I went through PPD?PPP and in a very public way. I had read about PPD but nothing ever eluded to how serious it could be. I had had a c-section, was breast-feeding, lost fify pounds in approx. two weeks and could feel myself getting worse and worse. I asked for help time and time again but did not get the proper treatment or response. I even had friends and family get mad at me for my behavior, which only made my illness worse. I ended up crashing my car and going missing for several days, totally delusional, disoriented, weak, confused. Had I only had the right support and treatment all of that would have never happened, and for so long I blamed myself and felt such embarrassment and shame. Education and awareness is key. Women should not be forced to face this alone, and when they seek out help the right kind of help must be given because lives depend on it. This traumatic illness alters lives, and takes a heap of time, support, and healing to recover from. I applaud your efforts and admire your strength-you are a phenomenal women. To fight the good fight in the midst of your own pain is amazing. I would love to join you in your journey in raising awareness, and education because it is now my journey too. If I can continue find blessings in this traumatic event that I survived, then I will feel that going through it was in vain.
364) |
Pam McFarland |
Location: Marietta, GA |
 Thursday, 27. October 2005 03:18
 This is a picture of me when I was hoping my life would end about three weeks after the delivery of my only baby. I know what your daughter was feeling and I am so sorry for your loss. It was the worst experience of my life and I am determined to help others who are going through this horrible time. Please let me know how I can help you in your efforts to educate the world. It is a misunderstood disease. My husband still doesn't get it. He thought I would just snap out of it. I spent my daughter's second week of life locked up in a behavoral health facility in Charleston, SC. I spent the next three months barely breathing, living minute by minute and hour by hour, praying to die. I really don't know how I survived to this day. I am a survivor. My beautiful daughter will be three on December 2, 2005.
363) |
Jessica Henson |
Location: - |
 Monday, 24. October 2005 19:02
I am currently a graduate student seeking my Master's Degree in social work. I am in the process of completing a critical literature review regarding postpartum depression. There is much that needs to be done so that medical professionals and social service professionals can identify early warning signs of PPD in order to prevent tragedies like yours. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Thank you for sharing your story.
362) |
muriel bennett |
Location: raleigh nc |
 Wednesday, 19. October 2005 20:47
I appreciate you for sharing your daughter's life that others may become more knowledgable of how to save someone else's life...! I, too, saw your story last night on TBN! I am on your website right now because of how much it touched my heart...know that I will be praying for you and your family!!!
361) |
B. Kinder |
Location: Coronado, Ca. |
 Wednesday, 19. October 2005 20:36
May God Bless and keep you and your family. He will provide away for your hard work, Melanie's death is not in vain. There is a purpose for all things. Trust and keep on doing what you are doing. Blessings to Sommer and Dr.Stokes, she is here for a purpose, God will reveal some of the mystery if not all. I'm praying.
God Bless,
360) |
Sandra |
Location: Switzerland |
 Wednesday, 19. October 2005 06:38
Dearest Carol,
Thankyou for sharing your story with us. I watched TBN early this morning and was deeply touched by what I saw.
Don't give up your battle because it seems that there is still a long way to go in educating the medical profession about this subject.
May God continue to strengthen you, Dr Stokes and precious Summer.
I am a mother of a four year old boy.
359) |
Erica |
Location: Energy, Illinois |
 Wednesday, 19. October 2005 05:07
I was watching TBN late tonight and saw your story about the loss of your daughter. I live only 15 minutes away from where Stokes Institute of Urology is located. I recognized Dr. Stokes and remained glued to the station. I have no children, but will remain in prayer for you, your family, and precious Sommer.
358) |
Kisha |
Location: huntsville, Alabama |
 Saturday, 15. October 2005 23:31
On October 14, 2005 I was watching the TBN christian network, I was blessed to see the story on Melanie Stokes. My husband and I were in shock when we learned about Melanie's condition. Although we do not have any children yet we would like to help support this cause.
357) |
Kensha |
Location: jamaica |
 Friday, 14. October 2005 20:44
I am so glad that i read this article about melanie becasue i did not know that postpartum depression was so serious. I am truly sorry for the lost of your daughter but sharing your story has help others to identity this illness.
356) |
Debra |
Location: Kalamazoo, MI |
 Friday, 14. October 2005 17:35
Thank you for this web site and for getting the word out on postpardom depression psychosis. I considered myself fairly educated on the postpardum depression issue, however I was shocked to learn last year that a good friend from graduate school took her life and the life of her 5 week old daughter due to postpardom psychosis - I had never heard of it. She had been looking forward to being a mother for so long! And your husband said it perfect - if Melanie or my friend could go through this and wind up killing herself - ANYONE COULD. Keep up the good work spreading the word. Let's all watch out for our friends and family that are new moms:-). It takes a village.
355) |
Nicole Pettigrew |
Location: - |
 Friday, 14. October 2005 05:05
This site gives a lot of insight as to what might happen. I hope that your fight is successful.
354) |
erin |
Location: rochester, ny |
 Saturday, 8. October 2005 00:27
I am sorry about what happened to your daughter. I went through PPD with my oldest and Postpartum Psycosis with my middle son. I just had my 3rd baby 12 days ago and I already feel it.... Reading her story helps some becasue it helps to know that I am not the only one out there.... My husband caught me the last time before I went to the edge... I was physically hurting myself and having thoughts of suicide. He got me into a doctor. I am just really frustrated that it is beginning all over again....
353) |
Alicia |
Location: Mississippi |
 Wednesday, 5. October 2005 01:11
I found this site to be very emotional and inspiring. I suffer from depression and getting some to understand is very difficult. I also am an advocate for early screening of all pregnant women.
352) |
Mr.Anuj Kabra |
Location: Mumbai, India |
 Saturday, 1. October 2005 19:37
Extremely sorry for the loss of your daughter. My wife is going through PPD and our son is just 5 weeks old. It is a shame that we dont have medicines that can prevent this instead of trying to control PPD and Phsychosis.
351) |
Heather |
Location: new york |
 Monday, 26. September 2005 18:03
Carol, My heart goes out to you and your family. God bless you for being a crusader for women. I have been suffering with PPD and am getting well but it has not been easy. It is the darkest time in my life and I feel so bad for what your daughter went through. Please accept my love and appreciation for all you are doing.
Heather Maiorella
350) |
Cynthia Newman |
Location: Rock Island, IL 61201 |
 Wednesday, 31. August 2005 19:57
First of all Mrs. Blocker, I am truly sorry for your loss. Melanie and I worked together at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in 1983-86. We worked together on the Front Desk and anyone who knew Malanie knew that she was not only beautiful inside and out, but she was a wealth of information. She was one of the smartest people I know. She taught me many things. One that sticks out is how to remain positive in negative situations. She mastered that art. I often wondered what her parents must be like. My hat goes off to you (she often spoke very highly of you) and the wonderful job you did in raising her. She was truly a joy. It had been years since I last saw her, but she left a lasting impression on me and I will cherish all the fond memories we had together checking people in/out of the Hyatt. Please give Summer Skyy my love and prayers. God Bless you. Cynthia Newman
349) |
Laura |
Location: Indiana |
 Wednesday, 31. August 2005 02:08
Thank you for your courage and your hard work. I suffered with PPD for too long before I realized what I had. One day, I was speaking with other women and it came up that many of them had had similar experiences. A great weight was lifted from my shoulders when I realized I wasn't a terrible mother and a bad person, but that I had a condition for which I could actively seek a solution. I'm sure you have helped and encouraged many, many women.
I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I wish you peace.
348) |
Location: Middletown, PA |
 Wednesday, 31. August 2005 01:34
If and when any pregnant women or new mother is feeling hopeless and not able to function regarding normal daily routine - taking care of self, baby, and other family members - reach out for additional help and support. Links to support organizations and specialists are listed within Mel's web site.
On another note, are any of you interested in doing fund raisers, i.e. bake sales, car washes, etc. to raise necessary funds for Postpartum Support International, PSI - so they can meet their mission of having a support contact in every community across the United States? We are all in this together - and doing a community-based fund raiser(s) is an easy way to reach out to help prevent other women from suffering needlessly from any of the maternal mood disorders. And, by the way, research now shows that men also can suffer depression as fathers. Best regards and God bless all of you.
347) |
Anne |
Location: Chicago, Art Institute |
 Sunday, 28. August 2005 18:09
Thank you for sharing this website with me. I support all your efforts and hope to see you and Sommer back at the museum.
346) |
cheri nance |
Location: indiana |
 Saturday, 20. August 2005 00:57
I started my postpartum psychosis 3 months into my pregancy and have been on medicine ever since my daughter was 8 months old. My daughter is now 13 and she has problems I believe that stems from my pregnacy. She has an anxiaty disorder and seperation anxiaty from me. She has been on medicine since first grade and has difficulty attending school. I think she has been missed diagnosed because no one has heard of this. I'm writing this message because I want to know how other children our doing since their mother had postpartum psychosis. Please call me and let me know how your child is doing. 219 663=7451 Thank you.
345) |
Gail Smith |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 17. August 2005 22:47
Dear Ms. Blocker:
Your courage and clarity shine forth in this website, and I thank you for engaging in an active response to your daughter's tragedy. I hope that our organization, CLAIM, can contribute in some small way to making a difference for mothers who have suffered post-partum psychosis. Stay strong and best wishes.
344) |
Terika Island |
Location: san diego |
 Tuesday, 9. August 2005 19:31
I am a LVN student and I really learned alot from this website. I was able to share this story with my class and I believe it made my report stand out from the rest. It was sad but touching and I hope this story get's out to all new mothers that feel alone. They just need to know that their is someone out there that went through exactly what they are going through.
343) |
Katie Bice |
Location: Prattville, AL |
 Monday, 8. August 2005 21:15
Dear Ms. Blocker, I am so sorry for everything you've been through. I myself had a horrible time with postpartum psychosis. I was only 19 at the time and was horrified. I know how much pain your daughter went through.
But thanks to all of your efforts, maybe now there will be a better awareness of the condition. I will be sure to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
342) |
Jody |
Location: Seattle, WA |
 Monday, 8. August 2005 19:06
Thank you for sharing your story and Melanie's. I had Postpartum depression for a long time. Not knowing what was "wrong" with me for many months, until I saw Oprah's show on PPD.
So much more needs to be done to make this an issue where women can seek and get help when they need it. I had no idea there was help out there and it was a very dark time for me. Now thankfully I know more now and am talking about it.
I am a Postpartum Doula now and giving help to new mothers so they will not have to go through the potential depression alone and uninformed.
Carol, You are a brave and honorable woman.
341) |
Kelly Shannon |
Location: Chandler, AZ |
 Tuesday, 2. August 2005 18:19
Ms. Blocker,
I just wanted to let you know that I visited the website and was very impressed with the information and the personal touch. I can tell by the guestbook entries from around the world (!!!) that your tireless effort with this cause is making a positive impact.
Take care.
340) |
Sandra |
Location: Wisconsin |
 Wednesday, 27. July 2005 23:36
Thank you for all that you are doing for those women including myself who have suffered the wrath of ppd. Please continue to work hard for your daughter's sake. I will pray for the success of help from legislation. God Bless you and all that you are doing!
339) |
Eva ketchens |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 27. July 2005 17:51
Melanie's story will help me in my practice as I continue to care for new mothers, and their struggle with post partum depression. My heart goes out to you, and you and your family are forever in my prayers.
338) |
Nancy |
Location: California |
 Wednesday, 27. July 2005 15:45
You can contact Russell Yates at and get Andrea's address.
337) |
Mervet Ghbari |
Location: - |
 Friday, 22. July 2005 22:33
It takes a lot of stregth for somebody to share their pain to benefit others. I never knew how dangerous this disease could be until I read Melanie's story. My heart will be with everyone in Melanie's family. God be with you always
336) |
Kelly |
Location: Parker Colorado |
 Thursday, 21. July 2005 16:34
My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for bringing awarness to others. I was lucky enough to be caught in my downslide into ppd and was hospitalized. I hope to someday heal enough and want to find a way to help others. Thank you and bless you.
335) |
Lisa Thompson |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 17. July 2005 14:09
My heart aches for you, Carol. I wept as I read Melanie's story.Your precious daughter's misery is too hauntingly familiar as I suffered severe PPD/PPP after the births of both of my daughters, 10 years apart. I thank God I have been well for the years in between and since. How can I help other women in addition to the letters to the Congressmen? THANK YOU for being a strong, intelligent voice for the ones who can't find theirs while stricken with PPD. (an aside- does anyone know how I can write to Andrea Yates??)
334) |
Amirah |
Location: chicago, northwest indiana |
 Saturday, 16. July 2005 00:13
Carol, it was a pleasure to meet you. I admire your love for Melanie and Sommer. By telling Melanie's story you give PPD a face. Thank you for your wisdom in knowing that this could save other women and children in the future. we are looking forward to many more playdates, as Sommer is an absolute joy to be around.
Amirah and Shemi
333) |
Debbie Goldstein |
Location: OFallon, Mo |
 Thursday, 14. July 2005 04:14
I want to Thank You for having the courage to start your quest to educate the society about PPD. I was diagnosed with PPD last Sept. It has been a difficult battle. I would love to join your crusade in anyway I can to help others. I am an RN who who would like to dedicate myself to helping others with this horrible illness.
332) |
Angela Matz |
Location: Leonard, MI |
 Thursday, 14. July 2005 02:54
My greatest hopes of healing are with those who suffer from and have lost loved ones to this tragic illness. I am a graduate level counseling student doing my thesis on a possible correlation between post-partum depression and a fluctuation in the amounts of exercise women get prenatal through post delivery. I hope to find a link in the chain and help heath care professionals educate women and their families as a preventive measure. Any shared reasearch in this area would be greatly appreciated.
331) |
Lori |
Location: La Crosse, WI |
 Sunday, 10. July 2005 03:32
It was suggested to me by a friend of Eric's to look at your website and forward the web address someone I know that is currently battling post-partum depression. I remember how upset and heartbroken my friend was when all of this was happening. The day that he heard the news of Melanie's passing, he was in absolute shock, we all were, as it touched rather close to home with my friend knowing your family. What happened to Melanie is a absolute tragedy...but I think that it is a wonderful tribute how you are helping to raise much needed awareness in her memory and honor. I commend you on your strength to fight for Melanie's bill and wish you all the best.
330) |
Cynthia Morton |
Location: Chicago Illinois |
 Wednesday, 6. July 2005 18:05
Mrs. Blocker,
Thank you for sharing your experience. As a mother, words cannnot describe the pain of PPD Melanie must have experienced. Your courage and bravery to address the pain associated with this disease is remarkable. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. I sincerely hope that medical science is funded sufficiently to provide the research necessary to find a cure and or proper treatment for this disease. God Bless each of you.
329) |
Kellie Owens |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Monday, 4. July 2005 17:45
Mrs. Blocker, thank you for creating this website for all to see. I met you in our building in the laundry room, and you shared your daughter's story with me. Melanie is touching people's lives in a way that some can only imagine. I admire your courage, strength and determination to inform the masses about the severity of PPD. May God continue to bless you and your family!
328) |
Tiffany L. |
Location: Ohio |
 Wednesday, 29. June 2005 04:54
Thank you for bringing the issue of PPD to legislation and out into the public.
327) |
Tamara Solomon |
Location: Douglasville, GA |
 Tuesday, 28. June 2005 13:13
I just want to say thanks for bring the postpartum issue to the forefront. I read Melanie's story back in 2001 in Ebony and it has been in my mind every since, so much so, that I have decided to do my thesis on the postpartum crisis. Thanks for such a wonderful site!
326) |
Alexandra Koehn |
Location: - |
 Monday, 27. June 2005 23:30
I want to thank you personally for bringing this subject out in the open...I work with mothers who have sick babies in the NICU who suffer from PPD....there needs to be more done....
325) |
Jessica Funes |
Location: California |
 Wednesday, 22. June 2005 05:33
This issue is of great interest to me as I suffered from PPD as well. I would like to do what I can to help and become involved. Please let me know who I can write or contact to assist in your latest efforts.
324) |
Sonya |
Location: Australia |
 Tuesday, 21. June 2005 13:23
You are doing a good thing for the memory of your daughter. There needs to be more research done into hormones and how they affect women. I had pre-natal depression in my second pregnancy, severe anxiety, disturbing thoughts, had psychiatric counselling. But as soon as my son was born, I was fine! He is nearly three, and the memory of my pregnancy is with me every day. I feel so much for these women who have to go through this illness after giving birth. Family and friends are rarely sympathetic, but need to be! To women suffering at the moment, PLEASE keep you and your children safe, and remember you are stronger than you think! With medication, and being kind to yourself , THIS WILL PASS. I still take half a dose of anti depressant every day, but my life is now near perfect, and I am so grateful for two beautiful boys, my husband and my life.
323) |
skarpes |
Location: Canada |
 Friday, 17. June 2005 06:24
Very sad to hear this story. I have been looking for more info on PPP due to my own experiences. After a struggle with PPD and Anxiety, my wife had this disorder when our son was 9 months old. A very scary experience indeed. She had to be hospitalised for a couple of weeks and it was probably the most horrible expereince i've ever had, but she is ok now.
322) |
Anthony Brown |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 14. June 2005 19:15
hi Carol, im the security guard at the museum of science and industry, i promise to look at the website. And by looking at it i never realize how strong this disease is. If there's anything i can do to help show how serious this is to other people please inform me. I really admire what you doing it takes a really strong woman to do what you doing.
321) |
Gail Dumblauskas |
Location: Illinois |
 Thursday, 9. June 2005 19:57
I am a care coordinator with a women's health center. We are very aware of the problems related to PPD & Psychosis. We screen every women that comes to us for care. Please do not lose faith in your battle.
320) |
Lawana Parkman |
Location: Peoria, Illinois |
 Wednesday, 8. June 2005 21:23
I am a Prevention Specialist at the Mental Health Association of Illinois Valley. I myself have been through PPD, and I can say that it was hard to understand, but I seen that there is hope. I didn't have a clue of what I was going through and I did almost hurt my child, information for PPD was not promoted at the time.
I am keyperson for one of the programs that we promote awareness for and that program is for post-partum depression. We try to reach at leat 25 parents and caregivers per month through this program.
I have decided to share my hope with others. Keep up the good work because the public is still somewhat ignorant to the fact.
319) |
Sabrina Consolini |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 4. June 2005 00:53
i am writing a paper about the lack of support for new mothers facing postpartum depression for a college courseand I stumbled upon this site. I am very sorry for the suffering your family has endured, and I admire your courage on all that you are doing now to prevent this tragedy from happening to other women.
318) |
katrina |
Location: chicago |
 Saturday, 4. June 2005 00:23
Hi Carol, it was very nice meeting you today. I shared the website with my friend and she said that it was meant for me to meet you so that she can get to your website. I think you are truly amazing to educate the public about this tragic disorder. God bless you.
317) |
Laura |
Location: Georgia |
 Thursday, 26. May 2005 20:49
I'm so sorry to hear of your daughter's experience. I currently conduct one postpartum depression group and hope to expand to cover all ten counties in our health district. Education to women as well as the medical providers is crucial in orer for us to equip women with what they need to combat postpartum illnesses. Thank you for sharing your life with us and for helping us in this fight.
316) |
Lita Hayman |
Location: South Florida |
 Tuesday, 24. May 2005 20:12
I am so sorry about your daughter. May God bless you and your family. Melanie and I were classmates at Spelman "82.
315) |
Terri Goodridge |
Location: Wisconsin |
 Monday, 23. May 2005 00:08
I am so excited to have found your site. Yet, of course also deeply saddened that your daughter ultimately took her own life.
I suffered from PPD after the birth of my fist child three years ago. It went on for 2 months and was the most frightening expereince of my life. I diagnosed myself and got help from my primary doctor. Eventually medications worked for me. To this day, I am still on medications. My body simply never went bake to "normal" again. When I initially told my OB at my six week check-up, she simply said, "talk to your doctor". Unbelievable! I am amazed how very little people know and understand the severity of this illness. I have been looking for a website like yours. I feel as though I need to help educate others on this very real and serious condition. Maternity Wards and OBGYN offices must begin to include information to all of their patients on PPD and PPP. I want to help in any way I can to get the message out.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm positive that your daughter is looking down on you with pride, love, and support. May your grandaughter be blessed with the love of family and will someday know how much her mother wanted and loved her.
314) |
Dina Tenayuca |
Location: Lake in the Hills, IL |
 Saturday, 21. May 2005 04:46
I worked with Melanie at AZ. I will always remember her as vibrant, happy, and full of life. She never a bad thing to say about anyone. I still remember when I was pregnant with my last child how excited she was for me and how she talked about how she couldn't wait to have a child of her own. Melanie's death affected me in ways I can't begin to explain. I recently lost another friend to suicide. In any form, depression is just not understood by so many people and it truly needs to be. It is not a secret - it needs to be talked about. Mrs. Blocker, I applaud you and your family for your neverending courage and strength to bring this to the forefront for everyone to see and understand. PPD and all forms of depression are not the dirty little secret that should be hidden. We all need to talk about it LOUDLY so those that are turning the other way will not be able to anymore. PPD and all forms of depression are a treatable disease and should be recognized as such.
313) |
andrew |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 21. May 2005 01:15
This condition is so tragic and it is clear that until mothers, fathers and professionals become better able to spot it and treat it, it will occur again. It must be a great consolation to know that her spirit lives on in a child so full of life.
312) |
Karin Bernard |
Location: Guatemala, Central America |
 Wednesday, 18. May 2005 20:48
These is all new for me, i never knew things like that happens. I'm sorry for all the suffer Melanie and your family had, but I congratulate you too for the effort you are making, because you are helping women in every way.
311) |
Stacey Lemmons |
Location: Garnett, Ks |
 Wednesday, 18. May 2005 03:58
Thank you so much for your persistance on this matter. I am so sorry for the loss of your Daughter. I am a married woman without children, however, I have a dear friend who is struggling from "depression". I believe from reading about post partum phsycosis, she is struggleing from PPP instead of PPD. I am very worried about her and I am thankful for your website and information, now I feel like I can point her in a direction for help. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you......Your and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers......
310) |
Lisa McHenry |
Location: Greensboro, NC |
 Friday, 13. May 2005 17:20
Thank you so much for being willing to speak out about your daughter's struggle! I was diagnosed with Severe PPD in August 2004 and am still in recovery. I was fortunate enough to have the resources avaiable so I could get the help I needed. So many people don't. I am actively invovled in a PPD support group. I have also spoken to new moms groups about all I've been through and only wish that more people would! It's so good to see people who are willing to break the silence about this difficult illness in the hopes of helping others. THANK YOU!
309) |
Beverly Fulks |
Location: St. Louis, MO |
 Tuesday, 10. May 2005 18:09
Thank you for the information. We need more people to tell their story.
308) |
Regina Ford |
Location: Missouri |
 Monday, 9. May 2005 00:33
I had the priviledge of meeting Melanie's mother in Indianapolis, IN while waiting on a connecting flight to Chicago. I was truly touched and amazed at Melanie's story. Since our meeting and the conversation of postpartum psychosis, it seems I am more aware now of the sever condition than ever before. In fact recently actress Brooke Shields has published a book regarding the same or similar conditions. Melanie's mother showed me the number of prescription drugs her daughter had been prescribed and was literally taken by the quantity. I have since come back home and have added Melanie's story and family to our Strasburg Baptish Church prayer list and hope God will find a way to make others more aware of your efforts to reach out to others about this terrible disease. I pray for continued support in your mission. And to Melanie's mother, thank you for speaking up. May God continue to provide you strength.
307) |
*************** |
Location: Washington,DC |
 Wednesday, 4. May 2005 10:33
Keep fighting for legislation for Post-Partum research. It is a very worthy cause to get Congress to recognize that this a very legitimate issue that is worth the nation's undivided attention!!
306) |
Tracey McInnes |
Location: Indianapolis, IN |
 Monday, 2. May 2005 16:01
I attended the PPD Summit in Indianapolis where I heard you tell your daughter's story. Having suffered from severe PPD, I was moved to tears during your presentation. Melanie reminded me so much of myself--the only difference is that I had professionals around me who know of the severity of PPD. It was a horrible experience and one in which I am glad to see behind me. I am so sorry to hear of Melanie's battle. It is so unfair that she was taken from this world and from her little girl. I want you to know that I respect you very much for sharing your family's struggle with PPP. I feel for you and I believe in what you are doing. It's your story that will help educate people. What an amazing woman you are and enjoy watching Summer grow up. Melanie will always be with you.
305) |
Shirley |
Location: Arlington Heights IL |
 Monday, 2. May 2005 05:35
You keep the message going. I met you at the conference if you can remember me. Give those legislators a piece of mind and make sure they keep funding for mental health issues.
304) |
Kayla Rivera |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 30. April 2005 20:49
Not only has Ms. Stoke's story touch my deeply, it also has helped me with a school project. I think and hope that with my school project I will help spread the information and story of Mrs. Melanie Stokes.
Age: 15
303) |
 Saturday, 30. April 2005 02:39
302) |
Rose |
Location: California |
 Thursday, 28. April 2005 08:08
I'm a nursing student and came accross this website as part of my research on postpartum psychosis. My group and i have a presentation on Friday and Melani'e's Battle will definetly be there. I'm also passing out the "pettition to congress" letter, so the class can have an option to sign it. thanks for sharing your story!
301) |
Melanie H. |
Location: Tucson |
 Wednesday, 27. April 2005 23:56
My prayers go out to you and your family. I am currently being treated for PPD. It's a horrible thing to go through. My son is 6 months old now. I feel better and better each day. You are doing a wonderful thing by spreading the word of PPD. I wish someone had warned me about it before my son was born. I felt like I was the only person in the world feeling this way. God Bless You.
300) |
Sharon |
Location: Atlanta, GA |
 Tuesday, 26. April 2005 15:52
God bless you and your family. I applaud your courage and dedication to this cause. I was very concerned after my children were born that I would develop PPD. I never did but made sure I shared my feelings with my family whenever I felt my mood changing. I now have developed depression after being diagnosed with a life threatening disease and can only imagine what Melanie went through. My prayers are with you as you continue to build awareness of PPD. :-)
299) |
Patti Sullivan |
Location: Chicago |
 Monday, 25. April 2005 19:57
Dear Carol,
I am the grandmother you met at the Art Institute, you with Sommer, and me with my 5 grandkids. I just wanted you to know how wonderful you to continue to battle against a disease that took your daughters life. You and yours have been in my thoughts and prayers since. Perhaps I will see you again with Sommer,
Take care and give Sommer a kiss for me.
Patti Joyce-Sullivan
298) |
Melissa Duty |
Location: Detroit |
 Wednesday, 20. April 2005 22:37
Hi Carol,
I am the flight Attendant that you said reminded you of your daughter. I promised that I would look at her website, and I am so sorry for your family's loss. You and your family will forever be in my prayers
297) |
Ann Haderlein |
Location: Kenilworth, Il |
 Wednesday, 20. April 2005 13:03
Hi Carol,
I am still thinking of you and all the hard work you do. Did you hear that Oprah may be doing a show on PPD?
296) |
Tiffany Cowley |
Location: Wilson Ar |
 Thursday, 14. April 2005 14:41
I loved this!I feel very sorry!I haven't heard of any one with this but it sounds interesting enough to learn about.
295) |
Kathleen M. Rog,LCSW |
Location: Buffalo,N.Y. |
 Tuesday, 12. April 2005 17:19
I work as a perinatal social worker in a level III NICU. One of my goals has been to educate moms and families re. PPD. My 2005 goal is to work with a consortium of maternity service providers to educate OB/GYNs and pediatricians to identify symptoms and make appropriate referrals.
Good luck in your work.
294) |
Maria |
Location: Indianapolis |
 Tuesday, 22. March 2005 18:28
:-) This is a beautiful site, and I look forward to hearing you speak this April in Indianapolis at the Perinatal Depression Summit. Blessing to you and your family. You are truly fighting a good fight!
293) |
eleanor lee |
Location: So. Windsor, CT |
 Monday, 21. March 2005 20:35
:-)I had POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION 42 years ago when my first daughter was born. It lasted for several years, but did not recur with my other two children. Then I had a recurrence of a very similar malady a few years ago when my doctor cut my thyroid medication in half. It responded to natural hormone treatment and I'm much better now. It is a terrible feeling.
 Monday, 21. March 2005 18:23
Thank You. I suffered from this evil demon too! It was the hardest thing I have ever delt with. I'm sorry for your loss. God Bless.
291) |
Margarita Kola |
Location: Toronto,Canada |
 Thursday, 17. March 2005 23:25
I felt so sad when I heard the story of your daughter.
Four months ago I delivered my second Daughter.When I was 7 months pregnant I started to develop anxiety and then depression because I was triggered by the maternal Screening test which in most of cases is positive false.
Thank god my baby is healthy but I am still struggling with Post- partum depression.
May thoughts and my heart is with you and all other women which are suffering from this disorder.
All the best
290) |
jennifer solohub |
Location: Acworth, Ga |
 Thursday, 17. March 2005 22:28
:-( I am very saddened by this story; however, I know it all to well. It was me 22 years ago. I am now into a second career and can finally manage to let the nightmare surface. For many years I did nothing about it because I wanted to forget, but since becoming a nurse that has changed it all. I hope that I can do something about this devastating silent disorder.
289) |
Heather Dowdy |
Location: Dillwyn, VA |
 Tuesday, 15. March 2005 17:23
Iam very sorry for your loss. I myself am suffering from PPD. I am currently on meds. It all started for just hours after the birth of my daughter. I was having horriblr thoughts and imagies in my head. I felt like a hostage in my own mind. I told knowone in fear of them taking the baby from. Not until my Mother really noticed something was wrong did Iget help. I am very grateful to her for that because that same day I was on the verge of taking my own life. I am still in recovery and take each day the way the Lord gives it to me. I am also putting the word out there and I am working with PPD Virginia. There is no reason why Melanie had to suffer. She should have had the chane to be that babies Mama. I am sorry Melanie.
All my love-
Heather Dowdy
288) |
Tiffany Paige |
Location: Alabama |
 Thursday, 10. March 2005 00:35
:-) I'm glade that you're trying to help educate women about the severity of PPD before i read this article i compltely unaware that it was such a serious disease.You and you're family are in my prays.
287) |
SA Peter |
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada |
 Monday, 28. February 2005 17:17
hi, yes its sad that many professional today dont really understand PPD, my niece is currently in jail charged for murdering her child, we believe as a result of PPD, she had a child perviously who survived beatings from her, and at that time PPD was mentioned but no professional help took place, just treatment for alcoholism, this treatment did not help with her condition. there must be help out there somewhere to help her, but it may be too late, regrets , thank you for your story about your daughter.
286) |
Linda McIntire |
Location: Westland, MI |
 Saturday, 26. February 2005 22:45
I was very moved by this story. My daughter was hospitalized last week after cutting her wrist. Her baby boy had just turned 1 month old that day. She is still in the hospital, but is hoping to come home Monday. I want her to be able to get support when she gets home. People being aware is the best support I know.
285) |
Kim Buffin |
Location: Garland, Texas |
 Friday, 25. February 2005 15:16
What a powerful story...... There are many who are ignorant to the fact that PPD does exist and is a very serious illness. I, for one, have heard of it, but was not aware that so many woman suffer from PPD and the extent of their suffering. Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless!
284) |
Kem Davis |
Location: Chicago/Dallas |
 Friday, 25. February 2005 02:10
I met you in Harold's today and you were so friendly. You gave me a card and you made me promise that I will look at your daughter's site today. I am soooo sorry for your loss and also very devasted. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story,
283) |
Shahera Payton |
Location: Wilmington, NC |
 Sunday, 20. February 2005 22:43
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss... :-( Hearing about Melanie's story has really enlighted me about postpartum pyschosis. I am currently doing a presentation in my Abnormal Psychology class this Tuesday and plan on including Mrs. Stokes in my lecture to my peers. I believe that they would be very interested in hearing about her story as I was while reading it... Thank you for sharing her story. :-)
282) |
Tabitha Faulkner |
Location: Georgia |
 Monday, 14. February 2005 17:52
I am truly sorry you lost your daughter to this awful illness. I was diagnosed with Severe PPD at my 4 week check up after our second child was born. He is now 6 1/2 months old and I am happy to report we've gotten through it. I was on meds and in therapy and found some great support groups online. It is my goal to start a local support group. Women need to be educated about this!!! It's NOT something you can or should hide, with help it is only a temporary condition!!! I was at the bottom and now I enjoy every day, I love every minute I spend with my children, I am a stay at home mom and it's stressful but not like when I was sick. PPD and Psychosis are HORRIBLE illnesses that can strike any woman, no matter her social status! I would be grateful if you would allow me to help you, however I can!!! This is a serious issue and needs more awareness and less shame surrounding it!!!
Thank you for standing up and speaking out! Your daughter would be proud!!!
281) |
Mrs. United States 2004-2005 |
Location: Texas/North Carolina |
 Friday, 11. February 2005 04:49
I'm so proud of your work & would like to join you in your legislative efforts. I, too, went through severe PPD. It is my platform for the year of my reign as Mrs. United States (which ends in August, so I have just a little more time with the great public exposure for my PPD platform). I was blessed to appear on The Dr. Phil Show in October to share my story. There is so much work to be done. I know what Melanie was going through. We have to share her story. We can help to save so many other families from tearing apart or experiencing tragedies, by taking action. Let's do this together. With eternal gratitude & love, Edrienne Leolani Carpenter (910)347-7665
280) |
Vernell Searle |
Location: Iowa |
 Wednesday, 9. February 2005 03:07
I just came across your site searching to meet people suffering from postpartum. I have had history of depression all of my life. I recently gave birth 1 1/2 months ago to a beautiful baby girl, my second child. I suffered postpartum immediately after my c-section surgery. I was put on prozac, which I took while pregnant with my first child. IT worked then, but isnt working now.
I return to the doctor tomorrow to share my symptoms in hopes to get on a medication, or find another after years of changing meds with depression, that will help me with these awful symptoms. They dont go away. They are very hard. I dont cry, but I just exist. I love my kids and would never hurt them or me, since Ive already been thru hurting myself years ago, I know what not to do, but search for hope in what I can do to get thru the days in the depression knowing God will help me find what I need to cope.
I would be willing to do whatever I could to help this bill get passed, as I am a sufferer currently and have so much to share, and hope to help others as well If I may.
Would like to keep in touch. Take care. And God bless u in your efforts, and loss of a beautiful lady.
279) |
Erica Wilson |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 8. February 2005 19:04
thank you this page has taught me alot my sisiter in law is going through this and iam trying my best to help her
you have a beautiful family and god bless you
278) |
Amy Ward Brimmer, CCE |
Location: Yardley, PA |
 Thursday, 3. February 2005 16:58
Thank you for your energy and commitment to this vital women's health issue. I heard about the bill in congress today when I read a column in the Philadelphia Inquirer by Jane Eisner. As a childbirth educator, I constantly strive to teach prospective parents about the warning signs of Postpartum depression, and to differentiate between normal baby blues (which also needs support) and the more serious Postpartum depression and psychosis. There is too much shame around this illness, which is usually treatable. I wholeheartedly support your efforts to get some public money for research and treatment, as well as to educate the public, especially doctors, midwives and labor and delivery nurses. Ignorance puts mothers and babies at risk! Keep up the good work.
277) |
Tracy Crampton |
Location: Hagerstown |
 Wednesday, 2. February 2005 21:01
I suffered from post-partum 10 years ago after the birth of my first child. I suffered from hallucinations and insomnia. I was put in seclustion for 3 days which made me much worse It took the doctor's three months to finally get me on the right medication. I was in and out of the hospital for 3 months. If it wasn't for My mom insisting I be hospitalized I don't what would have happended. The doctor's said I was in mania phase of Bipolar disorder. I was on Lithium for 2 years. And my current doctor realized it was Post-partum psychosis not Bipolar. I am currently on Lexapro and doing fine. God Bless you and thank you for a chance to share my experience with someone who truly understands.
276) |
Deveda Francois |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Monday, 31. January 2005 03:27
I am the founder of Diamonds in the Ruff Children's Society. We are currently developing a Respite/Crisis Care program that will help moms like Melanie. I spoke with Walter Blocker a couple days ago and will be calling Carol Blocker in the next day or so. I am truly saddened by what happened to Melanie but I'm very pleased to know that there is someone else out there keeping the spotlight on this issue. Not just "someone" but a mother who is passionate about what she is doing to help save others.
275) |
 Sunday, 30. January 2005 17:46
274) |
Jayne |
Location: Sydney, Australia |
 Sunday, 30. January 2005 04:53
My friend was admitted to hospital today after recovering from Poat Partum Psychosis 15 months ago. Your site has allowed me to make sense of what is going on for her and what I need to do as her friend. May Angels bless you.
273) |
Catrina French-McCoy |
Location: Houston,TX |
 Sunday, 30. January 2005 01:07
May God bless you and your family.
272) |
Renee Jackson |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Friday, 28. January 2005 20:29
Hello, Mrs. Blocker, I am feeling very sorry after reading this article. I commend you to the utmost for your struggle and love that you are giving for your daughter's memory and for others who may experience this disease. I know in my heart that this will help!
GOD BLESS You & your family. :-) :-)
Renee Jackson & Family.
271) |
John Beckley |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 25. January 2005 18:27
I met you at SOLLY'S with my wife and daughter, I hope all is well, maybe I'll run into you at Nemo on Ice, take care... :-)
270) |
Jan |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 25. January 2005 10:49
After a long search, I finally found your site. My granny used to say, that you must never give up to reach a certain aim.
So keep on going like I did it recently.
269) |
Margaret Youpel |
Location: southern suburbs, IL |
 Saturday, 22. January 2005 02:38
A few days after my daughter was born on July 27, 2001, I too, fell deeply into depression. I wish I had known about this then. I was too scared/too messed up to talk to anyone..this went on for months and my heart breaks when I think how I was deprived of the joys of my first baby due to this paralyzing illness. Good luck, Carol, and again my condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter..I hope the awareness of this "disease" can save more lives in the future...
268) |
Rachelle Jones |
Location: Texas |
 Thursday, 20. January 2005 14:11
I was hospitalized for postpartum psychosis two times. Thank you for turning the tragedy and death into something positive by helping other people. God bless you.
267) |
Jessica |
Location: Long Island, NY |
 Monday, 17. January 2005 06:21
Dear Carol,
First I would like to say that I very sorry for your loss. I can truly say I know how you feel. My aunt, (second mother you could say) suffered from postpartum psychosis after her second child. She refused our families help no matter what we did and ended her life in Febuary of 1997. My family has never been the same, since this event. More women have to be aware of this disease and be aware that it could happen to them and I believe your site is full of information and is very helpful. Thankyou for your hard work I believe you are truly making a difference.
266) |
charlene klein |
Location: Belvidere,IL |
 Sunday, 16. January 2005 23:43
I also suffered from this post- partum and never got a lot of answers about it. Luckily I recovered after mood-elevating medicine (?) and two weeks at a private psychiatric hospital, also help when I came home.I lied to get out of the hospital as I felt so guilty leaving my children-"faked" something as I thought of suicide again when I came home. It lifted over many months. It is a deep well of darkness- no stream of thoughts- no hope- no happiness. Thank God I had one of my two OB/GYN's take me seriously and tell me how to get help- or I would not be here today. I had somedepression with my first pregnancy but it was horrible with the birth of twins. I was so afraid of this happening again I had an abortion when I got pregnant again- I could not take the chance.No one else in my family seemed to have post-partum but my biological mother did have depression- committed suicide when I was 18.
265) |
LaDonna |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 15. January 2005 20:10
I met you and Melanie's beautiful, intelligent little girl in Border's Book Store in Hyde Park. Immediately when I noticed her entering the store, I felt in my soul that she was as special little girl. So outgoing and smart. She impressed me at first glance. Then you handed me a card with Melanie's beautiful picture and website address. I remembered instantly the story you share so eloquently on the internet and my heart goes out to you and your family. I think Sommer is a very lucky little girl to have a grandparent like you to cherish her mother's memory. Peace and Blessings to you both. You are doing a wonderful job raising her, I saw the gleam in her pretty little eyes. Thank you for being a Great Mom!
264) |
Location: ELMHURST, IL |
 Friday, 14. January 2005 21:29
263) |
Carolyn Scheele |
Location: DeKalb, IL |
 Thursday, 13. January 2005 04:09
My heart goes out to you!! I heard your story on Kathy & Judy today and I was really touched. I am so sorry about Melanie and she was very beautiful. I had to come to the site to read about her. God Bless you! I pray that more women read about this and that their doctors will sit up and take notice.
Most Sincerely,
Carolyn Scheele
262) |
Rhonda |
Location: Indiana |
 Thursday, 13. January 2005 02:22
I heard you this morning on Kathy and Judy. I am so sorry for your loss and admire your courage. Take care.
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 23:56
Thank you for sharing your story with Kathy & Judy and their listerners this morning. I am happy to know of your website and will pass it on to others.
260) |
Lisa Marino |
Location: gilberts, il |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 20:25
I also heard your call on the Kathy and Judy show. You are a very courageous woman and Melanie would be very proud of her mom. I wish the best for you and your family and the best of luck with all of your upcoming legislation battles. You are certainly educating us all about this horrific condition. My heart goes out to you and your family, I can't even imagine to feel your pain. Stay strong!
259) |
Denise Andersen |
Location: Rockford Illlinois |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 19:42
I was listening to your story on the Kathy and Judy show this morning. You are very courageous to take a tragedy such as this and try to help others avoid this same awful thing. The gift of love you have for your daughter and granddaughter will hopefully touch the lives of many. God Bless..
258) |
Suzanne Shepherd |
Location: Rockford, IL. |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 19:21
I heard your story this morning on the Kathy and Judy Show and I want to say, God Bless you for your work in this challenging field. Thank you.
257) |
Rhonda |
Location: Itasca |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 18:23
I heard you on Kathy and Judy's show-and you are doing incredible work and perhaps are on the way to saving many lives.
Thank you for working for other people whose lives you will touch-yet you will never know them- and thank you for working so positively through such a tragic loss to make such a difference.
I will be sending the letter I found on your website to the congressman.
256) |
Joan |
Location: Joliet, IL |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 18:06
I just heard you on the Kathy & Judy show. It is great what you are doing for the women out there. I don't believe I have ever known anyone with this condition, but then I believe WE don't know that much about it, because WOMEN are afraid to talk about it, thinking that people will think they are crazy and shun them. I pray for you and your family and wish you luck with getting the message out there. ;-)
255) |
beverly Roos |
Location: Schaumburg |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 18:01
My heart goes out to you and your family. I cannot imagine such a horrible situation. God Bless
254) |
Valerie |
Location: Illinois |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 18:00
I heard you on Kathy & Judy this morning and immediately went to your site. God bless you all. Your granddaughter is so very lucky to have you as are all the women and families who can get information from you.
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 17:58
I just heard you on the Judy & Kathy show and decided to look at your web-site.
I just recently had a baby (a girl, she is 5 months today) and although I did not suffer from PPD, I cannot imagine what your daughter must have been going through.
It is tough enough having a newborn without battling PPD. My daughter was extremely collicky and screamed for three months straight - there were times that I thought I was going out of my mind.
My thoughts are with you and your daughter and granddaughter - it is wonderful that you are searching for a way to help others!
252) |
Lillian Almeroth |
Location: Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 17:57
I just heard you on the Kathy & Judy Radio Show. My heart goes out to you. I went through PPD 22 years ago when I gave birth to my oldest son. I wish you and your sister God's blessing on raising Summer. Take Care.
251) |
Michelle RN |
Location: MN |
 Wednesday, 12. January 2005 17:55
Great site. I am a L&D nurse, and any info you have on ppd and ppp is great, and every woman should be aware.
250) |
denise walker |
Location: - |
 Friday, 7. January 2005 17:22
i have read your sad story. i know what you are going thru to some point for i still have my daughter.all though she is not the same as she was before she had her beautiful daughter almost 2 years ago
but when we finally found the right dr for her and medication she is better.she struggles everyday and it hurts me to see this.i want my daughter completely back to me.i wish all the best to you and your family and stay strong for you beautiful grandaughter.God Bless!!!
249) |
Melisa |
Location: Baltimore, Maryland |
 Friday, 7. January 2005 15:48
My name is Melisa. I suffered from PPP two years ago and have dealt with depression every day since. I thought I was making good progress healing from my illness with the help of spiritual therapy and medication, but news about Andrea Yates has stirred some old feelings inside of me. I started looking for something this morning to help me with my feelings that I could not ever find before and I came across this. I don't feel so alone after reading this. God Bless you for doing this and for standing up to help women who suffer terribly with little help out there for us. More people need to know about this terrible disease so more women get the help they need before it is too late. If there is anything I can do to help you with your cause, please contact me at
248) |
Cora Scott |
Location: Newport News, VA |
 Friday, 7. January 2005 15:18
Carol -
My heart goes out to you and your family. I suffered from PPD after my first child, luckily I got help though from the military hospital. I also suffer from bi-polar disorder and borderline personality disorder, so I KNOW what it is like to be psychotic and it all seems so unreal. My husband still thinks that I fake sometimes and that I CAN do better than what I do.
Bi-polar disorder is hereditary in my family as my father, and all of my siblings all suffer with BPD of some sort, from the very mild to very severe...
247) |
Teresa Twomey |
Location: Virginia |
 Friday, 7. January 2005 14:05
Hi Carol and Darlene:
I have really enjoyed our recent communications. I've just been reading your recent posts. I know all of us working on this feel we have not "done enough" because we have so far to go. But I hope you know in your hearts when you read these posts, you have saved lives! How many people can say that?
I also want to express my thanks for your help and encouragement on my book on women's stories of postpartum psychosis. My hope is that it too will save lives and help move our world to TREAT and PREVENT this horrible affliction.
Talk to you soon.
Teresa Twomey
246) |
JenNurse |
Location: texas |
 Friday, 7. January 2005 02:33
I am a nurse who had difficulty finding help with postpartum psycosis. The psychiatrist who I finally went to had 30 years of experience but had only treated 2 pp pychosis patients before me.The day I got out of the hospital I tried to get a psych med which a doctor was suppose to call in for me. I called the on call doctor and she hung up on me for cusing. I called the hospital and the nurse would not help me since the doctor was there and told her that I already called. Start LEGISLATION that medications for post partum patient must get a hand written prescription!!!!and that Drs. can not hang up with postpartum patients when they are upset! It is difficult enough to look a number in the phone book and make a call when you are not emotionally stable!!!! I called the texas mental health number that is given to all postpartum patients and got an answering machine and a call 3 days later. Even if Andrea called for help she couldnt have found it. TEXAS SUCKS____concerning PP Pyschosis!
245) |
Katherine Stone |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 6. January 2005 14:55
Good news. Andrea Yates' capital conviction has been overturned and she'll be getting a new trial. I thought Carol and all her friends would want to know!
-- Katherine
244) |
Tachia Ramsey |
Location: Maine |
 Wednesday, 5. January 2005 02:38
I was looking for some articles on PPD w/psychosis came accross your article. I was found NCR (not criminally responsible) for the death of my son 6 yrs ago while suffering form PPD with psychosis. I have an 11 yr old daughter with whom I am now helping raise. I wish people could understand that mothers who suffer from PPD are not monsters. I have to live every single day knowing I am the reason my son is not with us today.
I recently started seeing someone and am now faced with haing to tell him about my past and I am so afraid he will not understand. I am going to share your article with him after I tell him about my past in hopes he can understand that this is an illness that robs you of your ability to function and think correctly.
I want you to know I am sorry for your loss and have been through the hell your daughter faced. While I survived my son did not and that will forever tear at my heart.
243) |
Nicole Homan |
Location: Seattle, WA |
 Monday, 3. January 2005 04:26
First and Foremost I want to wish you and your family the best. I appreciate your website more than you can ever imagine. I am 24 and had a baby boy in early October. My depression was not caught until 2 months later and over 11 days in the hospital for various other reasons. I am on medication now and will return to work soon. I struggle every day with feelings that are so unlike me and I know that things will get better in time, time is just the hard part. Please le me know of anything I can do to help with this cause. No one should have to go thru these feelings alone and there should be way more education durring and right after a pregnancy. My Prayers are with you.
242) |
Elizabeth Pilla |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 30. December 2004 05:07
Hi Carol,
We spoke on the phone in June of this year when I was just beginning to recover from PPD and had been hospitalized. Unfortunately, I sunk back into the dark side of PPD throughout the summer. My husband and family couldn't understand what I was going through. I didn't receive the emotional and physical support needed to care for my two boys and I feel that this hindered my recovery greatly. I was also very sensitive to meds and within the last few months my doctors finally found the right mix for me. I'm :-) to report that I'm able to function and enjoy life again.
Carol, please let me know everything I can do to strongly support this cause. I feel very fortunate to be able to write this email and need to help in any and all ways possible.
 Monday, 27. December 2004 18:14
I,m a Mother of one and I know it can get hard sometimes I was actually a single mom for quite sometime just recently becoming married I am truly sorry to hear of your lose and hope that you and Melanie husband both stay strong for that precious gift that she left you
 Monday, 27. December 2004 07:22
I think what you are doing is a great thing, my little sister has a baby and the bady died about six hours later and we are still trying to get her out od post partum depression. I think there are alot of people out here that are not educated about it so they don't recognize the signs and thats where we lose the lives of really good mothers. I hope you achieve your goal of educating the world about this disease so it doesn't have to end in tragedy any more.
239) |
tshaw |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Monday, 27. December 2004 02:45
I live in Chicago and I remember hearing about your daughter on the news. I am very sorry for your loss. I think that you are doing something wonderful with the site and the legislation this condition. I wish you and your beautiful granddaughter all the best in future.
 Monday, 27. December 2004 02:04
So sorry for your loss. It's comforting for me to know that someone is trying to do something about this. I have and still is battling depression. I'm 27 now and have 3 children, with the oldest being 9. I just came to the conclusion that my depression stems from the birth of my 1st child. I didn't know the symptons then. I am getting help now though. It's still a struggle, but I'm making it day by day.
With deepest sympathy,
Lachanda (Louisiana)
237) |
Location: TYLER, TEXAS |
 Sunday, 26. December 2004 01:31
236) |
Tasheya Little |
Location: wisconsin |
 Saturday, 25. December 2004 04:06
Iam sorry about the tragedy about your daughter, Iam a 21 single mother and I have experience the baby blue, its hard raising a childe by yourself. But know that my daughter is 1 year old I have not had no more baby blues because I got help! :-(
 Friday, 24. December 2004 17:38
I am sorry to hear the story about your daughter. I hope that God watches over your granddaughter and son-in-law as well as you and your family. I hope that many more people will come across this sight and spread the word of how serious this illness is.
God Bless You
234) |
Memphis |
Location: Internet |
 Thursday, 23. December 2004 21:39
I am a 21 year old single parent and I experienced the baby blues. Having a baby is very hard and twice as hard if you have to do it alone. I started to feel like I had failed my daughter and I felt like I had let her down. I am doing allot better now almost 1 year later, but your daughters story was very touching to me. My prayers will be with you ;-)
233) |
katrice perdue |
Location: high point, nc |
 Thursday, 23. December 2004 21:19
I am a mother of two and I know what it is like to be bogged down with everyday living. With taking care of the kids, working a fulltime job and the kids extracurrular activities, sometimes can be overwhelming. I pray that you find the peace you are searching for and I pray that Melanie's disorder will make the powers that be realize that this is a serious problem and help is much needed. May God continue to bless you and your family :-)
232) |
Adrienne |
Location: Chattanooga,TN |
 Thursday, 23. December 2004 16:14
I to was stricken with PPD when I had our 1st daughter.I became an emotional wreck.One day I was happy and couldnt wait to see my baby,the next day I hated her and everything around me.It was as if she was trying to steal me soul.It almost ended in divorce,my husband thought I was going to hurt the baby or myself.We also thought that it was from becoming a new mother. We didnt know where to turn,until I saw this story Oprah.
Needless to say,We sought help immediately.After countless prescriptions,prayer and family support,I can finally take a breath. We have since had 2more daughters and my battle with PPD is finally over. Thank you FOREVER,Carol..........
231) |
cindy pleasant |
Location: philadelphia |
 Thursday, 23. December 2004 15:58
God bless you and your family..keep hope alive .because there is hope for other women that suffer form this dreadful disease.
230) |
Tom |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 22. December 2004 09:14
Hallo you! Great site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommendyou page to all my friends.
I heard of your site and just wanted to see what´s up here. Really nice place. See you again sometime.
I wish you great success, good luck and a lot of fun for the future. Maybe one day you will really be the best of all.
229) |
Stacey Glaesmann |
Location: Houston, TX |
 Saturday, 18. December 2004 23:14
Hi Carol,
I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you in New York. I am sorry we didn't get a chance to say good-bye. They literally pushed us out the door. I wish you the best with your crusade and am depending on you to let me know how I can help. I hope our segment is well-received and reaches its intended audience.
228) |
Chiresse |
Location: chicago |
 Saturday, 18. December 2004 19:56
I checked out the website and I will continue to learn about the illness as much as possible. I wish you well on your journey.
227) |
Doddie McClure |
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana |
 Wednesday, 15. December 2004 00:33
Hi Carol,
It has been forever since I have talked with you, I am wishing You a merry xmas. Hope to hear from you soon.
226) |
Kayla Klump |
Location: Wisconsin |
 Tuesday, 14. December 2004 16:33
I am doing research for a paper on psychosis/depression in new mothers and ran across your sight. This is more serious than I thought. I only thought that people who had this tried to hurt their babies not themselves. Thank you for educating me and having this sight. Thank you. Take care and god bless.
225) |
Ben |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 14. December 2004 09:21
Just surfed in and found this really interesting place here. A lot of good stuff for everybody.
Go on like this and i will surely visit your site again sometime.
224) |
Katie |
Location: Salem, OR |
 Sunday, 12. December 2004 01:03
Dear Carol,
You have done a wonderful job exploring PPP and telling Melanie's story.
I am very sad her death had to happen, but am very thankful for all of the depressed women you help everyday.
Thank you and Bless you and yours, especially at this time of year..
(22 year old mama to Dar, with one on the way!)
223) |
Mrs. Grace Tomlin |
Location: Lincoln, NE |
 Tuesday, 7. December 2004 15:24
Hello Aunt Carol,
I am very proud of your hard work and dedication to this cause. My heart still hurts. I really miss my cousin. Stay strong, and keep the faith.
your niece
222) |
Elaine |
Location: Toronto, Ontario |
 Friday, 3. December 2004 22:23
The tragedy of the Andrea & Brian Langer family here in Toronto two days ago - such loving parents and a baby dead - made me want to know more about postpartum pychosis and understand it. (You can look up the story on >>><<<) I'm just devastated- and as a hope-to-be soon new mom really appreciate the information you provided. Thank you.
221) |
Bobbie Thomas |
Location: Pueblo Colorado |
 Wednesday, 1. December 2004 06:36
Hi Aunt Carol It's Bobbie....
I just happened upon your beautiful website of Mel. and I LOVE IT....
I know how hard this has been for you, and I am so very proud of the way you continue to keep Mel's memory alive for the rest of the family....Thank you so very much....I Love You
Your neice Bobbie
220) |
Location: Suburbs Harrisburg/Hershey PA |
 Monday, 29. November 2004 19:21
Just a reminder: Those doing postpartum research papers, projects, etc. should check out The New Mother Syndrome by Carol Dix, Doubleday, 1985/1988 paperback version. Some libraries may still carry it, but check buying a used one from for around $6. It is still a "must read" by Postpartum Support International. Check out the 2nd page of this guestbook for address to write publisher about requesting an "updated" reprint. Good Luck to All, "Always A Mother"
219) |
Sierra Taylor |
Location: North Carolina |
 Monday, 29. November 2004 14:23
I believe that our society does not understand this disorder and that we should inform each other. My aunt is suffering and I am going to inform all women a round me. I am sorry for your lost i truly understand. I am a mother and I am doing my senoir exit project on the three tpyes of postpartum. Thank you.
218) |
Jules D |
Location: Melbourne Australia |
 Friday, 26. November 2004 12:21
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I had PND ten years ago and there was no info to help me. Now, thanks to people like you, depression after childbirth is more widely recognised. If a site like this one can help just one woman, the death of your daughter will not be in vain. I wish you success in your mission.
217) |
Kelly Redmond |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 24. November 2004 18:52
It was great meeting you, Carol. Keep up the good work! I will help where I can. Let's keep in touch. My prayers are with you and the family.
216) |
Carolyn |
Location: New Jersey |
 Wednesday, 24. November 2004 13:51
Carol, I am sitting here with tears running down my face for what you have been through. I also had PPD in Dec 02 after the birth of my son and thankfully I survived.
My heart goes out to your daughter, she was so beautiful and so loved, I am sure she was a great Mommy. I will pray for her and Sommer and her handsome Daddy. May your hearts heal and thank you for doing so much to educate people about this horrible problem.
God bless you and your family
215) |
Ashley |
Location: Oklahoma |
 Wednesday, 24. November 2004 04:04
I am so sorry about your daughter. I applaud you for using this sad story to help others, it must take a strength that I cannot understand. Her story is one of best ones I have researched that best demonstrates how this mental illness crosses all social barriers: the beautiful, successful, and happy can have mental illnesses too. I am nurse currently doing research on PPD and PPP. I will use the info on your page for my paper. Furthermore, use her story to help break the silence of PPP, and defeat the stigma of mental illnesses.
214) |
Karen Kline |
Location: Arlington, Texas |
 Tuesday, 23. November 2004 23:37
I appreciated our chat today on the phone and hope that the inspiration will come on how to change how we deal with postpartum depression. We cannot afford to wait for society to change how it views, supports, and handles new moms and babies. Thank-you for all of your effort and courage. You are a salmon swimming upstream and that can feel very lonely and tiring at times.
 Tuesday, 23. November 2004 17:20
I just wanted to express my admiration to you for trying to make something positive out of your family's tragedy. This disorder, and mental illness in general, is so misunderstood, yet affects many lives. You have my deepest sympathy for what has happened with your daughter and her family.
212) |
Karen |
Location: Killeen, Tx. |
 Thursday, 18. November 2004 04:50
After doing research about PPD I have a different view of the severity of this disease. I have also read the HR 2380 bill. Over 80% of women who given birth are affected this % is far to high for is to stand up and fight.
211) |
Darlene |
Location: Harrisburg, PA Suburb |
 Thursday, 18. November 2004 02:53
Sil, Please Call 911 before you "give up" and do anything you may regret.
You can also contact the Coordinator for Florida who works with Postpartum Support International. North Florida: Jennifer Moyer at 850-936-7161 or for South Florida: Ilyene Barsky at 954-752-0460 - Ilyene has a Center for Postpartum Adjustment in Coral Springs, Fl. Her website is: It is very helpful to understand what is going on and where you go from here. God Bless and "keep on keeping on". "AAM"
 Wednesday, 17. November 2004 15:18
I gave birth almost 9 months ago and have been struggling with Severe PPD. I have tried 6 different medications and have been seeing a therapist since April. I can't find myself. I am a burden on my husband and family and am of no use to my daughters. They deserve better. I want to give up. It seems like the only way out.
209) |
Anne Kunesh |
Location: Maribel, WI |
 Sunday, 14. November 2004 19:54
Dear Mrs Blocker,
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I came across the story while doing research for my paper. I am 35 yrs old and attending college. Right now I am just going for my associates degree, but I plan on continuing my education in the psychology field, and this subject hits close to home. I am writing an essay on "Postpartum depression is under recognized and under treated. I myself did suffer from postpartum depression after giving birth to my daughter. I did not have it quite as severe as your daughter, but I can imagine what she went through. I noticed the bill you have going thru legislation, and plan on using it in my paper. If you or anyone else has more information you think I could use, please feel free to email it to me @
208) |
Netta Scott (formerly Clark) |
Location: Chicago, Illinois 60626 |
 Saturday, 13. November 2004 02:20
Dear Carol,
First of all hello. It has been a while, but know that Melanie and Summer are never far from my thoughts. I do keep up with progress of Melanie's bill.It saddens me when that progress stalls. I do hope all of you, Summer, Joyce,Walter are well. Just wanted you to know that you still have my support and love. Again if there is anything I can do to help just call 773-936-2572.
Netta :-)
207) |
Samantha |
Location: Dallas, Texas |
 Wednesday, 10. November 2004 01:30
I have a son I gave birth to two weeks ago (Oct. 25). PPD is just now starting to hit me hard, and since I have a history of depression, I know that the more I know about what's wrong with me, the more help I can get. It is really nice to see someone spreading the word about how serious this is. I have noticed that a lot of people don't take this matter to heart like they should. I am a single mother, doing this entirely alone-- so I am incredibly frightened. It's also good to know that I'm not alone, no matter how alone I may feel.
206) |
Shannon |
Location: Tulsa, OK |
 Wednesday, 10. November 2004 00:50
I too had a wonderful pregnancy; read every prenatal article I could get my hands on. Thought I was "ready" come delivery time. After 13 hours of labor I ended up with a c-section to be the mother of a beautiful baby girl. I was a total wreck in the hospital and for about 6 weeks after. I hardly slept at all and cried all the time. I defiately had a case of the "baby blues" but not one single nurse or my doctor mentioned anything about PPD or their signs. Everyone told me how wonderful motherhood was and this was supposed to be the greatest time of my life... They should have told me that this will get easier, the pain will go away, your breasts will go down and your child will eventually sleep when you want her to. They should have said it was okay to feel overwhelmed - it's overwhelming - it's okay not to be the nicest, greatest hostess, natural mother that everyone expects you to be. This has made me decide to go back to school for my RN and specialize on prenatal and postpartum women and explain all the things that were left out when it was told to me. I commend you for getting PPD out there and aware not only for ourselves but for our precious new babies. They need a healthy mommy to take care of them.
205) |
Palmer235 |
Location: A |
 Saturday, 6. November 2004 22:50
Cool site!
204) |
italiancharms257 |
Location: A |
 Saturday, 6. November 2004 12:33
Hello, you have been making good site :) Respect.
203) |
Brian |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Thursday, 4. November 2004 17:02
Hello Carol,
I wanted to thank you for sharing your daughter's story with me. We met briefly at a restaurant on 11/02/04. Words can not express how deeply sorry I am for your loss. You've been very courageous and determined to bring about awareness of PPD. You and your family will remain in my prayers...and I will not forget your daughter.
202) |
Crystal |
Location: Tennessee |
 Tuesday, 2. November 2004 19:15
I know your site and outreach efforts have saved many lives, thank you
201) |
Darlene |
Location: Harrisburg, PA Suburb |
 Monday, 25. October 2004 15:11
When educating ourselves or others on the phases of postpartum, I highly recommend "The New Mother Snydrome" by Carol Dix published in 1985. Although presently out of print, used books can be found via the internet, "Alibris" Used Books has several available. I just received an order - a book will be on the way to Carol Blocker soon. I hope it will bring her some knowledge and insight into why her daughter was not helped. I first read this book back in 1986 when trying to find my own answers to why doctors and medicine did not help me through two postpartum psychosis experiences. And, after fourteen years of independent research, it is still the best resource I've found! (Very sad, but true) It not only explains cause and effect, it also provides insight, comfort and referrals. Some of the referral information has changed, but not the basic overall history of research and education in aspects of depression and psychosis. Carol Dix is a medical writer and has done many other books, and articles on various topics; I'm sure if she knew so many wanted to become fully informed on postpartum issues, she would not hesitate to oblige. If you too would like the author to bring the book back into print with updates and corrections included, please write Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10103. "Always A Mother"
200) |
Darlene |
Location: Harrisburg, PA Suburb |
 Monday, 25. October 2004 14:30
I, for one, will be glued to my TV set at 3:00 PM today for the "Dr. Phil Show". However, I am not getting my hopes up. If they do not mention that all three phases - Baby Blues, Depression and Psychosis are part of a recognized term called "Baby Blues Snydrome", do not be surprised. Let's hope the final words from Dr. Phil today will be to give resources for the public for further education of this often neglected topic. If you are disappointed with what was, or what was not presented, please let the producer of the Dr. Phil Show know. Give Carol a call to share your views. She'd love to hear your views, and comments too. I called the show's producer as Carol asked me to, and did not get a call. How interested were they? Carol, the thank you notes I received from the three mothers in prison were very moving. They seem like such sweet women who just happen to be caught in a "time warp" - the time warp created by society's disinterest in prevention rather than incarceration. "Always A Mother"
199) |
Katherine Stone |
Location: Georgia |
 Monday, 25. October 2004 01:36
For those of you who aren't aware, Dr. Phil will be doing a show on post partum depression on Monday, October 25th. I'm looking forward to seeing how the subject is treated. I can tell you I wish Carol was one of the guests, as she is such an eloquent and passionate supporter of this cause. Every chance we get to let women know they're not alone is so precious, so I hope that tomorrow's show provides helpful and correct information to the public. Love you all! We need to keep climbing toward the goal of quicker treatment, more informed doctors, better support networks, more research, etc. I'll write about tomorrow's show at Postpartum Progress. (You can find it by clicking on my home page).
198) |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 23. October 2004 16:46
Carol, our best wishes to you and your family. We loved seeing you, Sommer and Alex at the store earlier this week. Never forget us because we will never forget Melanie's Battle' Love Sandy and Brenda. :-)
197) |
Cindy Cernovich |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 20. October 2004 20:05
Hi Carol
I am doing a seven page research paper on postpartum psychosis and came across you site I am so sorry You have a beautiful family and I think it's great your doing all of this for women that could have postpartum depression.
196) |
Kristine McClure |
Location: Unionville, CT |
 Saturday, 16. October 2004 20:40
Dear Carol,I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your daughter Melanie.I too, suffered from PPD/PPP after my son's birth. My son will be 2 in Dec. I am so sorry your granddaughter will not know the love of her beautiful Mother. I praythatsomeday she will understand her Mother loved her very much and she was not at fault for what happened to her. She was a helpless victim of this horrible disease that led her to take her life. I had no thoughts of harming my baby but I was overwhelmed with caring for him when I hardly had the energy to care for myself. My symptoms ranged from inability to concentrate, hallucinations(while in the hospital),no emotions (except deep despair), crying spells, to not being able to speak, sleep or eat. I felt as if I had lost my mind, and was also paranoid like Melanie that people thought I was a bad Mother and a disgrace. I was so ashamed and felt so weak that I letthedepression take over.I did not try to end my life, but I did not want to live. One bitter cold winter night I had the urge to go to the lake near our house(but I didn't know why), and I'm so glad I did not go through with it. I believe angels were with me that night (perhaps your daughter's spirit???;)I am so grateful that I am now fully enjoying life again.I commend you for all of the work you are doing and the support of other Moms with PPD and PPP. You have done something positive in Melanie's memory and she would be very proud. Sincerely, Kristine McClure
 Saturday, 9. October 2004 00:15
I am doing a research paper on PPD. I am
shocked by how many people misunderstand
even the postpartum blues. It is very real and society as a whole should not turn their backs on these women.
194) |
Peter W Barbera |
Location: Des Plaines Illinois USA |
 Wednesday, 29. September 2004 14:57
Dear Carol,
I do not know if you remember me. I had attended many PPD conferences with you in the past. I just received word of your invitation to speak on Capitol Hill regarding bill HR846. You are a very wonderful and courageous woman. I wish I could be there with you when you speak to congress. The stigma of PPD in my wife's culture was so great that her relatives refused her help. In my wife's culture, woman suffer in silence because admitting that they are in need of help is an admisssion of being possessed by evil spirts. I lost my daughter who is now two, because my wife was not able to bond with her. I do not know if I will ever see her again. My wife gave her away to her relatives in her country of origin.
Good Luck Carol
I will be praying for your success
Peter W Barbera
193) |
Karen |
Location: Florida |
 Wednesday, 29. September 2004 13:37
I got the link to Melanie's story through a friend who works with and has suffered with PPD. Although I can't personally relate to those feelings, I can certainly sympathize with those affected by it. I have a sister who suffers from bipolar disease and know how difficult it can be to deal with mental illness. May God bless you for all you're doing for your daughter and others with PPD. One person CAN make a difference!
192) |
Paola Moreno |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 19. September 2004 16:44
greetings and coongratulations for this great informations. I used this resource with a bunch of information about my favourite topic with interest. Thanks a lot.
191) |
Idelle K. Johnson |
Location: Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL |
 Friday, 17. September 2004 22:59
As I signed insurance papers with Melanie's father today, I felt the need to immediately review your web page.
My message to you is this-------
A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great sole never dies. It brings us together again and again.
Still with you are so many memories to help you through every tomorrow and please know, still with you are so many people who share in your loss and your sorrow.
This was written by Maya Angelou
I am saying you are not alone in this struggle because I saw the pain in your husband Walter's eyes today as he spoke of your wonderful daughter.
I have 5 children myself and I remember clearly my 1st child's delivery. I suffered also with Post Partum Psychosis and didn't know. Although after the pain subsided I was able to bounce back but I clearly can see why one can be affected for a long period of time.
May God Be the Glory!
190) |
Aileen Spencer |
Location: home |
 Friday, 17. September 2004 22:44
God bless you Carol. May your efforts live in your daughter Melanie's name and God bless Sommer Sky.
189) |
fran |
Location: australia |
 Friday, 17. September 2004 04:21
I'm not alone!!!! Two years,later and I still have nightmares about it. My daughter is perfect!I am treatment free, finally. But still so many questions.Am I "crazy" for wanting to understand it now?
188) |
Rachel Diane |
Location: Greensboro, NC |
 Monday, 13. September 2004 19:29

Hello Carol! I've been researching PPP for a work of fiction about a victim and her family. I would love to hear from anyone who reads this to tell me their stories and struggles with PPP. My heart and prayers constantly go out to you. God Bless.
Rachel Diane
187) |
Violette J. J. Nast |
Location: Valmeyer, Il. |
 Thursday, 9. September 2004 00:46
Hi Carol: I am the lady you met this weekend at Ramada Inn. I am Freds sister. So sorry to hear you story. You are very brave running this crusade. Drop me a line and let me know how you are doing. My son left for Pakistan today and we are having a rough day.
Violette and family :-)
 Sunday, 5. September 2004 09:49
Hi Carol,
You are doing wonderful things for women who have either suffered or are currently suffering from PPD. Most people would not have the courage or strength to do what you're doing. My heart goes out to you and your family. I, too, suffered from PPD after the birth of my daughter in 2002. Luckily, I sought help and received therapy to get our family through this horrible time. Please continue your crusade to help those who suffer from this unbearable disease.
God Bless!!!!
185) |
John |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Wednesday, 1. September 2004 19:43
Hi everybody,
Over the past month or so, we've had a number of problems with guestbook here. It was hacked a couple times and then would not receive entries for awhile. Everything is back to normal now.
Thank you for your comments!
John, Webmaster
184) |
Kathleen Aiello |
Location: Kenosha,Wisconsin |
 Thursday, 5. August 2004 18:53
I am a women who went though postpartum psychosis twice.It has been a nightmare, both for me and my family. My heart crys out for all who suffers though this.If there is anyone who wants to hear my story please call.My number is (262)654-0515.
 Thursday, 5. August 2004 13:53
Hello... I am a social worker in a maternity home for pregnant, unwed adolescent mothers. Recently, we had our first mother suffer from post partum anxiety. I was shocked to find how unedcuated so many professionals are, including myself, about the illness and how limited the resources can be. I have now begun to do a lot of research in the hopes that when this happens again, and i know that it will, i will be more prepared. Thank you for posting your web site, Melanie's story has been very helpful for me and the young woman suffering. It is good for her to see she is not alone. Best of luck and thank you again.
182) |
Erika |
Location: Washington |
 Thursday, 5. August 2004 01:53
Thank you for this website. I am a survivor of PPD and a Labor & Delivery RN who now educates mothers about PPD. It is a poorly understood diagnosis I have found. EDUCATION is the key. We need to get the word out to the public and the health care providers. They often don't recognize the symptoms of this illness, sometimes too late. Keep up the excellent work!!!!
181) |
Briyanna Hendricks |
Location: IL |
 Tuesday, 27. July 2004 04:53
I heard of this tragic death from a friend that attends my church. I just hope and pray that the doctors will take care of this problem and settle it so that no harm comes to any other family. I will keep her family in my prayers. God Bless
180) |
Nedra Wise |
Location: - |
 Monday, 26. July 2004 17:53
I was told this horrific story by a close friend of my home church that is employed at Dr. Stokes office in Carbondale IL. After seeing your website and reading the story of you daughters death I immediately prayed for you & your family's strength. You will need it to get through the painful days. This disease is very serious & Dangerous and I hope more research and information can get out to the nation.
 Tuesday, 20. July 2004 23:58
Thank you for the information you sent me. I have since wrote to Andrea Yates and hope to write to others. I have sent my personal story to many friends and family members and am in the process of sending it to any and all physicians I know. I was in Canada by myself last weekend for and I did not realize how much this is a world wide issue. I hope to write some article and have them published there as well. I'll keep in touch. Colleen, if you'd like to talk call me at 732-919-3783. I'm still recovering from PPD at 4.5 months.
Your going to be fine. We'll fight it together.
178) |
Nancy Perez |
Location: Oxnard, CA |
 Friday, 16. July 2004 18:48
Mrs. Blocker:
I have visited your site several times and now on my daughter's 1st birthday am writing to express my sincere sympathy to you and your family. I am currently working on letters to several people including Brooke Shields (a PPD survivor as well). I would like to visit the hospital where my daughter was born and share my story. I read that you have made flyers for maternity wards and I was thinking of creating such a thing for the 3 hospitals in my area. Can you offer me any advice in this area. Thank you. God Bless.
177) |
Doddie |
Location: Indiana |
 Thursday, 15. July 2004 23:51
Colleen, I too started to have the horrible thoughts later into my pregnancy, please hang in there it is a terrible thing, but we are all here to help. Please email me anytime. I have walked in your shoes, and I do know what it feels like to have that fear of being alone with your baby.
Doddie McClure
176) |
Colleen Cottrell |
Location: Erie |
 Thursday, 15. July 2004 15:54
Thank God I have found this website. I have been suffering from postpardum psychosis for about 3.5 months now. It is the most horrifying thing I have ever gone through in my life. The horrible thoughts actually began when I was about 6 months pregnant. I thought of doing terrible things to my child and my husband. I didn't tell anyone until 1 month ago and then I was hospitalized for about 10 days. I am now taking medicine that is helping me to get better. I still deal with the thoughts on a daily basis and it still scares me. I am not able to be alone with my baby yet. That is my goal. I pray to God that He gives me the strength to get through this. Thank you for understanding.
175) |
Katherine Stone |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 15. July 2004 01:14
Please check out my new weblog, called Postpartum Progress. I'll be posting information every week on news, stories of sufferers, and legislative and healthcare advocacy. I hope you'll join in the discussion.
174) |
Doddie McClure |
Location: Indiana |
 Wednesday, 14. July 2004 18:44
God bless you Mrs. Blocker. You are still in my thoughts. I will write my congress and all doctors in this area. I am also on the suicide coalition for the Wabash Valley. Remember one person can make a difference, jesus did.
173) |
D.A. Gray |
Location: Middletown, Pennsylvania |
 Wednesday, 14. July 2004 01:37
A CALL TO ACTION! If each of us were to contact all our friends, doctor's offices, family members and all those who'll listen and ask them to: write those letters and make those phone calls to legislators - the result will be only positive! Postpartum research, etc. cannot be denied if the power is placed in the hands of future voters who care enough to share their views on Melanie's web site, and follow through where it really counts - in the political arena. We can do this! Are you with me? Thanking you in advance for the passing of Carol's bill, HR 846. The sooner the better for all mothers. "AAM" D.A.Gray
172) |
marguerite cholakian |
Location: san mateo county, california |
 Monday, 12. July 2004 06:38
I am so sorry about the death of your daughter. I cannot put into words my sorrow for you. I suffer from premenstrual syndrome,(pms dysmorphic) and depression, I suffered from postpartum depression when my son was born 9 years ago. I suffered again, much more aggressively when my daughter was born October 16, 2001. I now am in legal problems as a result of my post partum depression and wrong medical advice and medicines. I too tried to get help, my husband, family and some friends did not understand. I was given medications (paxil) and had severe reactions to it, given other drugs, wrong diagnosis. etc. This is truly a misunderstood hormonal situation that woman only experience. I did miscarry before this pregancy, I breast feed for one year, I did have a c-section, I also had a tubal ligation. This was extremly hard on my body not to mention my mind. I am glad that you are putting this information out there especially to legistration. A voice needs to be hear about this horrible and misunderstood disease. Keep on going, I would like to help share in this. Thank you. Marguerite
171) |
Katherine Stone |
Location: Fayetteville, GA |
 Monday, 12. July 2004 02:26
I'm a bit belated in signing in ... sorry Carol. But I wanted to say hello to everybody and to thank Carol for all of her great work and dedication. I'm Katherine, and I suffered post partum obsessive compulsive disorder in 2001. You may have read my story recently in the June 7 issue of Newsweek. All I have to say is "Get ready, Ladies!" because we're about to take it up a notch and figure out how to really start positively impacting this problem, carrying on with the great work already done by so many.
170) |
Elizabeth |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 8. July 2004 21:22
Dear Carol,
I'm currently recovering from a severe postpartum depression. My second son, Louis, is now 4 months old. When he was 5 weeks old I spent 5 days in the crisis center of my local hospital and due to medication, therapy and a strong will, my days are brighter and brighter.
I have written an article of my experience that I would like to share with you. I also plan on trying to get it published in as many womens magazines as possible.
I would like to support you on your crusade to increase awareness and research of this illness and other mental health illness and would like your permission to refer to your website in my article.
I hope to contact by phone in the next few days to talk to you. You are a very strong individual and you are blessed with a beautiful grandaughter. I pray that together we (the community) can help increase awareness and research of this terrible illness.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth Pilla
169) |
Marybeth Zinni |
Location: Mass |
 Wednesday, 7. July 2004 12:12
what a moving story. I myself am suffering from postpartum psychosis.
I have been hospitalized 2 times, I have had 14 shock treatments, I have been on about 10 medications and still I am dealing with this devastating illness.
I had my baby 13 months ago. I wanted not only to kill myself, but my baby and my husband. This illness has affected every aspect of my life. I am still treating. I pray every day that god will give me the strength to beat this.
Thank you for letting me tell my story.
168) |
Kristin |
Location: utah |
 Tuesday, 6. July 2004 22:39
I was so sad to hear a story like Melanie's. It hit home. I could have so easily done the same thing. Every day for months I would drive home from work toying with the idea of driving my car off the road into a tree. What was a little different about my post-partem experience is that it wasn't POST it was During pregnancy. I got postpartum after the birth of my first child. After 6 weeks of Zoloft I was better. However, when I got pregnant with my second child my horomones threw me for a loop. I spent the whole preganancy taking 300 Mg of Zoloft and just hoping I could hang on one more day. It was 10 times worse than my first bout with post-partum. I still take 100 mg Zoloft 4 years later. I am too afraid to get off of it totally. Another child is 100% out of the question. I wouln't survive another episode. I just wish other women could know that they are not alone. That they didn't cause it. I only got through with mu mother's and husband's help, but it was scarier than anything I have ever been through. If you know anyone with post-partum, please reach out to her. She may be teetering on the edge. We need to help each other. Thanks for hearing me, Kristin
167) |
Kristin |
Location: utah |
 Tuesday, 6. July 2004 22:37
I was so sad to hear a story like Melanie's. It hit home. I could have so easily done the same thing. Every day for months I would drive home from work toying with the idea of driving my car off the road into a tree. What was a little different about my post-partem experience is that it wasn't POST it was Dting preganancy. I got postpartum after the birth of my first child. After 6 weeks of Zoloft I was better. However, when I got pregnant with my second child my horomones threw me for a loop. I spent the whole preganancy taking 300 Mg of Zoloft and just hoping I could hang on one more day. It was 10 times worse than my first bout with post-partum. I still take 100 mg Zoloft 4 years later. I am too afraid to get off of it totally. Another child is 100% out of the question. I wouln't survive another episode. I just wish other women could know that they are not alone. That they didn't cause it. I only got through with mu mother's and husband's help, but it was scarier than anything I have ever been through. If you know anyone with post-partum, please reach out to her. She may be teetering on the edge. We need to help each other. Thanks for hearing me, Kristin
166) |
Darlene A. Gray, aka D.A.Gray |
Location: Harrisburg, PA Suburb |
 Tuesday, 6. July 2004 19:21
Dear Mothers & Families:
The present Melanie Stokes Bill, HR 846 is still in committee, although Jane Honikman, Founder of PSI, emailed me back today the following:
"About the Melanie Stokes Bill, I was involved with Congressman Rush's office to write the Bill so yes, PSI has always been working towards its passage from the very beginning. Our conference was last week in Chicago and Congressman Rush sent a video message that we saw at our banquet. Unfortuantely, Carol Blocker couldn't be there to hear the Congressman's latest words. The bill has been stuck in committee because of politics in Wash DC not because of lack of support from PSI and the community at large. Congressman Rush now sits on that committee and there is a better chance that he can finally get a hearing for the Bill." Visit PSI's web site at:
Share your story. Offer Carol Blocker a Testimonial (in person, or in writing) for future hearings on this Bill. Help to put a face on an issue that needs one in order that sceptics can fully understand the negative impact if avoidance continues - unnecessary, lost lives.
"Always A Mother"
165) |
dona |
Location: nyc,ny |
 Thursday, 1. July 2004 17:53
carol... as a parent i share your pain. as a citizen i am outraged that the essential medical care your daughter needed was unavailable to her. if this necessary care could not be accessed for her- an educated woman with a supportive family, married to a doctor- then it certainly would be beyond reach for most. saint vincent's medical center in nyc has a wonderful resource,"the new parent warmline," as part of its' parent education program (212 7047646). a trained volunteer calls every woman who gives birth at st. v's , usually within eight weeks of the birth. the call focuses on how the mother is feeling emotionally and physically. we ask about available support, the family situation, as well as how the mother/family is adjusting to its newest member. we listen carefully. mothers are given strategies to relieve stress as well ways to build a support network. often just hearing that most new mothers feel overwhelmed is very helpful. we discuss "baby blues" and postpartum depression. a social worker follows up with any mother who has been "red flagged." this telephone support is available up until the newborn's third birthday. i wish this type of valuable service was accessible to everyone. thank you for doing everything you can to get information about postpartum psychosis to the public. i am sure you wll save others the tragedy that your family has experienced. i admire your strength.
164) |
Karen |
Location: Virginia |
 Tuesday, 29. June 2004 01:56
I have a wonderful son and daughter, ages 16 and 19. However, I think my mood changed from the day I got pregnant with my daughter and has never been the same. I have talked to other people who mention the same thing. I suffer from migraines also and with the depression for so many years, I can't even remember who I used to be. I am a chemical engineer with a successful career but sometimes I feel like I am barely holding it together.
I am so sorry about your loss. It sounds like you did everything you should have and were not able to receive the support you needed from the medical community. I have also been frustrated with my ability to get the treatment that I need, and I wonder about all of the women who do not have medical insurance or are otherwise unable to receive medical care.
163) |
Carol Roberts |
Location: Alabama |
 Monday, 28. June 2004 14:29
Hello, I want to thank you so much for your website and for telling the story of how your daughter suffered from PPD and how she died. I am so sorry for your loss. Four years ago when my daughter (my only child) was born, I suffered from PPD. If my life had depended upon me getting good psychological care here where I live, I would be dead now. I was severely depressed, and panicky as well. I couldn't sleep. I lost 43 pounds between the day I checked into the hospital to deliver my daughter and my 6 week post partum OB visit (I only gained 7 lbs during my otherwise idealic pregnancy). I realized I needed help when I was sitting in traffic at a red light one day, and the thought crossed my mind to pull out into traffic in from of an oncoming truck (the baby was in the back seat). I never wanted to hurt the baby, but I thought maybe if I hurt myself badly enough to be hospitalized, someone would help me. I saw a psychiatrist, who was not experienced or very understanding about PPD. He told me it was basically my job to take care of my child, and asked me if I really thought I would hurt myself. I said no because I didn't trust him AT ALL. My OB was wonderful at my 6 week post partum visit... he was everything the Psychiatrist was not. I realized then I should have gone to see the OB earlier. He also gave me Zoloft, and offered comfort, kindness and support. God bless him.
 Wednesday, 23. June 2004 02:01
I wanted to say how sorry I am about the death of your daughter. I too suffered from severe PPD after the birth of my daughter in 1996. It is something that has changed my life forever. I made the painful decision not to have more children due to the fact that I had a 50/50 chance of getting PPD again (actually my chance was higher since mental illness runs in my family). I only wish that before I had my daughter that all this information was out in the open. I honestly did not know about PPD until I had it. If I had I might have been better prepared in getting thru it. I was fortunate that after time (around 3 months) with the medicine (Zoloft & Xanax) and tons of therapy I was able to finally get a glimpse of my former self. My daughter is now 7 but I can remember the horror of PPD like it was yesterday. I want to thank you for your crusade it getting your daughters story out there and for everything you are doing!
161) |
Annette |
Location: Costa Rica |
 Tuesday, 22. June 2004 21:13
I was very moved by Melanie`s story as I have a baby girl the same age as Sommer. I know Melanie would have loved to see her baby grow and take care of her and I am sorry her disease did not allow her to. Keep on the good fight so more research is done, these types of situations should be avoided at all costs.
160) |
Patsy |
Location: Germany |
 Friday, 18. June 2004 16:22
I read in the Newsweek magazine of the tragic death of your daughter, Melanie. I am so sorry, it should not have happened. I was amazed that although she was hospitalized, the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong.
My prayers for you and your grand daughter, who will never know what a beautiful Mother she had.
159) |
Tammy Hall |
Location: Montgomery, AL |
 Tuesday, 15. June 2004 21:19
Thank you for your website and what you are trying to do legislatively.
I, too, suffered from PPD and the ignorance of the medical and OB/GYN community. I also lost my mother to suicide due to depression. Those who have not suffered from a mental illness need only to open their hearts and minds, because unless you've experienced it, no one can tell you how horrible and terrifying it is. Once you've had it, it's so easy to see how it can lead to suicide.
My heart and prayers are with you. I have also written my representative and senators encouraging them to support your daughter's legislative act.
158) |
Michelle |
Location: Tampa, FL |
 Tuesday, 15. June 2004 18:26
 Hi Carol,
Thank you so much for sharing your daughter Melanie's story of PPD and how having it undiagnosed by her doctors resulted in her death. I really admire your courage and resolve in raising awareness about this much-ignored issue in our society.
I worry about PPD personally because my husband and I want to have a child, but I am somewhat at risk for PPD given my history of, and current treatment for, depression. We are considering other parenting options such as adoption; but if I do become pregnant, I know I will have to monitor myself and be monitored for any signs of PPD.
After Andrea Yates killed her five children as a result of PPD, it made me sad and angry to hear so many people attack her as if she were some kind of a monster. More people need to show compassion and understanding for people like Andrea; no doubt she has gone through much pain in what happened. Bless you for your support of similar women who have PPD-related psychosis.
157) |
Robin Minniear |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 15. June 2004 15:09
Thank you for your sharing your story. I, also, believe this is an unmentioned disease which needs to be fully discussed in childbirth classes and with OB/GYNs and their patients. I experienced PPD with my son, but didn't realize the severity of it until I gave birth to a daughter five years later--with total different emotions and actions. One thing I have noticed in my own, very unscientific survey, many people who have had PPD suffer it more severely when giving birth to a son. Could there be some link between the hormones of carrying a male child and the birth process? In my case, as well as my mother, sister and several friends and relatives, I have observed this trend. Any thoughts?
156) |
Sualice (Sam) Parker |
Location: Beaumont, TX |
 Tuesday, 15. June 2004 13:56
Today I read for the first time about Melanie (re:NEWSWEEK reference led me to internet query.) I cannot imagine the pain of her loved ones and my special prayers go to them. I DO know a little bit about mental illness and the traps that one's mind can lay for itself and I am so sorry that Melanie could find release only from death. Her TRUE spirit survives forever in the beautiful, courageous, loving woman who tried her best. My love & prayers are with you all.
155) |
Rachel Giannola |
Location: San Ramon, CA |
 Monday, 14. June 2004 16:00
Since June 21, 2003, I have been fighting this debilitating battle of PPD.
Everyday is a struggle and I do my best to survive. I can't believe that it is almost 1 year since I was first hit with this illness.
Thanks to people like you, I know that I am not alone in my battle with this illness.
My goal is to get as many people as I can to listen. I agree that ignorance is the only thing stopping people from helping.
We need to continue to fight, so that every women is educated about these symptoms, before delivering their babies.
I think all PPD mood dissorders should be discussed at all Lamaze classes. NO WOMAN should have to SUFFER in silence!!!
Thank you for helping us help each other!!!!
154) |
Linda Sandoval |
Location: Southern NM |
 Monday, 14. June 2004 04:18
Thank you for having the courage to tell your daughter's story. My heart goes out to you and your family as you continue to cope with your loss. I, like many women, suffered from PPD. At the time (1989) little was known about this devastating condition, and I basically had to "go it alone." In a desperate attempt to regain some semblance of sanity, I moved back home so that my mom could help me with my baby. I struggled daily with my PPD, and recovered from this disorder right about when my son turned 13 months. I chose not to have anymore children, because of the seriousness of my condition, but mostly because it was advised by medical professionals that I refrain from doing so.
Thank you again. You will always be in my prayers.
153) |
Toni Deaderick |
Location: - |
 Friday, 11. June 2004 02:30
Thank you for sharing Melanie's story. I moved by the breath of it. Two years ago I met her husband at a medical convention in Hawaii and was deeply touched by his sadness for Melanie and his love for his daughter. I hope and pray that all is well with you, him and their daughter. May God be with you.
152) |
Syvilla N. Rushdan |
Location: Chicago IL |
 Tuesday, 8. June 2004 17:04
I ad not read Melanies story before. I am very familiar with post partum depression. My daughter and neice went through it. It was hard for them, but families were there for him. Thank God they are ok now.
 Tuesday, 8. June 2004 04:10
I went through 10 months of perinatal mood disorder and post partum mood disorder in conjunction with the birth of my first daughter. It was the most horrifying experience of my life. I felt alone and out of control. I did not know who I was. I was hospitalized and diagnosed with post-partum depression and anxiety with psychotic tendancies. Like your daughter, I was put on anti-psychotic medication, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. After 5 months, a hospitalization, 2 therapists, 2 doctors, I finally found the help I needed in a psychiatrist and a therapist who both specialized in post partum mood disorders. I finally was diagnosed with perinatal and post-partum anxiety (with no psychosis involved). I am an example, like your daughter, of someone who suffered from negligent medical care by physicians and therapists who did not know what type of illness they were dealing with. (I was even told by my OBGYN that I should consider getting my tubes tied.) I am finally feeling like myself again after feeling like I was living in someone else's body for almost a year. I was glad to read the Article in Newsweek by Katherine Stone that highlighted the legislation in honor of your daugher. I support your efforts and will write my congressmen and congresswomen in support of this bill. I will visit your web page often to continue any efforts I can in support of further research and study of this misdiagnosed illness.
150) |
Brea Johnston |
Location: Texas |
 Sunday, 6. June 2004 23:56
Reading the article in Newsweek by Katherine Stone really opened my eyes. In 2000 I had a baby boy and the fallowing months of depression were so bad I was hopitialized numerous times for self harm and a year later was hospitialized for attempting suicide. After attempting suicide my doctors finally paid attention that I needed help, I did not know how to express what I was feeling and took out the pain on myself. I got the help that I needed through family and friends that rallied behind me and were such a strenght to me in that time. Two weeks ago gave birth to another beautiful boy, before I had him I was terrified of what would happen afterwards. I have done well, this time has been better, tough, but better. I am scared to death of being alone and have been really emotional. Reading that article in newsweek made me realize that I was not alone and that there are many women out there that are in the same boat. I pray for those women who need help and hope that they find solace somewhere. I feel lucky to have an amazing family to help me and worry about those who are alone.
149) |
Maria |
Location: atlanta |
 Friday, 4. June 2004 15:47
Thank you Carol for getting this message out. I lost my sister three years ago and feel it started with her ppd that went untreated. I too, have written my congressman and senators. Hats off to Katherine Stone for having the courage to write her story in the recent Newsweek. I am so very glad that you were here to write it. Carol, my heart aches for you...and all the other motherless children. and childless mothers.
148) |
Heather |
Location: Ohio |
 Friday, 4. June 2004 00:31
I want to applaud Katharine Stone for bravely writing an article in the current Newsweek issue (My Turn) about her battle with Postpartum. I did not know of HR 846 until that point. I did a little research and promptly submitted letters to the two Congressmen responsible for the funding hearing. I encouraged about 40 other women to write to these Congressmen as well. I myself suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety after the births of my two children and the loss of my first pregnancy. My second child is a girl. I do not want her to know the pain, struggle and uncertainty that postpartum can bring. I will do all I can to help your cause for your daughter. I wish you the very best in your endeavors.
147) |
Mel |
Location: San Diego area |
 Tuesday, 1. June 2004 21:18
I am battling with severe PPD and as I write this I have suicidal thoughts. I don't know what's keeping me together. Today I see a therapist and I believe starts my journey to recovery, it's been 5 months since I had my baby and I'm finally seeking help. What a shame that this illness is so hush-hush and we only have to hear it through tragedies. I hope to become some kind of help to women in the future who are battling this horrible illness. GOd bless.. Mel
146) |
Melina Marin |
Location: San Diego area |
 Tuesday, 1. June 2004 21:14
I am battling with severe PPD and as I write this I have suicidal thoughts. I don't know what's keeping me together. Today I see a therapist and I believe starts my journey to recovery, it's been 5 months since I had my baby and I'm finally seeking help. What a shame that this illness is so hush-hush and we only have to hear it through tragedies. I hope to become some kind of help to women in the future who are battling this horrible illness. GOd bless.. Mel
145) |
Dana |
Location: Germany |
 Thursday, 27. May 2004 21:15
I think about your daughter a lot. I heard about that sad story in the news. At the time i was living in America and suffered from ppd myself (my son was born April 2001). Melanie's death frightend me, because i thaugt this will happen to me too. I was to scared talking to anybody about my feelings and didn't have a clue about this illness even existing. When my son was four months we moved back to Germany and i finally told my familiy about it. That saved my life. By that time it became a psychose and i hear voices and saw things, believed my son was the devil and couldn't take care of him anymore. After being treated with zoloft recovery was quick, but i still have anxiety today. We wish for another child, but i'm just to scared to go through that hell again. But it also had something very positiv and that was that i found God!
Thank you so much for all the good work you do! Your whole family will be in my prayers.
God bless,
144) |
Rhonda White |
Location: Central Illinois |
 Sunday, 23. May 2004 02:16
Dear Carol-
I am so sorry for your loss! I wish you well in all of your endeavors to open the doors on PPP and PPD. In April of 2001 I gave birth to twin baby girls. I went through a brief period of PPD. In June of 2003 I gave birth to a baby boy and in September of 2003 I was admitted into a mental ward with suicidal and homocidal thoughts. I would have to say this is the worst thing I have ever been through. It was my own private hell. I just read the Marie Osmand story about her PPD and cried the whole time because everything all came flooding back to me. Your poor daughter-bless heart poor heart! I'm crying now as I right this because I can feel your pain and understand as only a PPD survivor can! Please- if I can do anything to help you-e-mail me. I will do whatever I can!
God Bless-
Rhonda White
143) |
Claudia Giraldo |
Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida |
 Thursday, 20. May 2004 23:50
Mrs. Blocker, I am a Childbirth Educator on my way to becoming a Midwife and I will help you and your family spread the word in educating society on the subject of Postpartum Depression. I will also pray for you and your family as I've been touched by the sharing of your tragic loss. God will continue to Bless you.
With Love,
142) |
Location: CALIFORNIA |
 Wednesday, 19. May 2004 19:16
141) |
susannah |
Location: seattle |
 Thursday, 13. May 2004 13:19
My heart breaks to read of your beautiful daughter. What a terrible loss for you and all who knew her. I have a friend in Chicago who sent me this website. He worked with Melanie and thought the world of her. I am a survivor of this disease. There were many hopeless days and months. I am so much better now, and know I am lucky. The work you are doing is so important, and I thank you for it.
140) |
Elisha Goulet |
Location: Massachusetts |
 Sunday, 9. May 2004 23:29
I wanted to tell you Carol that I am sorry that this happened to your daughter Melanie. It was not her fault and I wish her husband and her baby well. As long as they have you and the rest of her family supporting them they should be very fortunate. It is a terribly sad story but it happens to a lot of women. I mentioned below that I have been reading this book that has amazed me, Womens Moods, it tells of all the things that can go wrong with women who are succeptible to fluctuations in their hormones. It can happen to anybody. God bless Melanie!
139) |
Elisha Goulet |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 9. May 2004 21:23
There is very good book that women who suffer from hormone related mood swings such as pms post partum depression and pshchosis, and other hormone related mental illnesses, Get this book "Womens Moods" and you will totally understand what happened to Melanie and what happens to other women. It is a great book for anyone to read. You won't be able to put it down. (non-fiction)
138) |
Lashondra Bradley |
Location: Thomasville,Ga |
 Sunday, 9. May 2004 19:31
Hello, Mrs.Carol, I read this story in the jet magazine and wanted to see more pictures of your beautiful daughter and decided to follow-up and also i am doing research for my rhetorical english class and my subject was PPD. Well your son-in-law is now in thomasville working right down the street from where i live in a doctors office. I couldn't believe it when i read it in the local paper that he was in small thomasville. How is sommer this story really saddened me and i think about the life of the baby who is to young to understand may god bless you and your family and best wishes to sommer skyy.
137) |
Alex |
Location: - |
 Monday, 3. May 2004 23:24
just saying hi
136) |
Mike |
Location: - |
 Monday, 3. May 2004 23:22
Very comprehensive information.
 Saturday, 1. May 2004 22:45
Hi Carol. I,m so sorry about your daughter. I am a current survivor of Postpartum Depression. It is still a struggle sometimes, and my daughter is nearly 2 yrs old. I never have found any support groups in my area, and I still think there is no medication that helps.I tried every anti-depressant, and it just made me feel worse. I was at the point where I couldn't swallow, and felt like I needed to go to the hospital.I have found that it has gotten better with time. Noone knows how hard it is to deal with this feeling of shame, fear, and hopelessness. I truly believe the best cure is awareness, instead of not talking about it. It was the darkest place I had ever been, and I constantly was finding someone to take care of my baby, because I was so scared. I was even scared to stay alone at night and have finally gotten over that. I would wake up at night in complete Panic, and got no sleep. My husband travels, and my family lives in another state. I am 35, and I feel like I will never be the same Lisa.
134) |
Kathie Sears |
Location: St. Louis, Missouri |
 Friday, 30. April 2004 00:13
Hi Carol, thank you for talking to me and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing to bring awareness to the public on how devastating this illness is. I'm so sorry for the loss you felt and continue to feel. God Bless you and please let me know if there's anything I can do.
133) |
Carla Behr |
Location: Pennsylvania |
 Thursday, 29. April 2004 16:43
Hi Carol,
Many blessings be upon you for generating the hope many of us, as PPD sufferers and survivors, need! Together we can and should resist any forces that attempt to make us nothing but hopeless victims, and instead hold onto the hope that we can illuminate and authenticate our suffering for the highest medical good of society. It is this resistance, similarly adopted by other awareness groups, that will further the cause for legislation such as the Melanie Stokes Postpartum Depression and Research and Care Act. You are so heroic to me and the pictures of your beautiful daughter make me want to join the crusade against this often unrecognized illness. I hope you will have a chance to read the attached article (and picture). We will prevail so that Melanie and so many others did not die or suffer in vain.
I hope you find comfort in knowing that so many of us are behind you,
Most sincerely,
Carla behr
132) |
D M Cribbs |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 29. April 2004 01:06
I will help you and your family spread the word in educating society on the subject of Postpartum Depression. I will also pray for you and your family as I've been touched by the sharing of your tragic loss. God will continue to Bless you - Never Doubt that!!!
131) |
ginny |
Location: madison heights ,va |
 Wednesday, 28. April 2004 01:37
the saddest part about this problem is that very few listen . i have been suffering from some sort of postpartum problem that has yet to be diagnosed almost 2 years of going through it and i am now pregnant , i am scared to death of what may happen after the birth of this child being no one knows whats wrong with me now. i have been told postpartum depression , bipolar the whole nine yards , but the dr just keeps changing the diagnoses . he has not once mentioned ppp . its sad to know that the more you read on the internet the more you know that a psychiatrists . good luck to everyone who is fighting this battle , i hope i am one of the lucky ones that will just snap out of it since i cant get the real help i need!
130) |
Terri Bonebrake |
Location: High Ridge, Missouri |
 Friday, 23. April 2004 19:28
What a wonderful site! I'm so glad someone is trying to address this terrible problem.
My cousin Fay suffered terribly from this, losing custody of both of her children because she was unable to care for them. She had been institutionalized for years and was finally released to supervised living in an apartment when she killed herself last year. When I asked my uncle what had happened, he said "well, she took a shotgun and shot her heart out". I couldn't help but think that the Post Partum Psychosis had already done that years ago.
The funloving, vibrant cousin I knew in childhood hadn't been the same for years.
I hope your organization is able to make some headway with this problem - so many people have no idea....
129) |
Aisha' s Mom |
Location: Atlanta |
 Wednesday, 21. April 2004 19:46
Hi Carol,
You are truly an angel, may God alway keep in his grace. We here in Atl and I speak for all of US, want to Thank You, so very much. Words can not express the deep feelings of compassion in my heart for you and the work that you have and are doing.
I want you to know that I too am committed to helping you with this mission, not just in words, but actions. Today, I wrote a letter to a very powerful woman here in the Atlanta area, I pray that she may help us to move this fight to another level. Mrs. Stephanie Blank of The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, is a start and I pray that she feel the same passion and committ to helping as we do. I shared with her that I am committed to helping you stop this Madness. Asking Mrs. Stephanie Blank to please help US in the fight to eradiate, the ignorance associated with this NON-PASSIONATE, VIOLENT AND DEADLY DIS-EASE.
I knew so very little about this illness before meeting with you and now that I have learned as much as I now know, how can not be involved. The future of my sweet daugther AISHA and my precious grand-daughter, LAILA and so many other mother's loving daughter lives are at risk.
With Love in Action
 Wednesday, 21. April 2004 01:12
I am currently doing a paper of PPD. I decided to do my paper on PPD because I am a suvivor of PPD and it was not easy (the hardest thing I ever had to do or ever will do in my life). Very few people understand how serious an illness this is. Thank you for doing your part in getting the word out. Maybe if we all say and do our part things will change and people will realize how serious this can be. Thank you. You are all in my prayers everyday.
127) |
Aisha Floyd |
Location: Atlanta |
 Thursday, 15. April 2004 16:29
Hi Carole. My visit to Chicago was in perfect order. I am currently making arrangments to improve my lifestyle and the lifestyle of my daughter. Thank you so much for your care and concern. You are making a huge difference in my life. You gave birth to an angel who enfolds the lives of many within her beautiful and nurturing wings. I know that my story and experiences will have an impact on any young lady suffering from any postpartum disorder. You will hear from me again soon. Thanks again for caring. I especially thank you for honoring the life of your daughter sister.
126) |
Pebble |
Location: Chicago |
 Sunday, 11. April 2004 22:06
Hi Mrs. Blocker I think this is very interresting what u are doing to help more ladies cope with PPD I am now suffer with PPD but with the help of my famil I am taking it one day at a time. I am doing a research paper on PPd and would really love to contact you for a little information on your story so if you read this could you please send me a e-mail letting me know that is ok to contact you .
Thanks you your help.
125) |
Kathy |
Location: Pennsylvania |
 Thursday, 8. April 2004 14:29
Dear Mrs. Blocker,
When you watch the talks shows that deal with PPD you think I am so lucky that that hasn't touched my life. Well it has in a big way. My youngest sister is lonely, scared and angry with her love ones locked in a general psyc. ward of an Illinois hospital. She was taken to the hospital to seek the treatment she needed, but it doesn't appear that she has access to the trained professionals she needs. So few professionals can deal with this form of depression and some don't even agree that it exists. Why can't we begin to see it exists and use our current knowledge and understandings to treat it with loving concern and dignity. These moms are going thru enough personal hell, why should our system of support and help be an added hell. Let's also look to the future for funds to research the true causes, treatments and maybe even prevention so we don't have to see our love ones suffer. Our future (the little babies involved) is what is at stake here!
124) |
Ramona E. Cruz |
Location: Wagon Mound, NM USA |
 Thursday, 8. April 2004 07:34
I am up late at night doing research on PPD for my psychology 101 class. I chose this subject because I too suffered from PPD in July 2002. My daughter is now 21 months and a blessing in my life! I also have a 15 year old son, I did not suffer in 1988 from PPD. I was 17 years old when I had him and 31 when I had my daughter. I didn't know what was going on, I thought I was going crazy, I moved in with my parents thank god I have them and the rest of my family and friends that helped me through this! I can't believe how many women go through this no matter what their age is. I know of at least 10 women that are close friends or family that also suffered. I wish you the best, and hope that congress does listen! God Bless you and your family.
-- Mona :-)
123) |
Mr. Trace Lawrence |
Location: Chicago |
 Thursday, 8. April 2004 00:41
Dear Mrs. Blocker,
God bless you and your family and continued strength as you endeavour with this worthy cause.
Thank you for taking time out for our recent conversation. I hope that we will speak or meet again soon.
With every good wish, Trace Lawrence
122) |
Parlean |
Location: Los Angeles, CA |
 Monday, 5. April 2004 14:54
Mrs. Stokes, your family is definateley in my prayers. I heard of this struggle your family faced through the media. I just received this e-mail (invitation) to visit Melanie's website to gain a greater insite from my sister, Nasifa. Her daughter my niece (Aisha) has the symptoms of the same disorder. I'm so glad my sister is well informed and have let our family in on this condition as it may be the same Aisha is faced with. I pray that your efforts will continue to reach others with awareness. Stay in prayer and keep the love flowing as you are. God will see us through!
121) |
robyn latzzis |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 31. March 2004 17:30
mrs stokes at the time of your first walk i was living in indiana i now reside in evergreen park ill. often you are in my thoughts and prayers i dont know if you had a 2nd walk or not that would be a good idea i pray that time has healed some of your pain you truly are a beautiful soul.
120) |
Jessica Hill |
Location: Gulf Breeze, Florida |
 Saturday, 20. March 2004 14:30
I too suffered from Postpartum Psychosis around the same time as your daughter. I gave birth to my baby girl in May 2001 and suffered for approximately 3 months. I was hospitalized 2 times, and should have gone back for a 3rd but did not. I am now pregnant with my 2nd child who is due in May 2004. I am more aware this time and so is my family, doctors and friends. I know that my recovery was possible because I was blessed to attend a church in our area and find out that the representative from our area for Postpartum Support International was here in our neighborhood. I began talking to her and she suffered from the pychosis as well. Talking about the disease was indeed a healer for me. So, as you continue your crusade for your daughter, and of course your granddaughter, please know in your heart that you are bringing strength, hope, and peace to moms who are suffering. I pray God continues to strenghthen you as you get the word out to educate others!!
God Bless - Jessica
119) |
Angela |
Location: Australia |
 Friday, 19. March 2004 01:03
Dear Carol, i just saw you on Beyond with James Praagh here in Australia and heard the story of your daughter. I have never heard of the illness your daughter was suffering from and would like to thank you for airing the story of Melanie to me. Now i am able to research PostPartum Depression and find out the risks for when i am blessed to have children. Thankyou for your tireless effort in educating women of this illness. God Bless, Love Angela
118) |
Chris Moore |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 18. March 2004 22:54
May the peace and blessings of the Almighty flow down to you and your kinship. It was a spirit that guided us across your path in Pearle's Restaraunt yesterday. We all were moved by your presence.
There are so many people who's lives are sacrificed, as Abraham was tested with his only son, so that a light may shine on this World. You are the light that was revealed by your Angel. In the flesh we die, in the spirit we live forever.
Love always,
Chris Moore
117) |
Lawrence Sullivan |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 18. March 2004 21:37
We wish to congratulate the Blockers on the great strength and courage you have shown. I knew Melanie and I know of no greater tribute than the work that you have initiated in awareness and research. Thank you for your leadership and contribution to humanity. The Sullivans
116) |
Sara Robinson |
Location: McHenry, Illinois |
 Wednesday, 17. March 2004 07:10
I can not begin to imagine the loss you have felt, but you must know by now that by sharing your story you have helped so many people. You are continuing God's plan for your daughter. I have two children ages 3yrs and 6months. I had post-partum depression (and maybe psychosis)with both. I can't begin to compare the loss I had with yours, but every mother who has had this looses a part of herself, part of a dream. I am starting a support group (I think the only one in my count) so that even though I won't need it, it may prevent this from ever happening again. Thank you for your courage in sharing this with the world, you have saved many more than you can imagine!
115) |
Vanessa Gordon |
Location: USA,CA |
 Saturday, 13. March 2004 00:57
114) |
Kim Hagerty |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 11. March 2004 17:04
Your daughter's life will not be in vain, Carol. Know that others are joining you in getting out the information about ppd. I admire your courage.
113) |
Diane Fashinpaur, RN |
Location: Richfield, Ohio |
 Thursday, 11. March 2004 02:56
Thank you for your wonderful work. My sincere condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter. My "baby" is now 18, but my PPD experiences after the births of 2 of my 3 children will forever remain vivid in my mind. I will share the legislation information at a postpartum mood disorder workshop presentation I am delivering in May for the Mental Health Association of Summit County, Ohio. May you go on in God's love and light.
112) |
cynthia Bellard-Iverson |
Location: LA>CA |
 Monday, 8. March 2004 19:52
Good morning Carol and Walter
What a beautiful message that Carol has put out to the Public regarding PPD and I want to do all that I can here on the West Coast, especially in LA.\\May God keep and bless you both.\\
Love you both Cynthia
111) |
Doddie McClure |
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana |
 Saturday, 6. March 2004 03:50
It was a pleasure talking to you tonight carol. I am really looking forward to spreading the word about this illness. I cant believe i actually have radio air time to talk about the education and awareness of this illness, and I owe alot of my courage to seeing and hearing all the great things you have done.
God Bless you,
Doddie McClure
110) |
Elizabeth Grabscheid Kocis |
Location: Highland Park, IL |
 Friday, 5. March 2004 18:19
My name is Liz and I currently have postpartum depression. When I got really bad my Husband and Mother took me to the ENH-Highland Park Emergency room. Hours later they decided it would be best to admit me but I had to be transfered to ENH in Evanston. I agreed to it not knowing they were going to put me in the psychiatric ward. Luckliy it was only overnight when the intake social worker and doctor realized I never should've been put there, they discharged me. It's so important that people be made aware of PPD and that there are more hospitals that provide in patient care for women with PPD.
109) |
Gail R Titus |
Location: Upland, California |
 Friday, 5. March 2004 14:29
My heartfelt admiration for you and your battle to help these women.
I am the director of a program at San
Antonio Community Hospital in Upland, California. Our focus is on families of new babies and young children. Early in the beginning of this program my staff of nurses and a social worker recognized how often PNI goes un-noticed by physicians and other health care workers. We developed an interview technique and adopted a postpartum distress screening tool that has been a life saver for our centers and for our families. We are able to boast that we have detected at least 5 cases of severe posppartum disorders where the new mother had a plan to kill herself and her child. We have been able to get these women the medical care and support that they needed to get their lives back.
My hat goes off to you and your program!
108) |
Julie Garza |
Location: Summit, Illinois |
 Wednesday, 3. March 2004 23:05
I wrote earlier, but I wanted to add a few things. I think you are a wonderful woman with such strength and courage. Your daughter would be so proud of you for fighting for her. I always say I am going to write a book or start a group for moms suffering from ppd, but I really need to do it. I think about you and your daughter. I have a friend in pharmaceutical sales that knew your daughter. This unfortunate disease can affect anyone, and the world needs to be aware of how serious this can be. The "baby blues" needs to be pursued further. Screening should occur before and after delivery. In 1992, when I had ppd, I felt I was crazy. I felt hopeless, and non functional. I found a wonderful psychiatrist. Her name is Dr. Mian. She specializes in ppd. She truly saved me. It is very hard for people to understand what you and your family are going through. It took a long time for me to realize that I wasn't "crazy". It took me almost 6 months to bond with my child. I never felt the instant love when he was born. I felt depression immediately. It took me a long time to have another child, but with the help of Dr. Rubeena Mian, she helped me through the struggles before, during, and after my pregnancy. She is truly an angel. God Bless You.
107) |
Julie Garza |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 3. March 2004 22:28
My heart goes out to you and your family. I am a survivor of post partum depression. I tried to take my own life 8 years ago, after giving birth to my son. I know the hurt, I know the feeling of looking in the mirror and not knowing who you are. I know what it is like to not be in your right mind. Post partum depression is hard to understand to the people who have never come across it. If you ever have any questions, or need to let your feelings out, I will be here, and believe me, I understand. I hope someday to write a book, or start a program for women with post partum depression. It is hard for some people to understand what I went through. There are still people that believe I was selfish, or that I didn't want to take on the responsibility, or that I wanted an easy way out. I would never consider trying to take my life an easy way out. It was the hardest and darkest time of my life, and for a long time I didn't know who I was, and I was so angry at myself for having feelings, especially those feelings that are supposed to magically appear after giving birth (you know, how some people instantly bond with their children). I felt constant guilt and shame. I could not eat, sleep, or function. The more sleep I missed, the less I could think straight. The more I looked at my son, the more guilty I felt for not loving him. The feelings seemed so dark, and hopeless that I felt the only way out was to leave everybody. I could go on and on.
106) |
Betty Jones |
Location: Flossmoor, IL 60433 |
 Wednesday, 3. March 2004 21:44
God Bless You and Your Family and may you keep the strength to keep moving forward.
105) |
Tanya Pickens |
Location: Wheaton, Illinois |
 Tuesday, 2. March 2004 20:54
I am a very big advocate for better mental healthcare. I have suffered for years with depression. When I was pregnant with my last child, December 2000, I and my doctors decided that I should take anti depressants while I was pregnant and to continue after my pregnancy to prevent post partum depression. It worked! I, and my doctor, was lucky enough to know about my mental health before my pregnancy to prevent the debilitating effects of depression after my baby made her debut.
104) |
Tanya Pickens |
Location: Wheaton, Illinois |
 Tuesday, 2. March 2004 20:43
I am a very big advocate for better mental healthcare. I have suffered for years with depression. When I was pregnant with my last child, December 2000, I and my doctors decided that I should take anti depressants while I was pregnant and to continue after my pregnancy to prevent post partum depression. It worked! I, and my doctor, was lucky enough to know about my mental health before my pregnancy to prevent the debilitating effects of depression after my baby made her debut.
103) |
Wendy Goeldner Hermes |
Location: Des Plaines Illinois |
 Tuesday, 2. March 2004 16:03
I suffered from severe PPD in 1995 and 1998. Drugs and therapy never helped. Holistic cleansing of toxins in my body and thyroid recovery cured me from the hell in which PPD makes you live in. I hope to become a counselor, specializing in PPD, who can help women who aren't, like myself, finding relief from drugs, ECT or conventional therapy. Your daughter has been on my mind for 3 years. Again, with the death of another PPD mom this weekend, I am reminded of my fully help and heal those who have suffered.
102) |
P. Watson |
Location: Chicago, Il |
 Tuesday, 2. March 2004 13:33
May God bless you, you are truly a great person. You daughter is in heaven now where she can always watch over her daughter. Keep up the good work and stay strong.
 Monday, 1. March 2004 21:35
My thoughts and prayers are you you and your beautiful grand-daughter. Your daughter's story made me cry and also scared because I'll be giving birth with my first child on April 30, 2004. But, I did so some research on postpartum educated myself and daddy about this illness. May god bless you and your family. Take care.
Lots of Love... Janet
100) |
Patricia James |
Location: Chicago |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 20:25
Hi Carole, I am truly sorry about what happened to your beautiful daughter, Melanie Stokes. I know whatever I say or do will not bring your daughter back now but I do know that God promise mankind of a resurrection hope for our dead love ones. I can't imagine what you or your family is going through right now but I thought if you look at a couple of verses in the bible it will give you some kind of hope. Please go to the book of Revelation Chapter 21 verses 3 and 4. " God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry no pain be any more because the former things have passed away. Also the book of Acts Chapter 24 verse 15. "righteous as well as the unrighteous will be resurrected". If you would like to contact me please do so at
99) |
Cynthia Beck |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 20:03
Dear Carol, I can only imagine the lost you felt, I'm praying for you and your family especially your beautiful granddaughter who will never get a chance to meet her mother. Be encouraged and continue to fight the good fight. There is nothing worse in this world than ignorance. God bless you and keep you. You are forever in my prayers.
98) |
Deborah |
Location: West HOllywood, CA |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 19:04
Carol - your love and strength are astounding. I know you did everything you possibly could for your beautiful daughter Melanie and In my heart I know your love helped melanie in many ways. I will do all I can to help pass the legislation and get the word out. My prayers are with Melanie, her beautiful baby, her husband, you and your family. Thank you for your courage and for sharing Melanie's life with us.
97) |
Deborah |
Location: West Hollywood,California |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 18:54
Blessings to everyone. Melanie's story touched me because it almost happened to me. After a bout with pneumonia and a miscarriage a month later I went into a downward spiral for 6 weeks till my husband stepped in and got me a therapist to talk to. What popped me out of the horrible experience of acute anxiety/ppd was love, a safe place to cry and a support system before it all got too severe. The day before I saw a therapist I had tried Xanax and Zoloft and knew they weren't going to cure what I had. Having to try ddrugs was the scariest point in my experience with PPD - My obgyn made it seem like taking the pills was the answer - and it wasn't. What I realized is that I needed to know my husband and my doctors were there for me - I needed to be with someone at all times - sometimes holding someones hand while I slept, I needed to be touched and cradled in love, I needed to know I wasn't going to have to go it alone anymore and I found the crying released the anxiety that was bringing on convulsions. I also needed to sleep - without sleep I couldn't eat and without eating the anxiety was worse. I found Kava was the only thing that helped me to calm down without feeling drugged so I could log enough good hours in the day so that by night time I had positive experinces to call upon to show myself that all was not lost. Catching this early is crucial.
96) |
Kimberly M. Elliott |
Location: - |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 18:51
Good Luck in your struggle. My prayers are with you. I hope that you can get the legislation passed because this is an issue that needs more attention.
95) |
gloria mcclay |
Location: chicago Illinois |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 15:27
My prayers and thoughts are with you. Justput your hands in Gods hands.
94) |
DiDi Green |
Location: Cleveland, Ohio |
 Monday, 1. March 2004 15:18
Good Day Sisters and Brothers in the Spirit and May Peace and Blessings be with you.
I want to first reinstate your spirit as the precious being that you are. May today there be peace within you. May you trust GOD that you are exactly where you are meant to be. "I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble rememering how to fly. Ask the universal energy to give you the courage and strength to move past the fear and confront the dragons in your life. May you move forward with the strength of the Spirit of change and the wisdom of meditation and clarity. And so it is.
Even when we are dealing with a crisis-- health, finances, relationship or career, we can begin to tune in and see the bigger picture of our sacred journey.
93) |
Monica |
Location: Pepperell, Massachusetts |
 Friday, 27. February 2004 20:42
Dear Carol,
What a great mother you were to your daughter. I definitely picked up on that in the history of Melanie. You were supportive, understanding, always seeming to be there for her. You were both blessed to have each other. And now you are continuing to reach out to other people so that they don't have to go through what Melanie went through. It is your gift. God gives each of us a gift and yours is a gift of compassion and love. My sister in law is in a psychiatric hospital suffering from postpartum psychosis after having a baby February 7, 2004 and even though we are not particularly close, I really feel for her, my brother and the baby because I know what it feels like. I guess I forgot, but my husband reminded me that I went through serious postpartum depression after my 2nd child was born, was hospitalized for 2 weeks, was suicidal, had a suicide attempt with pills. I also suffer from Bipolar.Maybe this crisis will draw our family closer together. We should unite to celebrate and when anyone in the family has a tragedy. Thankyou Carol and Joan for showing me that there are people out there who care. I am sending you both a big hig! Love, Monica
92) |
Nina Simone Mack |
Location: Anderson SC |
 Friday, 27. February 2004 02:31
Hello Carol,
God is with you every step that you make.
Just remember--- Keep your message and your heart open.There are so few butterflys
in this big world, that we can always
use a few more.You have touched my heart,
and your message will reach millions
worldwide. Through the strength of Gods
love: We are all moving with the flow of
a wonderful stream that will one day flow
back to the sea.
Your Friend for Life,
Nina :-)
Call me soon.
91) |
Doddie McClure |
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana |
 Friday, 20. February 2004 23:55
I have messaged here before and I have talked with Carol a couple of times. I would like to share my story with you all. i was pretty much borderline psychotic, i never had delusions or anything or i never even heard voices. But i was far on my way and by reading my story you will see what i mean, if it wasnt for me getting the help ASAP, then things would of been much worse, ....When i was about 35 weeks pregnant i slipped into a major depression and had severe insomnia and never got any help until i was 4 weeks postpartum and was diagnosed with ppd while i was preg. and after i had it with psychotic features. I never heard voices or saw things that werent there but the night i had my baby i had these horrible thoughts that i was devil and my baby was the antichrist. Nobody had an answer for me they kept saying that it would pass, but it didnt pass, i had to be hospitalized because of the severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Things didnt seem real i wanted badly to be myself again . Before having my son i had had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy and was desperate for a child but i didnt understand why i was going through this. she said that my past put me in a higher risk factor and that i have always had anxiety put me in a even higher risk factor, never really been through depression, . but it is very scary at times when i think back at where my mind has been.
90) |
Location: CHICAGO |
 Friday, 20. February 2004 16:17
89) |
Jeanine Powers |
Location: Richmond, VA |
 Friday, 20. February 2004 01:23
My older child is 6 1/2, younger 4. No more for me. I have done some terrible things in the past few years, and am having a hard time getting through it all. I have tried lots of counseling by not really gotten anywhere. Not sure if it's my fault, but trying to take responsibility for my inexcusable actions...could really use some support.
When I first realized I was having postpartum depression & anxiety, I called the nurse at the Ob. office, she asked my if I had any feelings of killing myself or my daughter, and I felt so relieved that at least it wasn't that bad! But I have been overwhelmed and exhausted since. Meds have helped and quitting my job as a clinical psychologist has helped. But now we have no money and I'm afraid of where we are headed financially. My faith has increase tremendously in the past year, which has been more valuable than any other influence in my life...go figure, huh? So much for psychology...
Thank you for all the work you are doing. God bless.
88) |
Paula Gaskins |
Location: Washington, DC |
 Thursday, 19. February 2004 17:29
Carla is my cousin and I am happy to do whatever I can to see that this bill is adopted. I am Co-chair of the Social Action Committee of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Washington, DC Alumnae Chapter. As such, it is my responsibility to look at legislation currently being proposed by members of Congress and to make recommendations as to how the Sorority should proceed. That being said, we often make visits to Congresspersons offices to make sure our voices are heard. I hope to be able to do the same with this most important and worthwhile cause. As African-American women, we are taught to be strong and independent, which is great. However, we need not be so strong that we cannot turn to one another, when faced with problems. We are our Sister's Keepers!
 Thursday, 19. February 2004 14:52
in my family i too have witnessed the terrible things this disease can do. while not near as tragic as your loss, i commend you and wish you well in your wonderful cause.
86) |
Brenda Bredahl |
Location: Wisconsin |
 Wednesday, 18. February 2004 04:10
I spoke with Jennifer's M-H's mother Joan this week and she was inspirational, as you are. The letters to Melanie's site are incredible.
Laurie Klein's email mentioned a rally in DC. I think that's a great idea and would help in any way.
85) |
Location: PHILA, PA |
 Wednesday, 18. February 2004 04:03
84) |
JoEllyn Kish |
Location: Geneva |
 Wednesday, 18. February 2004 03:53
wow, what an awesome site for women. Often we are not taken seriously when these problems happen. We must take this very seriously, there are children at stake, and great mothers!
83) |
Nancy Swimm |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 17. February 2004 21:45
I am a friend of Carla's. You are fortunate to have such a loving comrade. My prayers go out to you and your family.I am a widow and a mother and fought other demons so I can empathise with your strength. God bless.
82) |
Jill Russo |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 17. February 2004 20:15
Keep up the good work. May God continue to hold you and your family in the palm of his hand. Jill
 Tuesday, 17. February 2004 15:54
Awareness and education is key. Keep up these great efforts! Gods Blessings!
80) |
Mary Niestrom |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 17. February 2004 03:39
You and your family are in our prayers.
Mary Niestrom
 Tuesday, 17. February 2004 02:49
This is a problem for many, yet awareness is scarce - even when women seek help it is often misdiagnosed or not addressed. Please continue your efforts to raise awareness.
78) |
Melinda |
Location: Country Club Hills |
 Monday, 16. February 2004 03:18
Great and extemely informative site!!!! Thank Carla B. for enlightening me! I will pass ir along! Keep up the fantastic work Carol!
77) |
Jane Rooney |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Sunday, 15. February 2004 15:38
I am so sorry for your loss. Your daughter was beautiful, and I believe her spirit did not die but lives on in you and her daughter. Your helping to educate the public about this disease is a great service to us all. Thank you.
 Sunday, 15. February 2004 03:25
As a social worker I appreciate your efforts of bringing awareness to this issue I have seen clients and friends deal with this.
75) |
Susan L. Darby |
Location: Dublin, GA |
 Wednesday, 11. February 2004 03:33
I teach nursing in Georgia, and I plan to use this story as an example in my class when I teach my students about postpartum psychosis.
Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your daughter, wife, niece, and mother.
I believe her story will educate the public about this disorder and help others. Please continue offering this service because I do feel it educates others.
74) |
Doddie Mcclure |
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana |
 Thursday, 5. February 2004 18:52
Carol...This sight is awesome. I hope you remember me and i appreciate the letters and the business size cards, i have sent them to different mental health organizations, i have also became what is called a Gate Keeper on the suicidal awareness group. I share melanies story any chance I get. You are a Beautiful and powerful women. Please email me or call me, you have my number. Remember I am always here for you. PPP is terrible and it deserves to be recognized. May god Bless you and keep you in his arms. Sommer is Beautiful. Noah has gotten so Big, well I will stop carrying on, drop me a line sometime. I emailed Dr. Phil wanting to be a guest on his show, if this thing goes through....I want you with me. Keep your fingers cross.
Love and Hugs,
Doddie McClure
ppp/ppd survivor
one son Noah
Born: 4/26/02
73) |
Tunesia Harvey |
Location: chicago, IL. |
 Wednesday, 28. January 2004 20:37
I was touched and sadden by reading Melanie's story as a mother I can relate to the changes she had incurred. I pray that you will find answers to your questions regarding this deadly disease and inform those who are unaware. I will pass this website on to family and friends. May God Bless You.
72) |
Tracy Snavely |
Location: USA |
 Saturday, 24. January 2004 20:47
This place is really good. I really like it!
 Monday, 19. January 2004 03:14
I have been researching postpartum depression for a developmental psychology class that I am taking online and I found your webpage. This is touching and I will support you any way I can. Thank you for sharing this story.
70) |
Sarah Fridsma |
Location: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands |
 Thursday, 15. January 2004 14:20
I saw your story a while back on Oprah, and was browsing for websites on PPD today, and recognized your daughter's name and website. I experienced a sever post-partum depression after the birth of our first son in July and with the help of many prayers, and much support I am getting back on my feet. I feel for your daughter, as I truly felt I'd never see the light of a new day during the months I endured this severe illness. I am an american living in Holland, and have recently found out that they have NO active support groups in the whole country at the moment. I hope I can help change that. I admire you Carol...and I'd do anything in my power to help anyone going through this struggle. Thank you for this great site.
69) |
Carol Hardman |
Location: Sacramento, California |
 Thursday, 8. January 2004 07:34
I hope in finding this website and knowing I'm not the only one out there (and that I'm not crazy)will help me as it appears to be helping some others who've signed the Guestbook. After 3 weeks of dissociation caused by PPD and extreme anxiety, I started taking Geodon. Is anyone else taking it? Can you still breastfeed? Right now i'm pouring breastmilk down the drain and my 4 month old is crying and screaming - likely from the soy formula.
My heart goes out to Melanie's family - I'm so sorry for your loss. And please don't give up on your 'battle'!
68) |
Debbie |
Location: Chicago |
 Tuesday, 6. January 2004 15:19
I want you to know that I had the honor to work with Melanie as my DSM. I think about her all the time, wondering how Summer is and how this could of happened to a beautiful person inside and out. I have learned alot from Melanie as a mentor, but mainly I was touched by her advice on life. She will always remain in my memories. I will pass this website on to all my friends, so she may touch them, they way she has touched me......
67) |
Hollye Morgan |
Location: Eglin AFB, Fl |
 Sunday, 4. January 2004 03:50
Hi. I was recently diagnosed with postpartum depression. My daughter is almost 6 months now. I have been suffering almost ayear though. I am currently under going counseling and medication. I was so scared to admit I had a problem. It has almost ruined my marriage. But, we are dtermined to work thru this. Thanks so much for sharing your story! Your family is in my heart and prayers. keep up the good work. Women like you make it easier for us to admit we have a problem. Thanks so much for your hard work and dedication to this cause!
66) |
Cecilia Jackson |
Location: Valrico, FL |
 Thursday, 1. January 2004 21:10
I am a student nurse midwife writing a paper on postpartum depression and I stumbled upon your site. I just wanted to let you know that I was touched by your story and I will carry it with me during each interaction I have with the clients I meet. God Bless your family
65) |
Norma Preston |
Location: - |
 Saturday, 27. December 2003 00:36
I just wanted to let you know that, you, your family, Sommer,and Melanie are in our prayers.
May God bless you in your fight against postpartum psychosis.
64) |
Location: CHICAGO |
 Wednesday, 24. December 2003 00:35
63) |
Heather |
Location: Missouri |
 Thursday, 18. December 2003 18:27
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your daughter and prayers to her little girl. I am a new mom and think I am struggling with some depression. Your site and the legislation work is so important. Thank you for helping people learn more about this scary illness.
62) |
Craig Gilmore |
Location: Chicago |
 Friday, 12. December 2003 17:36
Carol, Walter recently told me about this site. I know this information will be useful in the battle against our ignorance about not just PPD, but all forms of mental illness. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
61) |
Erica Folk |
Location: Chicago |
 Thursday, 11. December 2003 04:32
I admire you for all that you have done after Melanie's battle. I will do all that I can to get the word out about this site. It is because of the knowledge of Melanie's battle that I was more aware of my actions after the birth of my last two children. Keep up the good work and know that I am here to help spread the word. I love you, stay strong.
60) |
Mary Lyons |
Location: Chicago |
 Wednesday, 10. December 2003 21:12
Carol, thank you for enlighting me and my family about postpartum psychosis. I think the work you are doing to shout the effects of this illness to the world is marvelous. Don't stop....there are many who will benefit from Malanie's experience. We all feel a great loss for Malanie...however her spirit lives on.
59) |
Tina Lindsay |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 10. December 2003 04:47
Hi I browsed this site and was very saddened to read about Melanie's death, my sympathy to you. I am a mother of four and I suffered postpartum psychosis with my last child last year.I am still under medication and Iam still adjusting. This site was very helpful in confirming symptoms I experienced. The worst thing about this illness is the wondering"wil it ever get better, will I ever be my old self again?", the shame that one feels and the ignorance of others in regard to mental illness.The support and help of friends and family was great in the beginning but later when things get better but not well enough it's hard to get support, because it is asomewhat longterm condition, not the psychosis itself that only lasted weeks but the aftermath and the adjusting to medication.
I have along story.
I am thankful for your site keep up the good work.
sincerely Tina
58) |
Craig Beard |
Location: NC |
 Monday, 8. December 2003 14:45
My name is Craig. My wife has been suffering from postpartum psychosis. It is really frustrating to see my wife who has always been very witty and intelligent to be so disorganized in her thoughts and beliefs. I was wondering if you would e-mail me with some ways that you overcame this and what your family has done to help. How long will this last?
57) |
Henri & Olga Bryson |
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada |
 Sunday, 7. December 2003 21:55
Dear Carol: Our friendship goes back many years and the loss of Melanie cannot never be understood. Our prayers are with you, Sommer and the remainder of your family. Your plight to share this tradegy with the world will not let this loss be in vain. God bless you.
56) |
Miriam Kass |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 6. December 2003 02:34
Thank you very much for encourgaging me to check out the website. I so admire you for turning your grief into action. I have emailed my friends and family about the website and asked them to help get the word out about your legislation. I'm very sorry I never met Melanie. I am happy that my daughter calls Sommer a friend.
55) |
Location: - |
 Monday, 1. December 2003 20:32
54) |
Denise E. Gresham-Knox |
Location: - |
 Monday, 1. December 2003 18:28
Hi Carol,
I think about you, Melanie and Sommer
Skyy all of the time. I will do
everything that I can to share this
information with others.
You are not in this fight alone.
Know that you are always in my prayers.
This website is outstanding. Thank you
for all that you are doing.
Love always,
53) |
kimbriel |
Location: California |
 Saturday, 29. November 2003 07:23
I thank you so much for this page and for all the work you are doing for women affected by Postpartum disorders, especially Postpartum Psychosis. I had never heard of this condition until I developed it after the recent birth of my son. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and it's really a miracle I survived... peoples' misunderstanding about what I went through is what hurt the most. Some don't understand that it wasn't really me, but the disorder. People constantly try to compare it to Postpartum Depression. So thank you. Thank you for getting the word out.
 Friday, 21. November 2003 22:15
Dear Carol,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss due to Postpartum Psychosis.
I suffered with it for six months in 1986. It nearly ended in disaster.
My second son was born in 1991, I remained healthy most certainly due to preventative hormone therapy. The late Dr. James A. Hamilton relayed the info. to my doctors. I did not need any psychiatric medicine.
Thank you for your diligent work, alerting others to this dangerous illness.
My dream is that someday mini-clinics and hospitals will be built to give treatment, counseling and monitoring to women suffering from the various stages of postpartum illness. The hospitals would be restful and non-threatening (only for p.p.d. patients) women could safely stay there with their babies. -- I don't know how to accomplish this, but if we all get together -it could become a reality.
God Bless You.
51) |
Shirley Halvorson |
Location: Wilmington, NC |
 Friday, 21. November 2003 01:45
Dear Carol,
Your website is wonderful! We have spoken on the phone but never met. My daughter was also a victim of postpartum psychosis and I understand how important it is to get this information out there. It took many years before I got any information myself but I do my best to educate as PSI coordinator in NC. In fact, I probably "bug" everyone I meet by telling them about postpartum illnesses. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this but your message is a gift given by Melanie and carried out through you. Keep up the good work! Shirley
50) |
Shirley Halvorson |
Location: Wilmington, NC |
 Friday, 21. November 2003 01:43
Dear Carol,
Your website is wonderful! We have spoken on the phone but never met. My daughter was also a victim of postpartum psychosis and I understand how important it is to get this information out there. It took many years before I got any information myself but I do my best to educate as PSE coordinator in NC. In fact, I probably "bug" everyone I meet by telling them about postpartum illnesses. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this but your message is a gift given by Melanie and carried out through you. Keep up the good work! Shirley
49) |
liz |
Location: washington dc |
 Thursday, 20. November 2003 23:00
lots of info. and useful links on site.
48) |
Pat DeBonnett |
Location: Chicago, Illinois |
 Thursday, 20. November 2003 22:05
Our meeting today was a blessing to me and I hope will prove to be a blessing to many others. God bless you and Summer as you reach out to mothers experiencing Melanie's battle. Remember, the battle is not yours, it's the Lord's. Just let Him use you to awaken America to this serious condition.
47) |
LaVerne Terry |
Location: - |
 Thursday, 20. November 2003 19:37
God bless you and your effort to fight this soo misunderstood disease.
46) |
Cindy Anderson |
Location: Chesapeake, Virginia |
 Thursday, 20. November 2003 16:22
God bless you Carol for fighting for all those who are unable to fight for themselves. I suffered a postpartum psychosis 15 years ago after the birth of my 3rd child. It was not until he was 5 1/2 months old that I became psychotic. I was delusional--I did not want my husband to have my children and thought no one would believe me that my children were in danger from him, I was mentally incapacitated (I am a college graduate with a decent IQ and could not add 2 plus 2), and could not eat or sleep. No one knew what was wrong with me. They thought I had had a psychotic depression but it was a Mayo clinic doctor who finally diagnosed postpartum psychosis and put me on tricyclic antidepressants. It was months before I finally recovered and it was slow, but it was shocking to me when I got well and realized that the medical community doesn't know much at all about this condition. They don't even know what causes it. One in 1000 women will suffer this. That is a very high number and to think almost no research is being done to understand or even treat it. It is shameful. There is more being done about aging (Botox,etc.), male baldness, and impotence. What is wrong with our country? Call or write your Congressman in support of HR 846.
45) |
Courtney Secor |
Location: Pennsylvania |
 Wednesday, 19. November 2003 00:01
I am a nursing student who plans on sharing your daughter's story to teach other future nurses signs and symptoms of this crippling illness. If more people were aware of its facets then many women may be able to be helped and it would hopefully allow them to enjoy their miracle of life.
44) |
teresa twomey |
Location: Virginia |
 Tuesday, 18. November 2003 18:35
I have known of your daughter and your honorable efforts at legislation for some time. Today I have sent another round of letters supporting your legislation. But this was my first visit to your site. I cried. For you, for your daughter, her husband, her daughter, for so many others -- and for myself. I had PPP too and thank God that I and my daughter are still alive. (She was born in 1998) This experience changed my life. I am now the coordinator for PSI for Virginia and am working on a book of women's 1st person stories of postpartum experiences. Once I began to recover I became furious that no one recognized what was wrong with me - in part because so little is said about PPP. Thank you for being such a big part in changing that!!
- Teresa Twomey
43) |
Karen Kleiman |
Location: - |
 Tuesday, 18. November 2003 16:10
What a bittersweet and compelling tribute to your beautiful daughter Melanie. The work you are doing is impressive and so very important. I send my heartfelt support to you and your family.
Karen Kleiman, MSW
The Postpartum Stress Center
42) |
Carla |
Location: Washington |
 Monday, 17. November 2003 16:39
So sorry for your tragic loss of your beautiful daughter. I will help you with your effort to get proper facilities in place for our post partum Moms!!! Thank you for all your hard work on this.:-)
Carla PPD survivor
 Sunday, 16. November 2003 23:31
Thank you so much for having the courage to push for awareness of this terrible illness. Your daughter is so beautiful and I am sure she was wonderful too. I am sorry for your loss. I started suffering with PPD after a miscarriage in July. I never heard of it before I was diagnosed.
I will refer my friends and family here so more wil be aware.
40) |
Keitha Bailey |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 16. November 2003 22:04
Thank you so much for this website. I live in a state where there is no help for postpartum depression. I experienced it severely with my fourth child, but had never had it before. I was told by my mother that it was only selfishness and to get over it. As an individual with a master's degree in education, I knew that I wasn't imagining this. Thanks for people like you.
 Saturday, 15. November 2003 13:28
thank you, i learned alot from your website. your daughter was buetiful . i needed to learn more, i had postpartum depression after every child i had. i have 6 kids,im bipolar too so i am sure the bipolar had something to do with my ppd wich i wonder if it was post pardom pychosis. because i had 2 attempted suicide two times after delivery.i am still effected by depression, now for too long. but i will be ok. malanie's story brought tears to my eyes, because i can iminagine how horrible she felt and not knowing what to do,i can relate to her silence. bless her heart. your friend,and admireer, brenda
38) |
Herbert L. Woods |
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California |
 Saturday, 15. November 2003 00:47
My Dear friend Carol:
I will never forget the day I learned of Melanie's death, and how my heart ached for you and she. As you know, I knew Melanie from the time she was a little girl. Even then, I veiwed her as a bright young lady. As for you my friend, it is hard to believe that we have known each other for over forty years. Little did I know when we met as college freshmen that our friendship would last for a life time. I will always remember you and Melanie.
37) |
Helena Bradford |
Location: Mt. Pleasant, SC |
 Friday, 14. November 2003 19:15
GO, CAROL! I am so very proud of you and this beautiful website -- especially since computers are not your favorite things. :) I know Melanie is proud of her mom, too.
Your love and support have been overwhelming to me. I know whenever I hit a low ebb, all I need do is call you to become revived again. Can't wait until the time comes when I can email you!
God bless you and the critically important work you are doing in Melanie's memory. I love you!
36) |
TracyLynn James |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Wednesday, 12. November 2003 22:14
Hi Neighbor,
What a great tribute to one you loved so dearly. I sincerely hope that the efforts you make to bring awareness result in the passage of this bill.
I will pass along this address and tell friends near and far to look for signs. Most importantly, we need empathy and patience for our wives, sisters and friends. You never know what another person is conquering.
God Bless You-
TracyLynn James
35) |
Patty Fiasky |
Location: Lansing/Holt |
 Tuesday, 11. November 2003 22:59
Mrs Blocker,
You have no idea who I am my name is Patty and I am great friends with Scott and Nancy Reed. I met Scott back in High School. I talked to him today and he told me about this website. I read about Melaine and it broke may heart, you lost your daughter so tragically. I did meet Melaine once very briefly at a local restraunt (in Lansing). She was a very beautiful woman. I will spread the word and tell anyone and everyone about your website. God Bless you and your family, as tears run down my face.
34) |
Scott and Nancy Reed |
Location: Michigan |
 Tuesday, 11. November 2003 15:14
We think what you are doing will help a lot of mother's prepare for what could happen post delivery. It is truly unfortunate what happen to Melanie but, undoubtedly you will save another mother from feeling that same pain you feel now. It is wonderful to see Melanies spirit live on through you and I know Melanie has never been more proud of her mother. Fight the good fight and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We love you The Reed's
33) |
Nitonjia Ibe |
Location: Ok |
 Monday, 10. November 2003 01:14
The first time I heard of PPP was when I read the article in the Jet magazine about Melanie. The story gave a name to what I was already thinking about from other stories I had heard. I came across the website while doing a research paper about PPP, and how doctors need to educate women more, and treat this as a serious illness. If the symptoms would've been taken seriously many lives could've been saved. I applaud your effort in bringing this information to knowledge and I hope to get involved in the fight for more research about PPP and hopefully medical authorities will take notice and give women the proper treatment. God bless you and your family.
32) |
Nitonjia Ibe |
Location: Ok |
 Monday, 10. November 2003 01:12
The first time I heard of PPP was when I read the article in the Jet magazine about Melonie. The story gave a name to what I was already thinking about from other stories I had heard. I came across the website while doing a research paper about PPP, and how doctors need to educate women more, and treat this as a serious illness. If the symptoms would've been taken seriously many lives could've been saved. I applaud your effort in bringing this information to knowledge and I hope to get involved in the fight for more research about PPP and hopefully medical authorities will take notice and give women the proper treatment. God bless you and your family.
31) |
Kathy |
Location: Ely, NV |
 Friday, 7. November 2003 17:02
My daughter, a healthy, happy, lovely young mother with no history of emotional illness, suffered from PPP last year. I was so grateful to have had enough information about PPP that I was able to recognize the possibility that her unusual symptoms were caused by this little-known and much-misunderstood illness. Her first visit to the emergency room was not recognized as a serious problem. How eternally thankful I am that she was finally and correctly diagnosed and treated. Thank you for your efforts of education and awareness for this very serious condition. I'm sure your work will help other young mothers in this difficult situation.
 Friday, 7. November 2003 05:10
I am so grateful to you for creating this website and posting Melanies beautiful story. I didn't know her but I KNOW what she went through. I also had PPP as she did. I have felt soooo alone this past year and what a blessing to have found this site. I thank you that you are making a difference in getting it more known. This happens to women who have lived healthy, happy, normal lives like Melanie. LET'S GET THE SERIOUSNESS OF THIS ILLNESS OUT!!! Thank you, THANK YOU for making a difference!!!!
29) |
Clifton & Easter Washington |
Location: Las Vegas, NV |
 Wednesday, 5. November 2003 18:56
Dear Carol:
I am sure that this web-site has, and in the future will continue to make a difference in helping others to better recognize and utilize remedies to help deal with this illness. God bless you and your family in this effort. We will pass the web-site along. Clifton & Easter
28) |
Leslie Kleppe |
Location: Granger, IN |
 Sunday, 2. November 2003 06:48
Thank you so much for having this website. This will help countless women. I am a survivor of postpartum psychosis and understand the agony that Melanie went through. She is helping me heal and to count my blessings. I will always remember her and will pray for her daughter. You are making a difference, Melanie had a purpose and now she will continue to save others and take away the stigma.
27) |
Karen |
Location: Los Angeles, Ca. |
 Tuesday, 28. October 2003 07:34
God bless you...You are truly a wonderful mother and Melanie was so blessed to have you. A friend of mine sent me the email and I am so touched by your efforts to make people aware of the devistating effects that this disease can have on women and their families. Many times people are not aware of the dramatic change that can occur inside a woman's body when a child is born. Your daughter was a very successful and accomplished woman, wife and mother, who was suffering at a level that I'm certain none of us will ever understand. She is at peace now, and is smiling down at you and your efforts to help others understand the tremendous physical and psychological changes that our bodies go through during childbirth. Continue your efforts,and let your grandchild know what a great mother she has..I'll keep checking the website for updates on your effort and for ways to impact legislation that may prevent other families from suffering the pain that yours has. You are a strong and beautiful woman....Keep the faith!!
26) |
Dina Griffin |
Location: - |
 Monday, 27. October 2003 19:05
Hello Carol,
Thank you for thinking of others when you have lost so much. And thank you for reminding me of the power we have as U. S. Citizens to effect change. You are an inspiration.
Dina Griffin
25) |
Alma West |
Location: Park Forest, Illinois |
 Monday, 27. October 2003 18:51
I cannot begin to tell you how to feel.I will tell you to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your
path. I love you and I am praying for you.
Alma West
24) |
Ginger Campbell |
Location: LA |
 Monday, 27. October 2003 17:17
Hi Carol:
I'm Toni Balthazar's neice. I knew Melanie and was shocked when the Chicago family sent me the newspaper article. I think about her from time to time and I applaud your efforts in publicizing the condition. To raise awareness for this often overlooked disease is truly noble.
23) |
Joyce Griffin |
Location: - |
 Monday, 27. October 2003 14:31
I think about Melanie often and think the work you are doing is wonderful. I hope it opens the eyes of physcicians around the world but also helps the families of those that suffer from the same illness.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Joyce Griffin
22) |
Geri Vital |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 26. October 2003 22:25
Hi, Carol-
I was shocked when I read of Melanie's illness and death in Ebony. Each time I came to Chicago, I'd hoped to catch up with her and Eric and renew some of the warm friendship we shared in better days.
I'm sure I still will, but I'll have to include a bit more patience for Mel than for the rest of you guys. Give my regards to Eric, and save an e-hug for yourself. When the content of the website is discussed again, I think it would be great to post more family-type photos because it shows that PPD can occur in "average American" families, AND it would give me a chance to claim a few more memories that I never had a camera handy to capture. If you hear from Victor (Chears), tell him hello for me as well.
21) |
Mark Sanders |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 26. October 2003 00:45
Hi Carol and Walter,
Thank you for telling me about the website. In the midst of your pain and suffering you will be able to help millions of people by increasing the publics awareness of postpartum psychosis. I am sure of this.
Walter, when I visited your business and saw that you were able to have pictures of your daughter on the wall that gave me the strength to be able to put up pictures of my son who had also recently died. You are a part of my healing. Again thanks,
Mark Sanders
20) |
Mark Sanders |
Location: - |
 Sunday, 26. October 2003 00:44
Hi Carol and Walter,
Thank you for telling me about the website. In the midst of your pain and suffering you will be able to help millions of people by increasing the publics awareness of postpartum psychosis. I am sure of this.
Walter, when I visited your business and saw that you were able to have pictures of your daughter on the wall that gave me the strength to be able to put up pictures of my son who had also recently died. You are a part of my healing. Again thanks,
Mark Sanders
19) |
Helen |
Location: Chicago |
 Saturday, 25. October 2003 20:57
Carol, Walter introduced me to Melanie and your son, Eric. Melanie was a wonderful person and is surely missed.
Your love for her and the female community is truely a blessing to all of us. I applaud your work and unselfish sharing. You, no doubt, understand very well that your fight and cause belong to all of us.
I wish you well.
18) |
Carmen Gonzalez |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, 22. October 2003 16:37
We've never met but I am Edith's sister and I would like to thank you for putting this information out there for those people who may not know anything about the severity of this "illness". I'm sure your efforts have educated and possibly saved many lives, thank you and good luck!
17) |
Edith Martinez |
Location: Chicago, IL |
 Wednesday, 22. October 2003 16:30
We've never met, but I worked with Mr. Blocker and Eric and I met Melanie a couple of times. I feel fortunate to have met such a wonderful person. I applaud you for being so strong and I know that your efforts will make a big difference in many lives.
Edith Martinez
16) |
Sonia Murdock |
Location: Postpartum Resource Center NY |
 Tuesday, 21. October 2003 20:52
Dear Carol,
You are such an inspiration to me. I am truly blessed to know you and your family. Thank you for continuing on with the mission of advocacy and education to help women and families so they gain information and support about postpartum psychosis and depression.
Thank you for making a positive difference in Melanie's memory.
15) |
Sylvia Genthner |
Location: Long Island, New York |
 Tuesday, 21. October 2003 20:32
Dear Carol,
Thank you for continuing your efforts to benefit the women and families who need information and support regarding postpartum psychosis and depression.
I hope to see you soon.
Warmest regards,
14) |
Mercedes Roberson |
Location: Seattle Washington |
 Tuesday, 21. October 2003 20:31
I am deeply moved beyond words after reading your story. I am a clinical Social Worker, and throughly understand the anquish and sadness you must feel; most importantly, I am a mother who knows how precious a child's life is! I will tell the other health care professionals about this site, encourage them to support you in your crusade against this nightmare of a disease. God Bless you and your family! Melanie's death was not in vain! Her story will help millions!
13) |
Joyce A. Venis, RNC , DAD, inc |
Location: Princeton, NJ |
 Tuesday, 21. October 2003 19:38
Dear Carol:
Congratulations on this web site and for your continuing efforts to help so many people!! I feel very fortunate to know you, and to have been a part of this effort! I know that all of your hard work on Melanie's behalf will pay off!! Thank you for helping! Remember Always - Joyce
12) |
Debbie Burton |
Location: Morgantown, WV |
 Monday, 20. October 2003 20:02
I applaud you efforts to make the subject of PPD more understood. I, after having my third child (9 months ago) suffered from severe PPD. Noone I knew, including my doctor told me anything like this would ever happen. I remember the relief I felt when searching on the internet I came across DAD. It made me understand what was happening to me. I wish I could help women in my area who might be suffering with this silently. I'd like to help.
11) |
Jen Rolsky |
Location: Oak Brook, IL |
 Friday, 17. October 2003 18:46
Hi Carol,
This site is fantastic and you're a fantastic woman! I've been busy working on the documentary on Postpartum Depression and Psychosis and I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch more. Every day that I work on the documentary...I am toched by the love and determination that you and Joan have for your daughters. Throughout the journey, I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of "tough" women who have suffered from this horrible disease and survived. I just hope that the finished documentary will educate more people and get their support for this disease!
Jen Rolsky
Digital Realm Entertainment Group
10) |
Helen Jones |
Location: New Jersey |
 Wednesday, 15. October 2003 23:25
This is a wonderful website. I congratulate you on this positive effort to raise awareness and support for families who suffer from postpartum illnesses. As a member of DAD, I will encourage all my contacts to visit this site.
9) |
Debbie Whitehill |
Location: Newton, MA |
 Monday, 13. October 2003 17:32
Thank you for your efforts to bring this into the public awareness. Our Center for Early Relationship Support offers many supportive and therapeutic services to help pregnant and postpartum moms. We are actively trying to get the word out that help is available.
8) |
Laurie |
Location: Philadelphia suburbs |
 Sunday, 12. October 2003 02:22
I was so glad to hear that someone else was angry at the physician. When I think back, I think that if the doctor would have just listened to me more carefully! I "lived" with postpartum depression for 2 years. I was hospitalized once, and should have been a second time, but insurance denied me. I almost drove myself off a cliff located near the home of the woman who had to take care of my daughter since I was sick. I am very glad I made it through now! We had to move back to our home-town for my health. Financially, we took a lose on the house we had just purchased 2 years prior to having our baby. But, I am healthier and I enjoy my daughter. I just wish that I wasn't deprived of the first two years of her life because of a mental illness no one wants to talk about. I will surely pray for your family and write to support the bill.
Thanks for setting up the site.
7) |
Location: CHICAGO, IL |
 Saturday, 11. October 2003 00:58
6) |
Phyllis Stamz |
Location: Chicago |
 Friday, 10. October 2003 19:07
I know how hard u have worked for this.
It is a beautiful and wonderful thing that u have done to promote awareness of this terrible decease. And Carol, the bill will get passed.
5) |
Kathleen J. Hamill |
Location: Elgin, IL |
 Friday, 10. October 2003 14:16
Dear Carol,
This is a wonderful web site. I am confident that it will help spread the word about the misery and danger caused by postpartum disorders. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support for my client, postpartum victim Debra Gindorf, who is now incarcerated for natural life for crimes committed while suffering postpartum psychosis. If ever anyone was likely to effect change, it is you. Your ability to channel the potentially life-robbing energy of your grief into positive efforts for much-needed reform in this area is inspirational. You are one of personal heros! You can count on me to support any and all of your efforts.
Kathleen J. Hamill, Assistant Defender
Office of the State Appellate Defender
4) |
lauri klein |
Location: massachusetts |
 Friday, 10. October 2003 13:09
Hello Carol,
My heart goes out to you.
I am a Social Worker in Mass. Ex board member of D.A.D.
Now hear about a woman in NC. So sad.
Can we march? Can we get a date and have a multi city demonstration for the bill ?
Should we go to DC?
Your site says you have arranged marches
Tell me more. I would like to help to make something happen. To get us all heard.
So sorry about your beautiful daughter.
3) |
Brenda Bredahl |
Location: Wisconsin |
 Friday, 10. October 2003 00:42
You are an incredible woman, mother and grandmother. Thank you so much for your fight for families and this illness. I will always remember the rally in Melanie's honor September 02. Thank you for this site. I will call you sometime soon.
 Friday, 10. October 2003 00:42
 Friday, 10. October 2003 00:42